Sunday 31 January 2021

Bitcoin billboard in London! via /r/Bitcoin


Hey my wsb friends, I know some of you already have some bitcoin, but I imagine lots of you are just starting to learn about it, so I'm going to borrow your meme for a second to explain why I like the coin, and I hope that resonates with you, because your message sure resonated with me.1) The coin is yours. Like all of this bullshit we are seeing with the trade being shut down arbitrarily, and blatant manipulation, many of you will realize that your stake in the current system is not even really yours, the dollar is just a number on their database, and unfortunately the GME stock is also just a number on their database. With the coin, your stake is on our database, that's the power of the open and decentralized system, and is a paradigm shift.2) The coin is democratic. I know that today in the developed world we are mainly using it as a kind of investment, but in many places people are benefiting from the open nature of the system and are actively using it to escape authoritarian regimes like Venezuela, and completely stupid governments like Argentina, as well as being used by popular movements like in Nigeria. Either way, the coin is a win win for everyone, rich or poor.3) The coin is inclusive. The coin doesn't care about your gender, nationality, ethnicity, religion or employment status. Everyone is welcome to participate.4) The coin is free. The idea of freedom is central to bitcoin, unlike fiat you are not forced to use it, yet millions of people are coming together and voluntarily adopting it, in a big display of freedom of choice, and in my view also a peaceful protests against the current institutions, you can opt-out of the current system.I hope that you join us, and HODL strong with 💎🙌.GME is a battle, Bitcoin is the war. via /r/Bitcoin

25 year old doctor.... Just dumped half of my entire net worth into Bitcoin after researching the technology

Genuinely think Blockchain is going to change the world. I'm considering going back to University for a year to do a masters/thesis in cryptocurrency and the role it has to play in our future, or studying the online literature that's available now

Dumped half of my net worth into it too. I explained why In this video I made if you want to know more. (

what are your guy's opinions on Bitcoin this year?

Edit: thanks for all the positive feedback, didnt mean to come off as pretentious mentioning my background... my apologies

Submitted January 31, 2021 at 11:37PM by YazLoL

United we stand

Submitted January 31, 2021 at 10:47PM by Rattlesnake_Mullet

Something tells me this week is going to be wild... via /r/Bitcoin

More than 200,000 subscribers in 4 days

Four days ago, r/Bitcoin reached 2m subscribers. the number has exceeded 2.2m.The great awakening is happening. via /r/Bitcoin

Spotted in Glasgow, Scotland. 🔥🚀

Submitted February 01, 2021 at 06:29AM by Chemical_Hat6446

Apple and Google should make there own Bitcoin wallets and allow it to be spent on Apple/Google Pay

This is a great idea and would allow Bitcoin to be spent wherever there is a contactless payment symbol, which is like everywhere nowadays. This would also make it more extremely more valuable. Who thinks this a good idea? via /r/Bitcoin

Spotted in Glasgow, Scotland. 🔥🚀 via /r/Bitcoin

To all the WSB people scrolling through here for the first time. We welcome you and your diamond hands.

What GME did to hedge funds, BTC has been quietly doing to Central Banks and Governments for 10 years, they just don't know it yet.

Thank you for waking up and becoming a part of the revolution, we applaud your efforts in fighting our ownership class.

As you start interacting here know that we still love you, even if you aren't ready for things like a hardware wallet or private key storage yet. Some of us are just really hardcore about that. They are awesome people full of great information when you are ready to go down that road.

As you get to know us you will find our hands aren't diamonds they are the collapsed star material that makes up a black hole. We use Satoshis to measure our wealth, not dollars. Telling us to hold our positions is like telling a fish to swim, we don't know anything else.

Submitted January 31, 2021 at 10:04PM by RookXPY

Why isn't anyone talking about how coinbase "accidently" disabled buy orders and tanked the price from 40k to 30k?

So the whole GME fiasco made me realize how vulnerable we all are to the whims of hedge funds and other financial institutions who rig the game in their favor.

When brokerage firms disabled buy orders for meme stocks, it reminded me of when coinbase "accidently" didn't process any buy orders and tanked the price to 30k within days. This shows me that bitcoin is also susceptible to the same kind of bad actors as GME is. If hedge funds are shorting bitcoin, who's to say they won't influence bitcoin exchanges to shut down buying orders while leaving sell orders in tact? In fact, I'm starting to wonder if that "bug" in coinbase was really even a bug or intentional. I just found out hedge funds were shorting bitcoin in the billions, so maybe they were worried about the price going even further than 42k.

