Saturday 31 October 2020

All I want for Christmas is a 20k bitcoin

No text found

Submitted November 01, 2020 at 07:39AM by demthiccthighs

A fun way to keep track of the BTC/USD price

I was looking on the web for something which showed the bitcoin price using funny animations, but could not find anything. So I decided to code something myself: A biker who rides on a landscape the curvature of which follows the BTC/USD price live:

I just started this out and would be glad to get some feedback, before refining the implementation.

One thing that I'm presently thinking to introduce are background landscapes which show the price at different time frames.

Also, I would be curious to know if something like that already existed on the web.

Submitted November 01, 2020 at 12:25AM by ChartInsights

I hate spending money...

Just wondering if this is a "bitcoiner" trait or any likeminded people out there. I've always been a saver, and ever since becoming involved in bitcoin for a few years back, I've been appealed to the self-sovereign, store of value, philosophy. I've always just put my leftovers of my paycheck in bitcoin. Every time I contemplate spending money for something I don't really need (outside of food, rent, transport, bills etc.) I've always asked myself, "Do I really need xyz, or can I put that extra money toward bitcoin?"

Basically every month, 3 things happen on payday: 1. I pay off my monthly credit card in full (since all my expenses and bills are on a cc), 2. I pay my monthly rent (since it cannot be paid on credit), and 3. I put all the leftovers in a savings account and/or in bitcoin. Then I repeat this every month at payday. I have 2 numbers to review each month, how much I spent on my cc, and how much I saved/put in bitcoin as leftovers.

I've been doing this since 2017, since the last bullrun, and I've had no desires to ever sell since then. I don't care about trading, I want to be self-sovereign, without relying on government policy/spending, I don't want to see my money rot away in a savings account as I hold my wealth for the many years to come.

Submitted October 31, 2020 at 06:52PM by brando2131

Reminder: if you haven't setup an account with an exchange, do so now

Nothing wrong with lurking and watching or even participating in the conversation while remaining a "no coiner". Taking time to educate yourself is best. However, setup an account with an exchange WELL before you plan on buying. Get your Trezor or Ledger if you can. Perform some tiny test transactions, and make sure you know how to deposit/buy/sell/withdraw, and the timeframe each takes.If you wait until things get spicy, you may miss out or run into delays. via /r/Bitcoin

Happy $14K Halloween - loved making these

Submitted November 01, 2020 at 06:15AM by KiloHotelAlpha

Bitcoin hits $14k on its 12th birthday as crypto figures hail asset via /r/Bitcoin

All I want for Christmas is a 20k bitcoin

No text found via /r/Bitcoin

Can you feel it ?

Submitted October 31, 2020 at 06:12PM by Mekilekon

bfg miner error Failed to open Device Parameters registry key in lowl-vcom.c _vcom_devinfo_scan_windows__hubport():556: The system cannot find the file specified.

I have 10 moonlander 2 and I just bought another one I installed it with a new razer keyboard and now I am getting the following error with BFG miner

Failed to open Device Parameters registry key in lowl-vcom.c _vcom_devinfo_scan_windows__hubport():556: The system cannot find the file specified.

Can anyone help me fix it?

Submitted November 01, 2020 at 07:04AM by Disastrous_Nothing36

CNBC Anchor Pete Najarian REVEALS His Bitcoin Holdings! Big Change From Last 12 Years | Co-Host Tim Seymour Reassures CNBC Audience That Bitcoin Is Legitimate via /r/Bitcoin

Happy $14K Halloween - loved making these via /r/Bitcoin

Is the prophecy coming true? via /r/Bitcoin

High of 2019 beaten

Bitcoooooooooooooin! via /r/Bitcoin

I finally achieved my goal of 0.021 BTC !

Took me a full year of saving and a few stressful trades but I made it to my goal. Not much but it's a start!

Remember - not your keys, not your coins.

Stay well everyone!

What are your crypto goals?

Submitted October 31, 2020 at 12:55PM by internet_random

Questions about mining

Hey I new to mining and want to get into it! I was looking at the new bitmain s19 proS. I would get around .06-7 kw/h. It seems to be very profitable and able to pay for it self within a year. Is there something else I’m missing? And if the bitcoin price skyrockets wouldn’t that make it even better to mine? Please let me know!

Submitted October 31, 2020 at 03:55PM by trotterzz

Iran's central bank will now legally hold all Bitcoin used for imports/exports allowing them to bypass USD via /r/Bitcoin

Some long term goals ⛰

Submitted October 31, 2020 at 02:01AM by digitalmoneyguru

Proud to use this customized card everywhere. Indirect marketing to future HODLers.

Submitted October 31, 2020 at 06:49AM by nonononodno


I’m super interested in BTC. So interested that I want to mine bitcoin. Ik there is a lot that goes into it! Let’s say the bitcoin price goes up at around 100,000k a coin. Would it be profitable even though we have already mined most of the bitcoin that ever gonna be rewarded (18.5mil atm of 21mil). Let’s say I was gonna put 100,000k to fund my project. Please let me know if this would be possible at be profitable or even break even. ( also maybe able to get cheap electricity)😄

Submitted October 31, 2020 at 01:14PM by trotterzz

Bitcoin Recovery

Do you need help in; retrieving stolen bitcoin, recovering scammed bitcoin, reporting a bitcoin scammer to reclaim crypto? There is only one way to go about recovering your lost money. You should hire a bitcoin recovery expert or funds recovery expert to help recover money lost to binary options forex, and bitcoin cryptocurrency scams.

Contact FraudAntagonist via Info@fraudantagonist

Submitted October 31, 2020 at 01:24PM by Jindalma

Jeremy Allaire, Co-Founder & CEO Circle Keen on using PayPal to Buy Bitcoin

Submitted October 31, 2020 at 01:50PM by Czfacts

‘Cash Is Trash,’ So Let’s Bet $425 Million on Bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

I finally achieved my goal of 0.021 BTC !

Took me a full year of saving and a few stressful trades but I made it to my goal. Not much but it's a start!Remember - not your keys, not your coins.Stay well everyone!What are your crypto goals? via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, October 31, 2020

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

The Bitcoin white paper abstract made from USD. Happy 12th birthday! via /r/Bitcoin

Friday 30 October 2020

55% of American investors interested in purchasing Bitcoin. 19% more than a year ago. From Ameritrade.

Submitted October 30, 2020 at 11:45PM by whoissn

Bitcoin is approaching new highs - Only 41 days have been higher via /r/Bitcoin

Interesting wrapped article from UK via /r/Bitcoin

Happy 12th Birthday BTC !

