Saturday 29 April 2017

Chatlogs between Core Developer Eric Lombrozo & someone closely related to a large mining pool opposing SegWit

About the chatlogs

Last month I brought together someone closely related to a large mining pool that opposes SegWit and Core Developer Eric Lombrozo through Twitter DM. I came across this person in the r/bitcoin comments and ended up talking in PM, as he presented himself as a communication bridge. I had spoken to Eric once before and felt like it would be helpful if they talked to each other. I asked them if I could share part of the conversation, which you can find here. I also added another takeaway they shared when I asked for permission.

Why I'm sharing them

The outcome of the conversation is nothing new for most people in this subreddit (I'll also post it in the other one). However, the fact that it was new to the other person (and more people I've come across) made me feel like the general approach Bitcoin Core developers have to scaling isn't well known enough yet.

My summary of that is:

We need to get second layer scaling solutions like Lightning live ASAP, so that we can make data-driven decisions for potential backwards-incompatible blocksize increases in the future. The sooner we know how much pain SegWit and with it Lightning can alleviate from the network, the sooner we can make responsible decision to help Bitcoin scale both on and off-chain.

Everyone wants on-chain scaling

There are no Bitcoin Core developers that I'm aware of that never want to raise the blocksize. This is a myth which needs to end. Even the most conservative developer I've seen, Luke jr, wants to eventually get bigger blocks. Developers simply understand that constantly catering to user need in one layer is a losing battle that will make Bitcoin go down a path we can't return from.

Many of us got into Bitcoin with a long term vision, let's apply that here too, swallow the fees and be responsible. We only have one shot at getting this right.

Submitted April 29, 2017 at 11:27PM by SamWouters

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