Wednesday 30 May 2018

Broken my miner :(

Hey Reddit,

So i succesfully set up a little miner using my AntMiner U2 i bought aaaages ago and it was working fine. But i then decided to upgrade the rig a bit and built a usb power supply. Everything was working fine and when i tested it, everything ran as normal. HOWEVER, a wire touched an area of the miner and i saw a glowing chip and it suddenly stopped being recognised as a usb device. The chip that died was labeled U3 (See it here not my picture) and it has a little mark where you can see it has burnt. I still get a red led on the miner itself so it's not completely dead.

Is there anyway i can save it?

Thanks! :)

Submitted May 31, 2018 at 01:05AM by MetalCactuar

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