Wednesday 13 March 2019

After years of watching coinbase pro / GDAX markets getting spoofed...

It's clear to me that the only way for us to be able to take control back from the market manipulators pushing down the price of Bitcoin is for us to all move our Bitcoin off these exchanges into addresses that we have a private keys for. Go ahead and take a look at it for yourself. Go on over to coinbase Pro and look at the BTC USD Market in real time . You will see that there are people / bots just waiting to bring in huge sells with a hundred plus Bitcoin at the ask price only to delete it instantaneously and then push it down even further to the next lower price when there's not enough purchasing power at the buy side . I believe that until everyone with any amount of Bitcoin moves their bitcoins from all the major exchanges to their own addresses that the price will continue to be manipulated in any way that these manipulators want it to via typical Wall Street financialization techniques. Big money is all over this market right now and they are trying to get enough Bitcoin to be able to control the market indefinitely. They're using ingenious techniques of market manipulation with over-the-counter markets and cash settled Futures to heavily manipulate the price of Bitcoin. This system has never been present in any of the previous bull or bear markets that Bitcoin has experienced and we are therefore going to have to make it our mission to spread the word about the importance of taking physical custody of Bitcoin asap and avoiding custodial Solutions as much as possible. Otherwise they will continue to manipulate the price as they see fit to achieve their goals. via /r/Bitcoin

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