Monday, 1 April 2019

Bolt-A-Thon Finalized Conference Schedule (April 6th)

The Bolt-A-Thon is the world's first online Lightning Network hackathon and conference. If you're a Lightning developer, register for a chance to win 0.3 BTC, 0.2 BTC, or 0.1 BTC.Bolt-A-Thon Conference Schedule (April 6th)Below is the finalized Conference Schedule. Notable topics include:Conner Fromknecht - Architecture of LND WatchtowersAlex Bosworth - Major Limitations of the Lightning NetworkRockstar Dev and Britt Kelly - BTCPay code along.Rusty Russell - JSON Interface with c-lightning and Writing Extensionswww.boltathon.comTickets are 250,000 satoshis (~$10) per session. You can also purchase all 10 with one invoice at the top of our ticket homepage. If you don't have a Lightning wallet, you can pay on-chain with Bitcoin. via /r/Bitcoin

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