Submitted October 31, 2020 at 08:08AM by GbGb456

why did Bitcoin go up today even tho the stock market went down? I'm glad you ask, its because Grayscale ETF bought 5,190 BTC today

grayscale bitcoin ownership +added bitcoins that day

465,196.251699 BTC as of 10/16/2020 = +8,659.05

465,307.212256 BTC as of 10/19/2020 = + 110.96

465,420.277404 BTC as of 10/20/2020 = + 113.06

465,500.039475 BTC as of 10/21/2020 = + 79.76

466,591.246521 BTC as of 10/22/2020 = + 1,091.20

467,280.740948 BTC as of 10/23/2020 = + 689.49

467,511.015376 BTC as of 10/24/2020 = + 230.27

471,924.518340 BTC as of 10/27/2020 = + 4,413.50

473,139.841716 BTC as of 10/28/2020 = + 1,215.32

473,861.168652 BTC as of 10/29/2020 = + 721.32

479,052.150352 BTC as of 10/30/2020 = + 5,190.98


Bitcoin no longer follows stocks. Bitcoin will go up regardless of what stocks, ect do. To da moon!

Submitted October 31, 2020 at 05:47AM by atrueretard


Submitted October 31, 2020 at 07:29AM by Demensus

Proud to use this customized card everywhere. Indirect marketing to future HODLers. via /r/Bitcoin

Happy 12th Birthday BTC ! via /r/Bitcoin

How Bitcoin's Antifragility Makes it Almost Unstoppable

Submitted October 31, 2020 at 01:21AM by SaneFive

The Largest Ever Bitcoin Options Trade Was Just Filed

The Bitcoin options market is exploding in volume as it sees its biggest BTC options trade via /r/Bitcoin

Why Bitcoin is #1 Crypto via /r/Bitcoin

How hardware wallet Work ?

its work like coinbase/binance wallet you just send coins from exchange app to hardware wallet ?if i get Ledge is already everyting in or i need install apps ? also i dont need any extra wallet app in to save coins ? via /r/Bitcoin

Family, I'm here

I'd like to join the bitcoin community of reddit for the first time. I hope my family will give more comments。 via /r/Bitcoin

Ways to get quick bitcoin confirmation time

Mempool is stuck again and transaction fees have risen to $5 again. There are a few things you can do to get quicker transaction time.Use Segwit Native Wallet: These wallets can help you save the fees by 38%. Wallets addresses that begin with bc1 are native segwit. Here is a complete list of wallets that support this.Decrease TxOut Fragmentation: Send complete wallet balance to yourself at 1 satoshi/byte during weekends. This will reduce txout number and your subsequent transaction will have a lower fee. via /r/Bitcoin

Announcing CLBOSS - Automated C-Lightning Node Manager

Submitted October 30, 2020 at 04:44AM by NimbleBodhi

Numbers Don’t Lie, Bitcoin Is a Once-in-Lifetime Opportunity

Submitted October 30, 2020 at 01:44AM by sylsau

Mempool stuck again...

It is absolutely great to see that bitcoin is rising but once again the mempool is stuck with transaction fees rising to almost $5 and more. Transactions with low fees are getting stuck for days and still not confirming.

Some people argue that if you want quick confirmation then use lightning network, but the truth is that lightning network is not that widely supported, its good for microtransactions and still risky.

Is there no solution to bitcoin's rise in fees every time its price rises?

Anyhow if your transaction is stuck in the mempool, you can check the status using a block explorer that also gives you an estimate of confirmation time.

Before sending a bitcoin transaction it is always advised to send the appropriate fees if you want to have it confirmed quickly, wallets now usually give you an estimate of the fees along with the corresponding confirmation time.

You can still check for an estimate of the fees here:

If your transaction is stuck you can either wait or use a transaction accelerator like:

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 11:34PM by primalfabric

Bitcoin Fees Skyrocket, Some Transactions Taking Days, Relief Possible Next Week

Submitted October 30, 2020 at 08:18PM by thegreatknockjl

Don't Sleep on Lightning - LN Development Progress & Future

Submitted October 30, 2020 at 03:52AM by NimbleBodhi

Don't forget to set a reminder for this Saturday! — Bitcoin and Friends are caught in the trial of the decade. Will they be put in prison for life as “drug kingpins” or will the dubious powers that be let them go free? — New episode of Bitcoin of Friends is almost here! 📺 via /r/Bitcoin

