Monday 1 October 2018

r/Bitcoin recap - September 2018

Hi Bitcoiners!I’m back with the 21st monthly Bitcoin news recap.For those unfamiliar, each day I pick out the most popular/relevant/interesting stories in r/Bitcoin and save them. At the end of the month I release them in one batch, to give you a quick (but not necessarily the best) overview of what happened in bitcoin over the past month.You can see recaps of the previous months on Bitcoinsnippets.comA recap of Bitcoin in September 201801: A look into an illegal bitcoin mining operation in an abandoned power plant in Russia02: An analysis of $1B bitcoins on the move03: The Lightning Network surpasses 100 bitcoin in network capacity04: As the Lightning Network grows it will become more difficult to track its growth & The bitcoin price is at an all-time high in Iran & The legal status of Bitcoin globally & Someone working on a 3D cryptocurrency trading interface05: A Bitcoin explainer someone spent a year on & A Chrome extension got hacked and tried to steal private keys to cryptocurrency wallets06: The Goldman Sachs CFO on speculation about the bank’s bitcoin trading activities & Coinbase is exploring a bitcoin ETF07: Someone tried to attack Slush’s Lightning Network node with a 12 bitcoin capacity08: Someone paying with bitcoin in Rovereto, Italy at a 20% discount & The US and EU cut Iran off the SWIFT system through threatening SWIFT executives with criminal charges09: Someone set up their Bitcoin full node + Lightning Network node following a Github tutorial & Someone pays for a car wash in Brisbane with bitcoin & How Roman coins took hundreds of years to lose their value10: US regulators approve Winklevoss Twins’ fiat-backed stablecoin & Bitmain is now planning an IPO at 16% of their original size11: A new Lightning desktop app by Lightning Labs & A bitcoin trust fund is approved in Canada12: The biggest block yet is mined at 2.26MB & Hayek on taking money out of the hands of the government in 1984 & Google Play takes down misleading bitcoin wallets13: Someone gets a speaker fee in bitcoin after speaking for developers at a bank & Morgan Stanley offers bitcoin derivates to its clients & A $193M bitcoin transaction for a $0.19 fee14: A collection of articles and research on PoW’s efficiency & The release of the lnd v0.5-beta and C-lightning v0.6.115: A reminder that bitcoin can’t be eaten by the family pet16: Bitcoin’s energy consumption in comparison to gold mining, paper money printing, the banking system and governments17: The Robinhood investing app is making millions by selling user data to HFT firms18: Visa and Mastercard forced to pay $6.2B for over-charging on credit cards19: Japanese exchange Zaif gets hacked for $37M worth of bitcoin & A Butcher shop in Venezuela accepting bitcoin & There is a Bitcoin ‘glyph’ in iOS 12 & The Danske Bank CEO quits over a $234B money laundering scandal20: Europol research shows that bitcoin has not been used to fund any terrorist attacks21: An important bug is discovered and gets patched in Bitcoin Core 0.16.322: Bitcoin posters in Brighton23: People discuss the long-term bitcoin price24: Bitcoin from a teenager’s point of view & Bitcoin on who wants to be a milllionaire25: Slush Pool introduces an open-source operating system for some of Bitmain’s mining machines & Google ends its cryptocurrency advertising ban & Scrabble adds Bitcoin to its dictionary & Bakkt on its first Bitcoin futures contracts26: An infographic on merkle trees & Someone’s story of travelling across 18 countries using 1 btc27: The future of Lightning by Elizabeth Stark & Samsung is planning to build 10nm Asic mining chips & Some cryptocurrency businesses in the US have asked US congress to hurry up with regulation28: A discussion on why it is unwise to use bitcoin for crime29: Swissquote advertises Cryptocurrency trading on some office windows30: Someone created their own Lightning Network-powered Cola machine & The Prime Minister of Malta on blockchains and cryptocurrencies & People discuss how expensive bitcoin ATMs are via /r/Bitcoin

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