Wednesday 30 September 2020

Don't do it mate

​ via /r/Bitcoin

Hey guys, remember Libra? 🤣🤣 via /r/Bitcoin

Just got a coldcard - extremely impressed

hola,been a ledger user since forever. like many i had my shitcoin phase but now i'm pretty much a btc only guy. bitcoin has gotten me more interested in open source and just decided i didn't want to use ledger anymore.finally got a coldcard today and i am surprisingly impressed with this thing. the build quality is absolutely fantastic. it was super easy to set up with electrum and now i'm good to go.i'm surprised how surprised i am. shoutout to the coldcard. via /r/Bitcoin

Another company moving to the bitcoin standard. Gradually then all at once ...

Submitted October 01, 2020 at 04:51AM by RedWineBlackPiano

Questions from Intrigued & Potential Miner

I'm sure your subreddit gets newbies asking questions about mining. I've been considering starting a rig for half a year now. There are some doubts in my mind about starting up a miner. The first one is that they're loud, the home I have is small and I have animals. The second is, I have a laptop (Intel Core i7), I'm frugal, and I've heard miners go up to $300 - $5,000. My goal is if I do act on it would be to join a mining pool to start a passive income.

Submitted October 01, 2020 at 07:40AM by Buddhist_Alien

Last Time There Was a Presidential Debate, Bitcoin’s Price Was $630

Submitted October 01, 2020 at 04:43AM by euphemized

Grayscale Buys $183 Million Worth of Bitcoin in 3 Days

Submitted September 30, 2020 at 03:43PM by asso

How to Pay Bitcoin for Code Reviews

Submitted September 30, 2020 at 12:31AM by NimbleBodhi

Getting more and more BTC - besides DCA as a method?

I'm wondering on the best strategy to acquire more and more BTC besides the weekly / monthly DCA method? Like exchanging different alt coins (LTC, ETH) to BTC when the exchange rate changes in our favor? Or is does not make sense as the gains are minimal and I'm better off with simple DCA?


Submitted September 29, 2020 at 07:41PM by xxchickenloopxx

"Crypto Minded" - original artwork by Moabit via /r/Bitcoin

New bill says a digital wallet will be created for every American and maintained by all banks within two months

Submitted September 30, 2020 at 04:27AM by Marcion_Sinope

Where is the best place to buy bitcoin in Europe?

Hi, where is the best place to buy bitcoin in Europe? via /r/Bitcoin

"In our view, Bitcoin’s clear value proposition will keep gaining traction and growth until it matures into a normal commodity of the 21st century. This is unless some black swan (such as a serious bug or a very large scale hack) cause the Bitcoin project to fail."

Submitted September 30, 2020 at 01:12AM by qbisq

The genesis block was created Jan. 3rd 2009- but at what time exactly? Does anyone know?

I cant seem to find the exact time Bitcoin was "born" not on paper but actually when the first coin was created. Not testnet either. Anyone know or is this a mystery? via /r/Bitcoin

Silk Road Founder DPR's Bitcoins Would Now Be Worth Over $1 Billion

Submitted September 30, 2020 at 11:25AM by Crazy_Surprise756

Grayscale Buys $183 Million Worth of Bitcoin in 3 Days via /r/Bitcoin

New bill says a digital wallet will be created for every American and maintained by all banks within two months via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, September 30, 2020

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

Tuesday 29 September 2020

A matter of time

If you stacked $100 worth of bitcoin every week since the last US presidential debate you would have over 6.15 right now...Total spent: $20800 Current value: $69000 via /r/Bitcoin

Kraken's The Great Debate Bitcoin & Intrinsic Value

Besides the white paper from Bitcoin, I haven't read anything like this for a long timeThe Dabate via /r/Bitcoin

I've failed... My dreams of confirming a low fee TXN won't come true this month.