Transaction stuck? Read this

In the last days we have been experiencing a sharp rise in price, which is historically correlated with many people transacting over the Bitcoin network. Many people transacting over the Bitcoin network implies that the blockspace is in popular demand, meaning that when you send a transaction, it has to compete with other transactions for the inclusion in one of the blocks in the future. Miners are motivated by profits and transactions that pay more than other transactions are preferred when mining a new block. Although the network is working as intended (blockspace is a scarce good, subject to supply/demand dynamics, regulated purely by fees), people who are unfamiliar with it might feel worried that their transaction is “stuck” or otherwise somehow lost or “in limbo”. This post attempts to explain how the mempool works, how to optimize fees and that one does not need to worry about their funds.TL;DR: Your funds are safe. Just be patient* and it'll be confirmed at some point. A transaction either will be confirmed or it never leaves your wallet, so there is nothing to worry about in regards to the safety of your coins.You can see how the mempool "ebbs and flows", and lower fee transactions get confirmed in the "ebb" times (weekends, nights):,30dHere’s how Andreas Antonopoulos describes it:In bitcoin there is no "in transit". Transactions are atomic meaning they either happen all at once or don't happen at all. There is no situation where they "leave" one wallet and are not simultaneously and instantaneously in the destination address. Either the transaction happened or it didn't. The only time you can't see the funds is if your wallet is hiding them because it is tracking a pending transaction and doesn't want you to try and spend funds that are already being spent in another transaction. It doesn't mean the money is in limbo, it's just your wallet waiting to see the outcome. If that is the case, you just wait. Eventually the transaction will either happen or will be deleted by the;dr: your funds are safe* If you are in hurry there are things like RBF (Replace By Fee) and CPFC (Child Pays For Parent), which you can use to boost your transaction fees; you will need an advanced wallet like Bitcoin Core or Electrum for that though. Keep also in mind that this is not possible with any transaction (RBF requires opt in before sending, f.ex). If nothing else works and your transaction really needs a soon confirmation, you can try and contact a mining pool to ask them if they would include your transaction. Some mining pools even offer a web-interface for this: 1, 2.If you are interested in trying out those options, here is a very helpful post that goes more into it: What can I do to make my stuck transaction confirm?How is the speed of confirmations determined in bitcoin?Open this site: you see how many transactions are currently (and were historically) waiting to be confirmed, i.e how many transactions are currently competing with your transaction for blockspace (=confirmation).You can see two important things: the differently coloured layers, each layer representing a different fee (higher layer = higher fees). You can point at a layer and see which fees (expressed in sat/byte) are represented in this layer. You can then deduct which layer your own transaction is currently at, and how far away from the top your position is (miners work through the mempool always from the top, simply because the transactions on top pay them more). You can estimate that each newly mined block removes 1MB from the top (see the third graph which shows the mempool size in MB). On average, a new block is produced every ten minutes. But keep in mind that over time more transactions come into the mempool, so there can be periods where transactions are coming faster than transactions being “processed” by miners.The second important observation is that the mempool "ebbs and flows", so even the lower paid transactions are periodically being confirmed at some point.In short: what determines the speed of a confirmation is A) how high you set the fee rate (in sat/vbyte), B) how many other transactions with same or higher fees are currently competing with yours and C) how many transactions with higher paid fees will be broadcast after yours.A) you can influence directly, B) you can observe in real time, but C) is difficult to predict. So it's always a little tricky to tell when the first confirmation happens if you set your fees low. But it's quite certain that at some point even the cheap transactions will come through.Good to know: "fee" means the absolute amount of satoshis a transaction pays, and "fee rate" is the fee per weight of a transaction. Miners prioritize by the latter, because even if a "lighter" transaction pays less in absolute satoshis, it might be more profitable to include it into a block if it has higher fee rate, because it also takes up less space. This means, fees expressed in sat/vbyte is what interests us in this context.So what happens if my transaction stays unconfirmed for days or even weeks?Transactions are being broadcast by the full nodes on the network. Each node can adjust their settings for how long they keep unconfirmed transactions in their mempool. That’s why there is not a fixed amount of time after which a transaction is dropped from the mempool, but most nodes drop unconfirmed transactions after two weeks. This means that in the absolute worst case the unconfirmed transaction will simply disappear from the network, as if it never happened. Keep in mind that in those two weeks the coins never actually leave your wallet. It’s just that your wallet doesn’t show them as “available”, but you still have options like RBF and CPFP to get your transaction confirmed with higher fees, or to “cancel” your transaction by spending the same coins onto another address with a higher fee.A transaction with very low fee rate might also disappear from the network if the mempool goes over 300MB in size, because by default a Bitcoin Core node will purge transactions from its internal mempool, starting with the lowest fee rates first, while increasing its minimum acceptable fee rates that it will broadcast further. You can read more about it here. Spikes this large have been very rare in bitcoin's history so far though, I think there was only one, briefly in January 2018.Important to know: even if the transaction has been forgotten by most nodes and doesn't appear anymore on blockexplorers, it is still a valid transaction and might have stayed in the mempool of a node somewhere. So it's better to use one of the inputs in another transaction to invalidate the original, "stuck" transaction (otherwise you risk it to be re-broadcast and be confirmed when you already forgot about it).Helpful tools to estimate fees for future transactions:Here are some resources that can help you estimate fees when sending a bitcoin transaction, so you don't end up overpaying (or underpaying) unnecessarily. Keep in mind that in order to take advantage of this, you need a proper bitcoin wallet which allows for custom fee setting. A selection of such wallets you can find here or here.The order here is roughly from advanced to easy.1) you can see a visualization of how many unconfirmed transactions are currently on the network, as well as how many were there in the past. Each coloured layer represents a different fee amount. F.ex the deep blue (lowest layer) are the 1sat/byte transactions, slightly brighter level above are the 2sat/byte transactions and so on.The most interesting graph is the third one, which shows you the size of the current mempool in MB and the amount of transactions with different fee levels, which would compete with your transaction if you were to send it right now. This should help you estimating how high you need to set the fee (in sat/byte) in order to have it confirmed "soon". But this also should help you to see that even the low fee transactions get confirmed very regularly, especially on weekends and in the night periods, and that the spikes in the mempool so far have always been temporary. For that you can switch to higher timeframes in the upper right corner, f.ex here is a 30 days view: Try higher timerframes as well.You clearly can see that the mempool is cyclical and you can set a very low fee if you are not in hurry.2) is also an overview of the current mempool status, although less visual than the previous one. It shows you some important stats, like the mempool size, some basic stats of the recent blocks (tx fees, size etc). Most importantly, it makes a projection of how large you need to set your fees in sat/byte if you want your transaction to be included in the next block, or within the next two/three/four blocks. You can see this projection in the left upper corner (the blocks coloured in brown).3) is a simple estimation tool. It shows you the likelihood (in %) of a particular fee size (in sat/byte) to be confirmed within a particular timeframe (measured in hours). It is very simple to use, but the disadvantage is that it shows you estimates only for the next 24 hours. You probably will overpay by this method if your transaction is less time sensitive than that.4) is a very simple bot that tweets out fees projections every hour or so. It tells you how you need to set the fees in order to be confirmed within 1hour/6hours/12hours/1day/3days/1week. Very simple to use.Hopefully one of these tools will help you save fees for your next bitcoin transaction. Or at least help you understand that even with a very low fee setting your transaction will be confirmed sooner or later. Furthermore, I hope it makes you understand how important it is to use a wallet that allows you to set your own fees.Thank you to u/MrRGnome and u/fiatjaf for feedback and a special thank you to u/xekyo aka Murch on bitcoin.stackexchange for valuable help and proofreading. via /r/Bitcoin

Pay Flight Ticket With Crypto

Hello guys! Do you know any sites that accept crypto as a payment for a flight? Preferably those who cater Asian airlines, since I’m flying to an Asian country. I want to pay through crypto.Thank you in advance! via /r/Bitcoin

Revenge of the Austrians

People often speak of Bitcoin having its roots in the cypher punk community, but I view Bitcoin has having multiple roots that only became a viable currency when these roots merged. The technical contributions of the cypher punks are tremendous, but perhaps even more significant is Bitcoin's roots in Austrian monetary economics.

Throughout the history of humanity, there has been tremendous struggle over money with government consistently growing to take control of the money supply--and it's creation. This happens today in the form of Keynesian central banks expanding the money supply to finance the endless desire of government to spend and consume beyond what it would be able to without the ability to create new currency units at negligible cost. But this Keynesian practice was common throughout history as well, of course it was known by a different names then, but it was Keynesianism all the same.

