Wednesday 28 February 2018

Antminer s9 shorting out KillAWatt energy meter?

Hey everyone! Im hoping to get some help with my antminer s9. I have a small mining operation that im running with a frined of mine for fun. we have one antminer s9 and ive been using a "P3 International P4460 Kill A Watt EZ Electricity Usage Monitor" to monitor the electricity usage to help calculate costs. the monitor was working fine but then suddenly it just died and wont turn on anymore. I figured it was a goof and ordered a replacement, but about a week into the s9 running the same thing happened. anyone have any ideas on why my s9 keeps killing these things? Does anyone else use these things to monitor their electricity usage? maybe im just using the wrong one?

Submitted March 01, 2018 at 05:08AM by wolfEXE57

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