For a bit of fun, I created a low fee TXN (493 s/kB) to see if pool would confirm below 1000 s/kB. Seems the answer is usually "very very unlikely". My economic game theory went something like this...Given the option to mine no TXNs or to mine TXNs below 1000 s/kB, miners would always choose anything over nothingThe cost of including a TXN, is practical nothing in comparison to the cost of hashing a block. The TXNs are just included in the root of the block header, so not really a heavy expense. Perhaps I'm overthinking it. Maybe most miners just use the default settings and don't waste a moments thought on anything beyond it. Maybe there is an economic factor I'm missing.Ohh well. At least PR #13990 is staying active... Guess I'm just impatient. via /r/Bitcoin

Silk Road Founder DPR's Bitcoins Would Now Be Worth Over $1 Billion via /r/Bitcoin

Hi guys! I'm starting a little crypto podcast, with high-profile members of the crypto community. This time around we had Jason Butcher, CEO @ CoinPayments!

Submitted September 30, 2020 at 08:41AM by Confesional

Disconnecting Simplicity Expressions - Blockstream Engineering Blog via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin and tax evasion?

Hello reddit,Before you rip me apart, please understand I am just beginning to learn bitcoin. I admit that the entire concept has really grasped me.My question is one of legit curiosity. Not trying to stir up trouble or say bitcoin is good or bad.But basically, if I have bit coin as currency.. what’s to force me to pay taxes? The government would never know how much money I have more how much I’m spending. Wouldn’t this make it really easy to avoid taxes?I understand that if btc were an actual currency that was provided by w2 income then obviously it would be reported to the irs. So this question doesn’t really apply to the potential future of bitcoin.What I am talking about the immediate future. Say somebody makes $100k on a bitcoin investment. Sure if they converted to fiat and suddenly made a $100k investment that would set off alarms, but what if they made small deposits as needed. Just a few grand here or there.I am not promoting breaking the law. I am just curious how bitcoin people reconcile this. I have a very high w2 income and I pay my taxes. Not gonna lie though, when nearly half my income goes to Uncle Sam it hurts! And I imagine that if there were a simple and u traceable way to avoid that I’m sure a lot of people would struggle with that temptation.Any thoughts are appreciated! via /r/Bitcoin

What is the path of least resistance to create a small store that accepts crypto? (BTCPayServer woes)

I tried to set up a store for stickers and stuff like that over the weekend, that could accept Bitcoin. I thought BTCPay Server would be easy, but this was my experience:

1) I've heard BTCPay Jungle is easy and good, I go to their website and it is only configured for the site owner and no obvious way to create an account, I guess it shut down?

2) I head to the BTCPayServer docs to find other third party hosts and find this list. I try about five most have the same problem as #1. One does allow me to sign up but won't let me continue without verifying my email. Unfortunately they never send the email to confirm.

3) I try to set something up in Google Cloud with the docs which links to this Github README which has a broken link to a YouTube video. Also the instructions do not work after trying them as is.

Isn't this the project sponsored by Square? Am I an idiot that I can't get this to work or is it just broken? I'm willing to try again and even go so far as to set it up on my own Raspberry Pi but given the investment of money and time and my experience so far I don't want to do that only to find out it does not work.

TLDR: do you know how anyone has set up a store that accepts crypto and how did they do it? (I prefer to accept Bitcoin)

Thank you community for your memes and help. HODL and all that stuff.

Submitted September 29, 2020 at 10:25PM by funnymarkmasters

Some people are addicted to drugs,some are addicted to partying and drinking and some are addicted to video games and Netflix..... ME? I'm addicted to watching people grow watching people become a better version of themselves and watching people becoming so financially confident that they can appro

Bitcoin mining

Submitted September 30, 2020 at 07:45AM by shamadahoward

Implemented LNURL-auth in Python to learn about LNURL and ECDSA via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin And Blockchain Are The ‘Future’ Of Twitter, CEO Jack Dorsey Reveals

Submitted September 29, 2020 at 10:55PM by hob_goblin8

Monday Art - Fullmetalmagdalene

Submitted September 28, 2020 at 11:12PM by tldr-hodl

Call me crazy but with so many awesome stocks making huge moves in the market. I keep on simply accumulating BTC. Not sure if its a healthy addiction but I have no regrets I guess.