Wherever productive and free people managed to save any significant wealth for the future, government would soon show up to start eating it away with Keynesian debasement, like rats showing up to help themselves to some cheese someone else labored to create.

There was of course people who rejected the Keynesian theft-apologist ideology. The Austrians called out the Keynesian governmental theft and exposed the harm a society suffers from allowing these intrusive government rats to consume whatever stored wealth they please, but things did not play out well for the Austrians. Any time there was an attempt by the Austrians to create a money that was immune from Keynesian appropriation government would promptly stamp out this monetary competitor and often the lives of whatever Austrians were associated with it's enterprise). Keynesian money does not fair well in the marketplace with competitions so governments that rely on Keynesian money for for their existence cannot allow such competition.

And so whenever Austrians attempted to challenge Keynesian monetary supremacy they were completely and utterly annihilated. Keynesian money had allowed government to grow in size and power into something analogous to a Death Star--a monstrosity of war and death with limitless capacity for destruction. Any attempt at a direct head-on assault or open challenge is doomed to certain failure. But just as a Death Star is designed around and completely dependent on a core, so to is government designed around completely dependent on a Keynesian money core from which it draws all of its power to fund and sustain itself. There is no Death Star without the Keynesian core. And all of the Austrians efforts to take out the core had failed. But then someone wrote and released a tiny piece of code--an imperceptible threat at first, but a threat in the form of a tiny new money that challenges the Keynesian monopoly. An Austrian money that cannot be killed.

This Austrian money has been steadily and consistently growing for the past 11 years and yet the Keynesians seem to be woefully unaware of their coming demise. I recall the arrogant Keynesian claim that We're all Keynesians now after the Austrians were wiped out in the realm of mainstream economic thought, and it is true we were all Keynesians because we had no choice but to use Keynesian money.

But now that monetary monopoly has a challenger to its global supremacy, and it is one that is immune to the massive government power to target single points of failure. You Keynesians are finished; you were finished in 2009, you just haven't realized it yet. The Austrians will have their revenge and the world will have a money that is free from surreptitious Keynesian theft.

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 09:48PM by ztsmart

Wanted to buy bitcoins with my first salary. Any tips?

Hey everyone, I'm about to receive my first salary and wanted to buy bitcoin. I've heard that there's a lot of scams running around in cryptocurrency, can somebody help me? I don't want to buy any alt coins, just the original bitcoin. If this isn't the right subreddit, please let me know where I should ask this. Thanks! via /r/Bitcoin

Do you feel happy with the bitcoin hashrate?

Submitted October 30, 2020 at 03:54PM by Valarhash

I wonder why so many people, companies, and countries are choosing to use Bitcoin over the dollar as a source to store, and exchange value... via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, October 30, 2020

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

Important: How to Sponsor Bitcoin Core Developers and Why it Matters

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 09:33PM by wmredditor

Fidelity Digital Assets Expands Crypto Custody Service to Asia

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 09:50PM by hodl_ninja

Thursday 29 October 2020

I bought a used truck for .215 Bitcoin!

Submitted October 30, 2020 at 08:39AM by RedditLady69

Central Banks Are Dropping Gold. Will They Eventually Buy Bitcoin? Iran Says Yes!

Submitted October 30, 2020 at 02:07AM by wmredditor

I bought a used truck for .215 Bitcoin! via /r/Bitcoin

Use Lightning.

If you're planning on using bitcoin more than once a week, just send some sats that you plan on using over to a lightning wallet, to many people using the main chain for $10 transactions...

I recommend "Breez" for iOS and "Phoenix" for android, a lot of services accept lightning also

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 03:59AM by Yauper

3 Hints Why Bitcoin Might Be 'Poised for Biggest Breakout Yet'

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 07:56PM by gigantovxh

Iran Changes Law to Use Bitcoin For Imports via /r/Bitcoin

Just made a desk light 🤩

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 11:50AM by UsmarineOO7

MIOTA Trading Red Drops -1.95% As BTC Soaks Positive Momentum

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 05:49PM by Czfacts

Someone managed to access all my gmails and Hotmails and gained access to my online wallets and took $1000 in crypto from me

I woke up and tried to login on my online blockchain wallet and the password was wrong. I check my gmails trash bin and the email where the guy verified the login was deleted the previous night. Location was a VPN in Europe. I have 4 wallets and he managed to do the same to all of them all at the same time. He changed the emails linked to them and the passwords. I was on my computer at the time he was doing it and I saw nothing I have no idea how he managed to do this. Anyone know what I can do next time to prevent this? It’s kinda scary knowing someone had access to all my emails and such via /r/Bitcoin

We are so lucky to buy bitcoin at current prices, no matter $10k, $13k and so on.

In the future, we are only able to acquire some sats through goods and services, or at a much much higher fiat prices that less can afford. Few understands this.

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 10:06AM by LaziSnail

For Christmas I decided to offer 0.01 bitcoin to my relatives in order to make them aware about bitcoin and start questioning themselves about it. I invite you to do the same and involve them in this new financial revolution.

For Christmas, I decided to offer 0.01 bitcoin to my relatives and motivate them to learn more about them. I invite you to do the same with the amount you can afford to give. The most important is the intention of involving them.My plan is to ask them to download a bitcoin wallet during the family dinner we’ll have on the 24th, even the kids, actually they are my biggest target, because they are the future.Then I will give everyone 0.01 bitcoin and also tell them to write their paraphrase on a piece of paper and preciously keep it.The app will show them the value so they might get surprised but it’s fine.I know the kids won’t be able to cash out as they are between 9 and 15 years old, but the rest might ask me how so I’ll tell them of course but I prefer if they hodl for a while. At least they will set up a Kraken account and be ready for later.Which app would you recommend to download? I would go with trustwallet but if there’s better I don’t mind. I will tell them about hardwallet but I want to make this moment fun and not a crazy amount of infos.I’m sure they will research on their own after that to understand how it works. Maybe ask me questions but I’m ready to answer anything. Tell me what you think! via /r/Bitcoin

Help request lightning payments for Protonmail

Privacy-focused email provider Protonmail accepts onchain bitcon payments to pay for their email, calendar, VPN and now storage/drive services. They don't accept Lightning network payments yet but there is an on-going feature request:

It has only 490 votes, so if you have a Protonmail account and would like lightning payments to be accepted, use your voting credits to bump up this request to the top.

