Monday 28 January 2019

This hodler finally cashed out some bitcoin but for the right reason.

TL;DR - I helped people that trust me to make their 1st plunge into Bitcoin.Like most of us, I am a crypto enthusiast surrounded by family & friend cynics. I eventually learned to not be "that jerk everyone knows that keeps preaching", as Andreas Antonopoulos warns us against being. To my surprise, some folks that used to warn me against crypto have now invited me to dinner and asked me to be their guide into this world. They wanted one complete bitcoin for every child they have. They didn't want to open an account online or meet a stranger in a parking lot. They knew I've been accumulating for some time.I gave them two of my own extra hardware wallet devices. I showed them how to create the decoy wallet and their passphrase-protected real wallet. I had them sync both devices to be replicas of each other so they have their primary device and emergency backup.I gave them a crypto steel storage unit and a padlock for it to keep it in the shut position.I explained how their hardware devices' pin codes are local and their mnemonic seed transcends them. I also explained the basics of how to keep their savings secure and how people have been victim to theft before.I think they're good to go now. I really enjoyed receiving this surprise request. Next time I'll be more ready. I'll buy two more hardware wallets, and another crypto steel with padlock as a "starter kit" waiting on the shelf. Maybe you should get your starter kit ready too. Your own personal skeptics may come surprise you too soon. via /r/Bitcoin

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