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Submitted September 29, 2020 at 01:06AM by Tamerlane69

What is the path of least resistance to create a small store that accepts crypto? (BTCPayServer woes)

I tried to set up a store for stickers and stuff like that over the weekend, that could accept Bitcoin. I thought BTCPay Server would be easy, but this was my experience:1) I've heard BTCPay Jungle is easy and good, I go to their website and it is only configured for the site owner and no obvious way to create an account, I guess it shut down?2) I head to the BTCPayServer docs to find other third party hosts and find this list. I try about five most have the same problem as #1. One does allow me to sign up but won't let me continue without verifying my email. Unfortunately they never send the email to confirm.3) I try to set something up in Google Cloud with the docs which links to this Github README which has a broken link to a YouTube video. Also the instructions do not work after trying them as is.Isn't this the project sponsored by Square? Am I an idiot that I can't get this to work or is it just broken? I'm willing to try again and even go so far as to set it up on my own Raspberry Pi but given the investment of money and time and my experience so far I don't want to do that only to find out it does not work.TLDR: do you know how anyone has set up a store that accepts crypto and how did they do it? (I prefer to accept Bitcoin)Thank you community for your memes and help. HODL and all that stuff. via /r/Bitcoin

The State of Immutability & Centralized Authority via /r/Bitcoin

Every Wednesday there is a hosted Bitcoin Core PR Review Club on IRC. All welcome to join. This week's review: PR#18772 - Calculate fees in getblock using BlockUndo data via /r/Bitcoin

The Bitcoin Family: Still on the Road—After Three Years! In 2017, Didi Taihuttu sold everything for Bitcoin, convinced he’d be a multi-millionaire by 2020. How’s that working out for him and his family? via /r/Bitcoin

Could someone help me find my bitcoin transaction ID? Sorry for the noob question. I’ve sent the Bitcoin, however the seller has said I need to provide the ID. Urggg. Thanks. via /r/Bitcoin

Getting more and more BTC - besides DCA as a method?

I'm wondering on the best strategy to acquire more and more BTC besides the weekly / monthly DCA method? Like exchanging different alt coins (LTC, ETH) to BTC when the exchange rate changes in our favor? Or is does not make sense as the gains are minimal and I'm better off with simple DCA?Thanks! via /r/Bitcoin

Considering cashing out every other investment and going all in on Crypto. How stupid is this?

I know this is generally thought of to be stupid, but with the way things are going I have zero faith in any government backed anything right now, including real estate and the obvious things like stocks. The only exception is commodities and metals. Which would be the other 20% of my port just as a hedge.It seems like with the way things are going hyper inflation is on the horizon, and I have been researching the global economic forum and everything is heading toward the blockchain anyways.It seems to me bitcoin is almost in that "too big to fail" place, because it's used worldwide and even if every country unanimously comes together and bans it I don't even know how this could or would be enforced.Am I crazy for thinking this?Additionally, are there other complete doom scenarios that could take bitcoin down? I'm primarily talking about bitcoin here since almost all coins are directly tied to it, but my portfolio would consist of a variety of coins.What are your thoughts? Am I missing anything? I realize I'll get some very biased answers but hoping some people here have thought through the potential long term downsides. I'm only investing money that won't change my lifestyle.Thanks in advance. via /r/Bitcoin

A Novel Economic Institution with Yassine Elmandjra — What Bitcoin Did via /r/Bitcoin

Special shout-out to the user TheGreatMuffin

Submitted September 28, 2020 at 08:57PM by Bitcoin_to_da_Moon

Gemini Expands Into UK

Submitted September 28, 2020 at 10:25PM by The-Techie

What is your reason to buy bitcoin?