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 03:00AM by ActionsMatter

How I lost all my BTC savings being greedy with futures trading.

I hope this post will be a big lesson for those who are in the same situation as i was, as well as I am seeking for any advice that could help me through this tough times.

So back in 2014 I first learned about Bitcoin and I loved the idea of cryptocurrency so much, that in 3-4 years from learning about it when I became 18, I started investing and trading.

As time went by I was investing small amounts, trading, and apparently slowly losing my money, but at that time it was ok because that were small amounts which I could afford to lose. In 2019 i moved from a poor country in Europe, for a better life to London. I was working in London and by the end of 2019 I got almost 3k£ in Btc, that were my savings.

But then the worse started to happen, I loved trading, have read many books, got through tutorials, and was slowly trading my way up, and then I discovered the futures with up too 100x.

At first I used low leverages, up to 10, then being greedy and not taking profits I always ended with losses, it started by losing small amounts, I was thinking let me put some more money in so I could trade what I lost back, I was getting emotional losing more and more, increasing leverages up to 75 rarely even 100. I was very upset with myself, at one moment when I already lost 500 I said no stop, but one-two weeks passed and I again was depositing to trade, and this snowball was getting bigger as I was losing even more hoping I will get everything back and hodl.

And right know I got a big life lesson, don’t trade unless you can afford to lose that money, and never let your emotions in trading, I lost all my savings totalling about 5000£, I go almost a 1000£ debt. Because I even used a credit card to load it up. I hate myself, because I could just hodl. And know not having a proper job due to COVID, I have to survive somehow. This is how you learn a lesson the hard way, don’t repeat my mistakes, just hodl and you will be fine.

Knowing that this community is huge, I would like to ask for some advice or tips, how should I deal with this in the future, how to forget this loss and move on(these 5000 were huge money for me). I m right now totally devastated, depressed and in kind of a dead end.

I am teaching myself programming, and already pretty good at some languages, my little dream is to become a developer, or to open a successful business, but being In thus situation, it’s hard to find a job in it sphere, without having a degree or experience, so I would appreciate any help and advice to go the right path. There are definitely people here that make good money and have been through tough situations, I want to know what’s your mindset and what was your journey.

And the fact that Bitcoin is in the start of a potentional huge bull run just kills me missing the opportunity. I encouraged everybody from my surrounding to crypto.

And to cope with the loses even didn’t help any tournaments, puzzles, airdrops and etc. The worst feeling to miss a one in a life opportunity by being such dumb and emotional.

Thank you for reading to the end! HODL and be smart.

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 04:15AM by FaBLee1

Add btc to your wallet through the new mining platform. 💯 legit, all evidence brought to you by fellow miners in the platform.

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 02:17PM by 99RocknRoll

Daily Discussion, October 29, 2020

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

Mine Bitcoin from your phone for free

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 01:26PM by Winter_Captain_145

Wednesday 28 October 2020

WARNING: Fake Iancoleman BIP39 Tool using ads to get to top of Google results

Looking up our brand name, we found someone who has been utilizing Google AdWords and are outbidding us to get to the top of google results. We also looked up for search terms for different hardware wallets and metal backups and the same thing is happening.

They’re promoting a scam BIP39 recovery seed phrase tool using INCOLEMAN (gross) rather than IANCOLEMAN.

DO NOT USE. Better yet, you can click the bajingles out of it and make them PAY PER CLICK.

Please spread the word and report them.

Edited: corrected formatting. was on the toilet phone and wanted to get this out asap.

Edit 2: now they’re using IANCOLAMAN

Submitted October 28, 2020 at 09:55PM by blockplate

Just made a desk light 🤩 via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin Mining: Beginner's Guide

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 04:08AM by EX-SCUDO

They'll never find an asteroid with 1000000000000 bitcoin on it

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 05:30AM by Hospitaliter

We are so lucky to buy bitcoin at current prices, no matter $10k, $13k and so on.

In the future, we are only able to acquire some sats through goods and services, or at a much much higher fiat prices that less can afford. Few understands this. via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, October 28, 2020

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!

Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

Submitted October 28, 2020 at 03:00PM by rBitcoinMod

Officials Warn of Cyberattacks on Hospitals as Virus Cases Spike

By Nicole Perlroth via NYT U.S.

How I lost all my BTC savings being greedy with futures trading.

I hope this post will be a big lesson for those who are in the same situation as i was, as well as I am seeking for any advice that could help me through this tough times.So back in 2014 I first learned about Bitcoin and I loved the idea of cryptocurrency so much, that in 3-4 years from learning about it when I became 18, I started investing and trading.As time went by I was investing small amounts, trading, and apparently slowly losing my money, but at that time it was ok because that were small amounts which I could afford to lose. In 2019 i moved from a poor country in Europe, for a better life to London. I was working in London and by the end of 2019 I got almost 3k£ in Btc, that were my savings.But then the worse started to happen, I loved trading, have read many books, got through tutorials, and was slowly trading my way up, and then I discovered the futures with up too 100x.At first I used low leverages, up to 10, then being greedy and not taking profits I always ended with losses, it started by losing small amounts, I was thinking let me put some more money in so I could trade what I lost back, I was getting emotional losing more and more, increasing leverages up to 75 rarely even 100. I was very upset with myself, at one moment when I already lost 500 I said no stop, but one-two weeks passed and I again was depositing to trade, and this snowball was getting bigger as I was losing even more hoping I will get everything back and hodl.And right know I got a big life lesson, don’t trade unless you can afford to lose that money, and never let your emotions in trading, I lost all my savings totalling about 5000£, I go almost a 1000£ debt. Because I even used a credit card to load it up. I hate myself, because I could just hodl. And know not having a proper job due to COVID, I have to survive somehow. This is how you learn a lesson the hard way, don’t repeat my mistakes, just hodl and you will be fine.Knowing that this community is huge, I would like to ask for some advice or tips, how should I deal with this in the future, how to forget this loss and move on(these 5000 were huge money for me). I m right now totally devastated, depressed and in kind of a dead end.I am teaching myself programming, and already pretty good at some languages, my little dream is to become a developer, or to open a successful business, but being In thus situation, it’s hard to find a job in it sphere, without having a degree or experience, so I would appreciate any help and advice to go the right path. There are definitely people here that make good money and have been through tough situations, I want to know what’s your mindset and what was your journey.And the fact that Bitcoin is in the start of a potentional huge bull run just kills me missing the opportunity. I encouraged everybody from my surrounding to crypto.And to cope with the loses even didn’t help any tournaments, puzzles, airdrops and etc. The worst feeling to miss a one in a life opportunity by being such dumb and emotional.Thank you for reading to the end! HODL and be smart. via /r/Bitcoin

Something regarding the older generation and bitcoin I realized today.

