Tuesday 4 August 2020

Uncle Passed ~4 years ago and just found out he was big into bitcoin/mining

I've tried googling to figure this out but I'm not tech savvy enough to understand/grasp it, so not sure if this is even possible, here is my situation:My uncle passed in 2016 after a very short battle with an aggressive brain cancer/tumor etc. The last year of his life was plagued with memory issues but he did talk a bit about bitcoin/mining etc, however in my head he was doing some type of folding at home to help cure diseases etc.Two weeks ago my aunt sold her house and began the moving process, upon showing up to help and clear out her basement I came across a varitable treasure trove of old PC parts. I'd say its hoarding, however it is all in immaculate shape and stored. Along with notebooks and some other information, we found the following:6 desktop computers with large cases and lots of extra hardware inside, after talking to a friend they believe these may all be mining rigs. In the basement we uncovered 6 boxes of HDDs and graphics cards, however all of the HDD's seem to be 2-4TB and may or may not be dead drives?I purchased an external HDD reader to see if there was any family pictures etc, on there. It's mostly family pictures and videos he'd saved or converted, however because of the news around bitcoin, and the amount of hardware, I wonder if there is a wallet / bitcoin whatever floating around somewhere in one of these drives. Is there an easy way to locate if there is anything of value here?Sorry for length, wanted to include as much as possible for best results. Can answer any other info.​ATM we have: 6 PCs with a ton of stuff crammed in them, stacks of HDDs, stacks of graphics cards and a buncha notebooks littered with numbers that are confusing. I don't think these #'s etc are bitchain/codes, but have now way to verify. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/30svkOw

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