​ via /r/Bitcoin

The Greyscale Bitcoin Trust is now holding 450,000 BTC - 2.4% of the current supply.

Submitted September 29, 2020 at 07:33AM by Fly115

Lightning Network Failed Compared to wBTC: Roger Ver - TCR

Submitted September 29, 2020 at 01:04PM by Czfacts

Daily Discussion, September 29, 2020

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

Monday 28 September 2020

The More You Understand the Why of Bitcoin, the Less Likely You Are to Buy Altcoins

Submitted September 29, 2020 at 03:21AM by sylsau

The Greyscale Bitcoin Trust is now holding 450,000 BTC - 2.4% of the current supply. via /r/Bitcoin

Please add me! I need a mining network please! Install CryptoTab browser and get real Bitcoins for using it. Your earnings will keep growing as long as you're watching YouTube, reading news and using your social network accounts daily.

Submitted September 29, 2020 at 10:00AM by LaFemmeXxFatale

Why Proof of Work Based Nakamoto Consensus is Secure and Complete

Submitted September 29, 2020 at 02:38AM by Donald-TokenHash

The More You Understand the Why of Bitcoin, the Less Likely You Are to Buy Altcoins via /r/Bitcoin

Grayscale Adds $186 Million of Bitcoin to its Reserves

Submitted September 28, 2020 at 06:23PM by SaneFive

Bitcoin is a Currency according to a proposed Bill in Israel

Submitted September 29, 2020 at 01:07AM by KayleighSosnowski

Poolin provides all the tools you need for mining, for FREE:

Submitted September 28, 2020 at 05:56PM by bitentrepreneur

What to do with 4GB cards in 2020

Everyone who mines Ethereum and Ethereum Classic on 4GB cards is aware that the DAG file is growing, and after three months it won’t be possible to use the existing equipment. What can be done? There are three main options:

  1. sell all obsolete equipment now and buy new;
  2. mine until the end, while you still have this opportunity, and buy new cards later;
  3. mine until the end and switch to another coin from ETH when the cards stop working.

Everyone decides for themselves which path they want to take, and we’ll do some math and calculate how much we’re talking about for each of these opportunities.

Sell ​​now and buy a new fleet

So, you decide to get rid of rapidly aging equipment and acquire a new fleet. According to information from the Internet, we can conclude that 50 new cards will cost about $10,500 - $11,500. If you sell your old cards for $4,000 - $5,000, then the volume of investments in the project “I continue to mine Ether profitably” will be about $6,500. And the payback period will be about 6-8 months.

Mine till the end and change cards for new ones later

Perhaps this is the riskiest option of all, since there is a high probability that the cost of cards will increase at a time when it will no longer be possible to mine Ether on 4GB, and everyone start urgently switching to 6-8GB cards. It’s unlikely that you would be able to sell your old cards for more than $30-$50, so for 50 outdated cards, you will get about $2,000-$2,500. The investment in the new fleet would require at least $10,000, and considering that the prices are increasing, it may exceed $13,000.

Mine till the end and switch to another coin

And finally, the third possible solution. It also suggests using 4GB cards as long as there is a resource and on the most profitable pool. For example, you can join our CoinFly pool that offers +10% to everything that you’ve mined until the end of September.

Then you can simply switch to another promising coin, for example, Metaverse, Quarkchain, Callisto, Ravencoin, Beam, ZANO, Haven protocol.