During a family sit down a few weeks ago I looked on my phone for the charts, my grandfather, sitting next to me said “you are a slave to bitcoin”. (I think he meant my phone but we talked bitcoin right before) uncomfortable silence for a few moments. After several seconds I responded: “bitcoin will and has set me free from the slavery you endorsed your whole life”. (Hour long discussion about the monetary system afterwards).

Apparently he was still under the impression bitcoin was a project that might fail any second which was highly volatile, speculative and even criminal.

My grandfather is pretty up to date with technology and appreciates learning from each conversation he has especially with the younger generations. He eventually agreed this was a revolutionary technology and embraced my enthusiasm. He also noted how our current governance is defect and this might solve it.

What really touched me he said he was excited for the future we are heading to which was very promising considering everything that’s happening and bitcoin is a positive thing to focus on. But he and his generation aren’t a part of it. He will be dead or uninterested by the time it brings true change to our daily lives.

It made me realize more than ever older people like warren buffet or old politicians have no ambition to see bitcoin or blockchain succeed in their terms of spotlight because it sounds like future technology they won’t be a part of.

I gave him around 0.05 BTC and said; welcome to the future, you’re a part of it now.

He sends me weekly messages now 😄

If you can’t beat them, give them bitcoin.

Can someone give all the haters and boomers some bitcoin?

Edit: edited minor things just to clarify.

I’m sorry if I offended anyone that interpreted my post as suggesting older people are clueless, ignorant or whatever. That wasn’t the point and I apologize if you are offended, I truly am. From my viewpoint “older” people (75+) around me or on the media aren’t particularly positive about cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Which makes perfect sense.

My point is, instead of trying to convince them or whatnot, engage them with kindness or a small gift after your explanation. They will appreciate it.

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 04:50AM by ElliotMeijer

Ultra displays Bitcoin ads @ Sporting CP vs Gil Vicente via /r/Bitcoin

Bullish Michael Saylor Discloses 17,732 BTC ($175 Million) in Personal Bitcoin Holdings via /r/Bitcoin

Is It Too Late To Get Into Crypto?

Is It Too Late To Get Into Crypto? ? if not where should i start ?

Submitted October 27, 2020 at 11:35PM by Zubak121

Coinbase Goes Down as Bitcoin Approaches 2019 Highs (Just in time!) via /r/Bitcoin

Why The Yuppie Elite Dismiss Bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

I just want to buy BTC

Hi, I want to buy a small account of BTC, I live in spain, what do you reccomend me to do, thanks. via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin Newcomers FAQ - Please read!

