Tuesday 29 December 2020

PSA: Change (reduce) the transaction fee in your wallet when sending. Stop sending with the default sats/byte

Now that we're entering a new bull run, it's going to get crazy again on-chain. Please be conscious about the transactions you make. Most if not all wallets all the setting of the transaction fee. If you transaction isn't urgent, save yourself and everybody else some money by sending with a lower sats/byte.The main reason prices peak is because of the default fees, vert few ppl actually change it. Your wallet automatically tries to fit your transaction in the next block, every wallet doing this at the same time quickly pushes the average next-block fee up.I usually aim for 10-20 sats/byte for my transactions and they are usually cleared overnight at the very least. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3pxDE9j

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