Submitted September 28, 2020 at 05:21PM by IdahoOfficer

Just made some Bitcoin designs! Hope you like them :)

Submitted September 27, 2020 at 10:17PM by TwiceTrader

Bitcoin Sets Record 63 Straight Days Closing Above $10,000 - CoinDesk

Submitted September 28, 2020 at 03:14PM by niloc_w

TAILS OS: Become Invisible On The Web With This Ultimate Privacy OS via /r/Bitcoin

Mining Farms Behind Valarhash

Submitted September 28, 2020 at 04:57PM by Valarhash

1971: The Year That Changed Everything (Bitcoin fixes this) via /r/Bitcoin

Fully automated Bitcoin Mining Script at the cheapest cost. Check its function by taking a free demo.

Submitted September 28, 2020 at 03:08PM by peterhings

Bitcoin Sets Record 63 Straight Days Closing Above $10,000 - CoinDesk via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, September 28, 2020

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

Instead of worrying about BTC's price. Research the technology, be updated about the economy, and enhance your online security

That's what I'm doing, at least.

Just develop the hobby of googling a plain "bitcoin" to be updated about its current news. I enjoy reading the bullshit section of economy in WSJ. I basically believe the opposite of anything they're saying. Like a recent article claiming full recovery at the the end of 2020. What kind of a vaccine that is so powerful to end a worldwide crisis in 3 months.

Anyways, for online security I suggest:

- Yubikey with Binance and Google accounts. (Both support U2F, physical touch to log in, users have never been phished)

- Trezor one for Bitcoin storage

- ColdTi for Titanium-engraved recovery phrase storage

All three cost $99. It's the optimal security to date. Protect you from both digital theft and environmental crises.

Note: Be careful what chrome extensions you install. Some replace your clipboard and people have reported sending funds to the wrong address.

Submitted September 28, 2020 at 12:17PM by Leader92

Sunday 27 September 2020

How long do order from take?

I ordered the ether 500 m/h miner from about 3 and half weeks ago for $2200. I choose the free shipping and I live in the United States. Anyone know how long they usually take ?

Submitted September 28, 2020 at 01:38PM by seasoned_toker

Help us build an awesome Lightning Network product (and I'll send you 250sats)!

Thank you for your time to read this (and I apologize about the re-post)!We are a Taiwanese team wishing to build a lightning-network based product and hence, contribute to the Bitcoin ecosystem.Any responses to our questionnaire will be greatly appreciated. It should take only a few minutes.As a token of appreciation, the questionnaire has a section to submit a 1000sat lightning invoice.Click here for the questionnaireThank you in advance! via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin Will Morph From Rocket Ship to Cruiseliner, Says Macro Investment Guru Raoul Pal via /r/Bitcoin

Instead of worrying about BTC's price. Research the technology, be updated about the economy, and enhance your online security

That's what I'm doing, at least.Just develop the hobby of googling a plain "bitcoin" to be updated about its current news. I enjoy reading the bullshit section of economy in WSJ. I basically believe the opposite of anything they're saying. Like a recent article claiming full recovery at the the end of 2020. What kind of a vaccine that is so powerful to end a worldwide crisis in 3 months.Anyways, for online security I suggest:- Yubikey with Binance and Google accounts. (Both support U2F, physical touch to log in, users have never been phished)- Trezor one for Bitcoin storage- ColdTi for Titanium-engraved recovery phrase storageAll three cost $99. It's the optimal security to date. Protect you from both digital theft and environmental crises.Note: Be careful what chrome extensions you install. Some replace your clipboard and people have reported sending funds to the wrong address. via /r/Bitcoin

What is the greatest threat to bitcoin’s success beyond 2020?

As of today (September 2020), what do you think is the greatest threat to bitcoin’s success in getting to 6-digit price?Other cryptosGovernment’s banning/regulationsGovernments decide to become fiscally responsibleMining becomes unprofitableNetwork becomes too congested when price rise and transaction fees get too prohibitively expensiveFailure of micropayments (LN turns out to be not usable/scalable)Tether getting audited and bring down all cryptossolvency issues and liquidity crisissomething else not mentioned?Thoughts? via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin Rapid-Fire: BITCOIN HANG w/ Robert Breedlove, Erik Cason, and American Hodl via /r/Bitcoin

The Bitcoin Standard Podcast Seminar 5 with Michael Saylor

Submitted September 28, 2020 at 04:24AM by SandwichOfEarl

The system is broken: The POTUS, self-claimed "billionaire" doesn't pay any taxes by reporting massive fake loses, for decades, without going to jail or any consequences...