Welcome to the /r/Bitcoin Sticky FAQYou've probably been hearing a lot about Bitcoin recently and are wondering what's the big deal? Most of your questions should be answered by the resources below but if you have additional questions feel free to ask them in the comments.It all started with the release of the release of Satoshi Nakamoto's whitepaper however that will probably go over the head of most readers so we recommend the following videos for a good starting point for understanding how bitcoin works and a little about its long term potential:Video 1: Introduction to Bitcoin - Andreas AntonopoulosVideo 2: The Trust MachineVideo 3: Bitcoin 101 - Balaji SrinivasanSome other great resources include, the Princeton crypto series and James D'Angelo's Bitcoin 101 Blackboard series.Some excellent writing on Bitcoin's value proposition and future can be found at the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute.Some Bitcoin statistics can be found here and here. Developer resources can be found here. Peer-reviewed research papers can be found here.Potential upcoming protocol improvements and scaling resources here and here.The number of times Bitcoin was declared dead by the media can be found here (LOL!)Key properties of BitcoinLimited Supply - There will only ever be 21,000,000 bitcoins created and they are issued in a predictable fashion, you can view the inflation schedule here. Once they are all issued Bitcoin will be truly deflationary. The halving countdown can be found here.Open source - Bitcoin code is fully auditable. You can read the source code yourself here.Accountable - The public ledger is transparent, all transactions are seen by everyone.Decentralized - Bitcoin is globally distributed across thousands of nodes with no single point of failure and as such can't be shut down similar to how Bittorrent works. You can even run a node on a Raspberry Pi.Censorship resistant - No one can prevent you from interacting with the bitcoin network and no one can censor, alter or block transactions that they disagree with, see Operation Chokepoint.Push system - There are no chargebacks in bitcoin because only the person who owns the address where the bitcoins reside has the authority to move them.Low fee scaling - On chain transaction fees depend on network demand and how much priority you wish to assign to the transaction. Most wallets calculate on chain fees automatically but you can view current fees here and mempool activity here. On chain fees may rise occasionally due to network demand, however instant micropayments that do not require confirmations are happening via the Lightning Network, a second layer scaling solution currently rolling out on the Bitcoin mainnet.Borderless - No country can stop it from going in/out, even in areas currently unserved by traditional banking as the ledger is globally distributed.Trustless - Bitcoin solved the Byzantine's Generals Problem which means nobody needs to trust anybody for it to work.Pseudonymous - No need to expose personal information when purchasing with cash or transacting.Secure - Encrypted cryptographically and can’t be brute forced or confiscated with proper key management such as hardware wallets.Programmable - Individual units of bitcoin can be programmed to transfer based on certain criteria being metNearly instant - From a few seconds to a few minutes depending on need for confirmations. Transactions are irreversible after one or more confirmations.Peer-to-peer - No intermediaries with a cut, no need for trusted third parties.Portable - Bitcoins are digital so they are easier to move than cash or gold. They can even be transported by simply memorizing a string of words for wallet recovery (while cool this method is generally not recommended due to potential for insecure key generation by inexperienced users. Hardware wallets are the preferred method for new users due to ease of use and additional security).Scalable - While the protocol is still being optimized for increased transaction capacity, blockchains do not scale very well, so most transaction volume is expected to occur on Layer 2 networks built on top of Bitcoin.Divisible - Each bitcoin can be divided down to 8 decimals, which means you don't have to worry about buying an entire bitcoin.Designed Money - Bitcoin was created to fit all the fundamental properties of money better than gold or fiatWhere can I buy bitcoins? and are helpful sites for beginners. You can buy or sell any amount of bitcoin (even just a few dollars worth) and there are several easy methods to purchase bitcoin with cash, credit card or bank transfer. Some of the more popular resources are below, also check out the bitcoinity exchange resources for a larger list of options for purchases.Cash appGeminiSwanBitstampBitFinexXapoKrakenCexLocalBitcoinsLibertyXP2P exchange list (decentralized)Here is a listing of local ATMs. If you would like your paycheck automatically converted to bitcoin use Bitwage.Note: Bitcoins are valued at whatever market price people are willing to pay for them in balancing act of supply vs demand. Unlike traditional markets, bitcoin markets operate 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Preev is a useful site that that shows how much various denominations of bitcoin are worth in different currencies. Alternatively you can just Google "1 bitcoin in (your local currency)".Securing your bitcoinsWith bitcoin you can "Be your own bank" and personally secure your bitcoins OR you can use third party companies aka "Bitcoin banks" which will hold the bitcoins for you.If you prefer to "Be your own bank" and have direct control over your coins without having to use a trusted third party, then you will need to create your own wallet and keep it secure. If you want easy and secure storage without having to learn computer security best practices, then a hardware wallet such as the Trezor, Ledger or ColdCard is recommended. Alternatively there are many software wallet options to choose from here depending on your use case.If you prefer to let third party "Bitcoin banks" manage your coins, try Gemini but be aware you may not be in control of your private keys in which case you would have to ask permission to access your funds and be exposed to third party risk.Note: For increased security, use Two Factor Authentication (2FA) everywhere it is offered, including email!2FA requires a second confirmation code to access your account making it much harder for thieves to gain access. Google Authenticator and Authy are the two most popular 2FA services, download links are below. Make sure you create backups of your 2FA codes.Google AuthAuthyOTP AuthAndroidAndroidN/AiOSiOSiOSWatch out for scamsAs mentioned above, Bitcoin is decentralized, which by definition means there is no official website or Twitter handle or spokesperson or CEO. However, all money attracts thieves. This combination unfortunately results in scammers running official sounding names or pretending to be an authority on YouTube or social media. Many scammers throughout the years have claimed to be the inventor of Bitcoin. Websites like bitcoin(dot)com and the btc subreddit are active scams. Almost all altcoins (shitcoins) are marketed heavily with big promises but are really just designed to separate you from your bitcoin. So be careful: any resource, including all linked in this document, may in the future turn evil. Don't trust, verify. Also as they say in our community "Not your keys, not your coins".Where can I spend bitcoins?Check out spendabit or bitcoin directory for millions of merchant options. Also you can spend bitcoin anywhere visa is accepted with bitcoin debit cards such as the CashApp card. Some other useful site are listed below.StoreProductGyftGift cards for hundreds of retailers including Amazon, Target, Walmart, Starbucks, Whole Foods, CVS, Lowes, Home Depot, iTunes, Best Buy, Sears, Kohls, eBay, GameStop, etc.Spendabit, Overstock and The Bitcoin DirectoryRetail shopping with millions of resultsShakePayGenerate one time use Visa cards in secondsNewEgg and DellFor all your electronics, Coinbills, Piixpay,, Bylls,, Bitrefill, LivingRoomofSatoshi, Coinsfer, and moreBill paymentMenufy, Takeaway and Thuisbezorgd NLTakeout delivered to your doorExpedia, Cheapair, Destinia, Abitsky, SkyTours, the Travel category on Gyft and 9flatsFor when you need to get awayCryptostorm, Mullvad, and PIAVPN servicesNamecheap, PorkbunDomain name registrationStampnikDiscounted USPS Priority, Express, First-Class mail postageCoinmap and AirBitz are helpful to find local businesses accepting bitcoins. A good resource for UK residents is at are also lots of charities which accept bitcoin donations.Merchant ResourcesThere are several benefits to accepting bitcoin as a payment option if you are a merchant;1-3% savings over credit cards or PayPal.No chargebacks (final settlement in 10 minutes as opposed to 3+ months).Accept business from a global customer base.Increased privacy.Convert 100% of the sale to the currency of your choice for deposit to your account, or choose to keep a percentage of the sale in bitcoin if you wish to begin accumulating it.If you are interested in accepting bitcoin as a payment method, there are several options available;BTCPaySquare cashStripeCoinifyWyreBlockonomics (direct to your wallet)Can I mine bitcoin?Mining bitcoins can be a fun learning experience, but be aware that you will most likely operate at a loss. Newcomers are often advised to stay away from mining unless they are only interested in it as a hobby similar to folding at home. If you want to learn more about mining you can read more here. Still have mining questions? The crew at /r/BitcoinMining would be happy to help you out.If you want to contribute to the bitcoin network by hosting the blockchain and propagating transactions you can run a full node using this setup guide. If you would prefer to keep it simple there are several good options. You can view the global node distribution here.Earning bitcoinsJust like any other form of money, you can also earn bitcoins by being paid to do a job.SiteDescriptionWorkingForBitcoins, Bitwage, Cryptogrind, Coinality, Bitgigs, /r/Jobs4Bitcoins, BitforTip, Rein ProjectFreelancingLolliEarn bitcoin when you shop online!OpenBazaar,, Bitify, /r/Bitmarket, 21 MarketMarketplaces/r/GirlsGoneBitcoin NSFWAdult servicesA-ads, Coinzilla.ioAdvertisingYou can also earn bitcoins by participating as a market maker on JoinMarket by allowing users to perform CoinJoin transactions with your bitcoins for a small fee (requires you to already have some bitcoins.Bitcoin-Related ProjectsThe following is a short list of ongoing projects that might be worth taking a look at if you are interested in current development in the bitcoin space.ProjectDescriptionLightning NetworkSecond layer scalingBlockstream, Rootstock and DrivechainSidechainsHivemind and AugurPrediction marketsTierion and FactomRecords & Titles on the blockchainBitMarkets, DropZone, Beaver and Open BazaarDecentralized marketsJoinMarket and Wasabi WalletCoinJoin implementationCoinffeine and BisqDecentralized bitcoin exchangesKeybaseIdentity & Reputation managementAbraGlobal P2P money transmitter networkBitcoreOpen source Bitcoin javascript libraryBitcoin UnitsOne Bitcoin is quite large (hundreds of £/$/€) so people often deal in smaller units. The most common subunits are listed below:UnitSymbolValueInfobitcoinBTC1 bitcoinone bitcoin is equal to 100 million satoshismillibitcoinmBTC1,000 per bitcoinused as default unit in recent Electrum wallet releasesbitbit1,000,000 per bitcoincolloquial "slang" term for microbitcoin (μBTC)satoshisat100,000,000 per bitcoinsmallest unit in bitcoin, named after the inventorFor example, assuming an arbitrary exchange rate of $10000 for one Bitcoin, a $10 meal would equal:0.001 BTC1 mBTC1,000 bits100k satsFor more information check out the Bitcoin units wiki.Still have questions? Feel free to ask in the comments below or stick around for our weekly Mentor Monday thread. If you decide to post a question in /r/Bitcoin, please use the search bar to see if it has been answered before, and remember to follow the community rules outlined on the sidebar to receive a better response. The mods are busy helping manage our community so please do not message them unless you notice problems with the functionality of the subreddit.Note: This is a community created FAQ. If you notice anything missing from the FAQ or that requires clarification you can edit it here and it will be included in the next revision pending approval.Welcome to the Bitcoin community and the new decentralized economy! via /r/Bitcoin

