Thursday 31 May 2018

I have deeded free natural gas in WV and am looking for a partner or investor to scale the largest possible mining operation we can imagine.

We can get a commercial generator and mine on free power. This is 100% no limit deeded when we purchased the property because wells on the property. We have had it for over 30 years.

I own an asic mining cave right now. I can do all the work and can operate and keep up the miners. We can go 50/50, scale it as large as you would like. Looking for a large investor or partner. We can mine 50% of the miners directly to your wallet. I already have a decent size out building that could house 100s of miners. This is ripe for the picking. I'm estimating a decent generator at $25,000 usd if not a bit more.

Please contact me if interested. This is no scam.

Submitted May 31, 2018 at 09:31AM by N8twon

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