Friday 17 April 2020

If every US citizen that receives a stimulus check wanted to buy 0.1 BTC... it wouldn't be possible. There isn't enough

And that is being overly generous. There could likely only be less than 0.04 btc per person to go around... if no one else in the world buys any before them. Someone check my math if I'm off, but thought this would be interesting to theorize.

I am not saying that this would happen (as it definitely wouldn't.) Just wondering what is even possible if the demand increased that much.

So here we go: Of the $2.2 trillion stimulus package, approx $300 billion is going out as $1,200 stimulus checks. Which would be divided up for 250 million citizens.

Current supply of bitcoin is around 18 million coins mined. However it is estimated that 3-4 million are lost forever. So let's say that our actual supply available to trade is 15 million (conservative guess).

If the current total supply mined is 18 million, approx 11 million coins (60% of the total supply) haven't moved from their wallet in 2 years. If we subtract the estimated 3 million lost... That leaves 8 million unlost coins have been held for at least 2 years.

For arguments sake, let's say that 3 million of those holds will sell if the price increased and the other 5 million will continue to hold. That would leave 3 million that would go from hold to circulation plus the 7 million that are newly minted or already circulating.

= my estimate of 10 million coins available for market demand

Divide the 10 million coins by the 250,000,000 citizens with a stimulus check and you get 0.04 BTC per person...

Now could someone figure out a theoretical price point if demand reached that high? My guess would be to get an average rate of increase vs supply and volume during the 2017 bull run to see the rate of price increase as supply diminishes.

Again, this is no prediction. Just wanted a better picture in my head of how rare having 1 full BTC is going to be.

Submitted April 18, 2020 at 04:19AM by jazzywaffles84

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