Hong Kong island today

Submitted October 28, 2020 at 12:52PM by Xotiah

Marathon and Riot battle for the title of America’s biggest Bitcoin miner

Submitted October 28, 2020 at 04:27PM by NicoleJamson

current mood ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) via /r/Bitcoin

This is the Belgian Blue Bull. Give a 👍 if you want this guy to be in charge of #Bitcoin from now on!

Submitted October 28, 2020 at 10:47AM by TheCoindependent

Has anybody noticed, since the start of 2020 we have gone from 1.1m members to 1.7!?

Incredibly bullish!

Submitted October 28, 2020 at 10:45AM by btc1987

Miners are in a dilemma amid withered water period and high crypto price

Submitted October 28, 2020 at 02:24PM by EROSBabe

Daily Discussion, October 28, 2020

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

Google searches for Bitcoin are still just at 7% of their 2017 peak

Submitted October 28, 2020 at 02:00AM by qbisq

Hong Kong island today via /r/Bitcoin

Tuesday 27 October 2020

[Serious] How to deal with Crypto Tax 2020?

First of all, please upvote for visibility + more opinions - this concerns all of us. Also, if you're stupid enough to think you'll get away with avoiding tax's despite KYC'ing to Coinbase & Binance don't bother commenting. News flash! you're gonna end up paying that tax in the long run + huge fines eating into your gains (or even putting you into debt).

Anyways... I started investing in 2017. As a noob I did what most people did, chased multiple shitcoins, bought and sold various different pumps getting wrecked along the way. Then towards the end of the year, my portfolio increased significantly... but I DIDN'T sell - so I didn't "crystalise" any gainz. (I sold a couple hundred here and there during hard financial times, but I'm guessing nothing close to the free capital gains allowance).

Fast forward just over 2 years, since then I've been buying BTC/ETH/XMR on a consistent basis. It's getting to the point where if I were to sell enough of my stack, I'd owe tax as it'd be over the "allowed" CGT threshold.

That leads me to my question... how the fuck are you supposed to calculate capital gains tax when it comes to crypto? For the past 3 years I've traded in and out of alt-coins on multiple exchanges (some of which don't even exist anymore). It would be easy if it was just FIAT IN vs FIAT OUT, but the fact that CRYPTO to CRYPTO is considered taxable just makes it a nightmare! On top of that I did some freelance work (paid in BTC) which adds to the complexity.

Take another example of what confuses me: Say I bought 1BTC on Coinbase in 2017, then 1BTC on Kraken in 2018, then 0.5BTC on Coinbase again in 2019, and hold them all in the same wallet. Then if I were to sell 0.5BTC in 2020, what Bitcoin was actually sold? Half of the 1 BTC bought in 2017? Is it FIFO?

I genuinely don't know where to start and need help. I don't want to be in a shitty situation (for example some massive 2017-esque bull run happens just before the end of the tax year and I decide to cash out and have 3 days to sort shit out). I want to be prepared.

I've come across services such as / etc but feel really hesitant to give quasi-unknown companies full read access to my wallet addresses, portfolio amount, personal email address etc. Privacy is key in the crypto space and I don't want another attack vector especially after seeing much more established companies such as Ledger fucking up (idiots) and losing my personal data.

What do I do? I've even thought of selling EVERYTHING to FIAT and immediately buying it all back and taking whatever fine comes my way on the chin just so I can clearly track crypto transactions and not have to stress about it.

If anyone has experience with crypto tax's please share any information that may be valuable to me/all the many others that are in the same situation as me.

TL;DR: Bought loads of Bitcoin and Shitcoins throughout the past 3 years, finally starting to total up to an amount that'd be taxable if I sold a chunk - dafuq do I do regarding Taxes?

Submitted October 28, 2020 at 02:47AM by finbar93

When bitcoin hits $13,858, that means the price has risen $10,000 since the March dip.

The math checks out.

Submitted October 28, 2020 at 07:26AM by T-Archive

This is the Belgian Blue Bull. Give a 👍 if you want this guy to be in charge of #Bitcoin from now on! via /r/Bitcoin

Has anybody noticed, since the start of 2020 we have gone from 1.1m members to 1.7!?

Incredibly bullish! via /r/Bitcoin

When bitcoin hits $13,858, that means the price has risen $10,000 since the March dip.

The math checks out. via /r/Bitcoin

Warning - Buying Bitcoin through TrustWallet - misleading quotes - high fees

Hi all,Usually I use Cashapp to buy my Bitcoin (weekly, I DCA) and then I store in in Trustwallet, which is a mobile wallet owned by Binance.I noticed they added a "buy BTC" option directly in the TrustWallet app, so I gave it a shot.Unfortunately, they outsource the actual crypto buying process to a sketchy company, which uses misleading tactics.As you can see from this screenshot: was to purchase 0.41635 BTC, an amount that I'm happy with.However, at checkout, they change the deal to this: simple terms, they wanted to sell me 0.43092 BTC for $5000, and then added a $175 "processing" fee. That's more Bitcoin than I wanted to buy, more fiat than I wanted to spend, and it brings the base price of the bitcoin from $11,603, to $12,009, a far larger number.I would have no problem with this if they were upfront about the fees and what they are doing, but now I have sour taste in my mouth. I've been into crypto for a little while. Can you imagine how predatory this would seem to a new user who's going through their first buy?This is my first post, so I hope I did it properly. via /r/Bitcoin

Use lightning for low fee, instant transactions

There is blue wallet for iOS and android plus the super good phoenix wallet for android only so far.Many services are already accepting lightning payments and most are catching up.Especially helpful with fee spikes like right now.Use it if you haven't already and you will be amazed. via /r/Bitcoin