...while the IRS is going after Bitcoiners. The biggest banks around the world openly launder money for drug cartels, terrorists and all kind of criminals... without anybody going to jail, only paying ridiculously small fines when caught.The Fed and Governments printing and creating trillions of fiat money out of thin air. Negative interest rates spreading all around the world so you don't have savings and move your money to keep the stock market bubble inflating more and more.OPT-OUT with Bitcoin. via /r/Bitcoin

Best places to buy bitcoin?

Been wanting to buy for a while but i dont know what places are trustworthy, i have no intention of storing it with a site as i find no site trust worthy enough to store it, i just want it in my own wallet which i'll store offline.Also been reading a little about yubikey for securing ones wallet, i trust yubico to be a secure solution and it was mentioned it should be used as part of the transaction so that being a case any sites that support it would be my preferred option. (still looking into it) via /r/Bitcoin

Question for the People Who Think BTC is Going 10x or More

I understand Im on a BTC forum so the enthusiasm is high, and the recent thread about people who think BTC is all but destined for $100k+, and sooner rather than later (many people saying 2021, few people saying 2030)...

Are you throwing every last available dollar into BTC because if those are you sincere beliefs it pretty much seems foolish not to.

Im bullish on it, dont have a particular date or price in mind but I do think its going up, but 10x in a year, or ever 10 years, would be the best investment game in town by orders of magnitude.

Submitted September 28, 2020 at 04:29AM by lonnie123

How to buy bitcoin in Tunisia ?

Hey everyone, I’m currently living in Tunisia and I’m looking to buy some Bitcoin. I am having some troubles finding a way to do so. Payment methods like PayPal aren’t available here so I was wondering where and how do you guys do it?

Submitted September 27, 2020 at 09:35PM by dimensionmann

Best fee rate for routing in lightning

I set up many big channels to popular nodes in the network and balanced them so that remote and local capacity are as evenly distributed as possible.

The fee rate of all my channels is the default setting of 1 sat base fee and 1 mSat fee rate.

I see some of my peers have different policies like 0.5 sats base fee and 500mSat fee rate.

I got some decent amount of routing in the past, my node is running ~3 months so far and I got ~750 forwardings in total.

Now I want to increase the amount of routing my node does and I think opening balanced high capacity channels to popular nodes was the first step and now I am wondering about the fee rates and if there is something than can be optimized.

Do you have any tips or experience yourself you can tell me about, maybe any lightning node operators that have already experimented with fee rates?

Edit: I do this as a self experiment to see what yields the best results for my own curiosity, I don't do this to earn any real money.

Submitted September 27, 2020 at 06:18PM by Immediate-Host

Room for growth? Google Trends for Bitcoin dropped to pre-COVID19 levels, despite Bitcoin is trading above the $10K mark

Submitted September 27, 2020 at 04:59PM by magnuspetrus

Anthony Pompliano: 'There's No Better Asset in the World Than Bitcoin' (1-minute audio clip from his podcast with Jim Cramer) via /r/Bitcoin

Taproot/Schnorr Update??

Does anyone know where these updates are? I thought 2020 was the year for this. Did I miss it? Is it on track?

Submitted September 26, 2020 at 10:31PM by abalcs81

Galaxy Digital: Bitcoin’s Price Potential Is Greater Than 60x via /r/Bitcoin

I want to get some Bitcoin for family and friends for Xmas. What’s the best way to give out different wallets to each person

No text found

Submitted September 27, 2020 at 06:33AM by steeviegreenie

What does it mean that bitcoin is not fungible?

