Tuesday 29 September 2020

I've failed... My dreams of confirming a low fee TXN won't come true this month.

For a bit of fun, I created a low fee TXN (493 s/kB) to see if pool would confirm below 1000 s/kB. Seems the answer is usually "very very unlikely". My economic game theory went something like this...Given the option to mine no TXNs or to mine TXNs below 1000 s/kB, miners would always choose anything over nothingThe cost of including a TXN, is practical nothing in comparison to the cost of hashing a block. The TXNs are just included in the root of the block header, so not really a heavy expense. Perhaps I'm overthinking it. Maybe most miners just use the default settings and don't waste a moments thought on anything beyond it. Maybe there is an economic factor I'm missing.Ohh well. At least PR #13990 is staying active... Guess I'm just impatient. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/30isUl5

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