When they say that Bitcoin is non fungible, what does it mean exactly? via /r/Bitcoin

Everyone is posting their new local BTC ATMs. This guy is standing at my local shopping center since 2014.

Submitted September 26, 2020 at 08:31PM by theprodigy_s

Best fee rate for routing in lightning

I set up many big channels to popular nodes in the network and balanced them so that remote and local capacity are as evenly distributed as possible.The fee rate of all my channels is the default setting of 1 sat base fee and 1 mSat fee rate.I see some of my peers have different policies like 0.5 sats base fee and 500mSat fee rate.I got some decent amount of routing in the past, my node is running ~3 months so far and I got ~750 forwardings in total.Now I want to increase the amount of routing my node does and I think opening balanced high capacity channels to popular nodes was the first step and now I am wondering about the fee rates and if there is something than can be optimized.Do you have any tips or experience yourself you can tell me about, maybe any lightning node operators that have already experimented with fee rates?Edit: I do this as a self experiment to see what yields the best results for my own curiosity, I don't do this to earn any real money. via /r/Bitcoin

Help me respond to my banker dad’s theory about BTC.

In a long conversation about investing, me and my dad agree that Cryptocurrency will play a significant role in the future’s financial system. My dad acknowledges the power of the tech and has some fascination with smart contract platforms like ETH.But..He argues against buying BTC specifically. His theory is that BTC is fundamentally similar to gold from an economics stand point, yes, but there is nothing specifically special about BTC in the Crypto ecosystem other than the fact that it’s got the first mover advantage. Apparently, BTC is popular only’s popular!Gold is special in its use cases, as it plays a significant role in jewellery, manufacturing and areas that make it physically superior to other metals - But nothing actually makes BTC superior to other cryptocurrencies other than the large number of people that trust the network today. His view is that if BTC was replicated but with slightly better tech (for example, further decentralisation by making entry to mining easier/cheaper), the original BTC will lose in the long run. His view is that BTC is superior today but not tomorrow.Help. via /r/Bitcoin

How to Keep Your Identity Safe While Using Bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

Room for growth? Google Trends for Bitcoin dropped to pre-COVID19 levels, despite Bitcoin is trading above the $10K mark via /r/Bitcoin

How to Learn Bitcoin From Command Line

Hello everyone, I've been a long time BTC supporter and I'm wanting to dive deeper and learn Bitcoin from command line. Unfortunately, I have zero programming experience. I know the very basic terms but the only code I've ever written is "hello, world".

Before I start diving into command line I think it's best for me to read guides or watch youtube videos. Can someone help me on where to start? The link below is what popped up on Google but I don't even know where to start on GitHub so I'm quite lost. Any links or videos that can help me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Submitted September 27, 2020 at 05:00AM by tpmv69

This election and all the uncertainty can't be good for the US dollar? Good for Bitcoin?

Submitted September 27, 2020 at 05:52AM by CoinSavage

Weiss Ratings: Nothing Comes Close To Buying And Hodling Bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, September 27, 2020

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

Saturday 26 September 2020

This is your daily reminder

Money printer still going brrrrrrrrr

Submitted September 26, 2020 at 09:34PM by PorbyUK

Chinese Mining Rig Manufacturer Microbt Announces Offshore ASIC Factory

Submitted September 27, 2020 at 11:25AM by bitdex

18,500,000 btc mined

This is more than 88% of the total amount of btc that will ever be in circulation.

Submitted September 27, 2020 at 09:11AM by Texugo_do_mel

Venezuela turns to satellites to connect Bitcoin nodes

Submitted September 27, 2020 at 12:48AM by KayleighSosnowski

I want to get some Bitcoin for family and friends for Xmas. What’s the best way to give out different wallets to each person

No text found via /r/Bitcoin

18,500,000 btc mined

This is more than 88% of the total amount of btc that will ever be in circulation. via /r/Bitcoin