To he honest, I find the whole GME situation frustrating. The system's corruption was exposed on Thursday and Friday, but I bet nothing will be done about it.

Submitted January 30, 2021 at 11:49PM by TSLA_BTC

Bitcoin will flip Apple by market cap at $120,442

Submitted January 31, 2021 at 07:18AM by mansoortaken

To all the WSB people scrolling through here for the first time. We welcome you and your diamond hands.

What GME did to hedge funds, BTC has been quietly doing to Central Banks and Governments for 10 years, they just don't know it yet.Thank you for waking up and becoming a part of the revolution, we applaud your efforts in fighting our ownership class.As you start interacting here know that we still love you, even if you aren't ready for things like a hardware wallet or private key storage yet. Some of us are just really hardcore about that. They are awesome people full of great information when you are ready to go down that road.As you get to know us you will find our hands aren't diamonds they are the collapsed star material that makes up a black hole. We use Satoshis to measure our wealth, not dollars. Telling us to hold our positions is like telling a fish to swim, we don't know anything else. via /r/Bitcoin

Saw this on Twitter, i want me one of these! 🔥 via /r/Bitcoin

The battle for Middle Class.

Submitted January 31, 2021 at 12:47PM by Dooowta

Visa May Add Cryptocurrencies to Its Payments Network, Says CEO via /r/Bitcoin

Elon Musk’s Bitcoin timeline!

Submitted January 31, 2021 at 09:41AM by TacticalWolves

When randoms from wallstreetbets find their way here

Submitted January 31, 2021 at 04:06PM by interslicer

Conventional currency via /r/Bitcoin

New subscribers to our Bitcoin subreddit - WELCOME ALL!

Submitted January 31, 2021 at 10:27AM by digitalmoneyguru

When randoms from wallstreetbets find their way here via /r/Bitcoin

Ask yourself: What do these people know that you don't

Submitted January 31, 2021 at 05:32AM by WeedLife2020

New subscribers to our Bitcoin subreddit - WELCOME ALL! via /r/Bitcoin

The battle for Middle Class. via /r/Bitcoin

Saturday 30 January 2021

Elon Musk’s Bitcoin timeline! via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, January 31, 2021

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

My favorite part of #bitcoin is that you can buy $20- or $2million dollars at a time. I used to think you had to buy whole coins.

No text found

Submitted January 30, 2021 at 10:50PM by Stud-Rocket

In less than 6hrs, BTC will have sustained $30k for 30 consecutive days.

What a glorious month!

P S - Fuck Wall St.

Submitted January 31, 2021 at 07:15AM by notyouagain2

Bitcoin will flip Apple by market cap at $120,442 via /r/Bitcoin

Earlier this month I found an old bitcoin account I had which only had £7 in it back in 2015. I ended pulling it at over £1000. Serious FOMO hitting me hard right now. But this has certainly helped in clearing out some student debt.

Submitted January 30, 2021 at 09:34PM by bestdylemma

Ask yourself: What do these people know that you don't via /r/Bitcoin

In less than 6hrs, BTC will have sustained $30k for 30 consecutive days.

What a glorious month!P S - Fuck Wall St. via /r/Bitcoin

Hedge Funds are short $5 Billion of Bitcoin. Pass it on... via /r/Bitcoin

Hedge funds short bitcoin to tune of more than $1 billion 🤔 via /r/Bitcoin

[PSA] Robinhood Insolvency Dangers

I posted this over at r/wallstreebets as well.

Robinhood appears to be on the verge of insolvency based on a few data points:

  1. To continue operating, it drew on a line of credit from six banks amounting to between $500 million and $600 million
  2. They had to raise an emergency $1 billion from investors today.
  3. They stopped allowing users to buy GME and other meme stonks for a full day yesterday.
  4. They have severely limited or blocked 50+ stocks, including lots of non meme stonks. More are likely.
  5. They are not allowing people to exercise their options, instead they are automatically selling them at a price of their choosing.
  6. There appears to be a bank run on Robinhood as people are fed up with the restrictions, this is a negative feedback loop.

If Robinhood goes under the SEC will freeze all the accounts. The SIPC protects up to $500k in accounts.


I am not bullshitting. Look at their How You're Protected support page for yourself:

Cryptocurrency investments through Robinhood Crypto are not protected by SIPC and that Robinhood Crypto is not a member of FINRA or SIPC.

Submitted January 30, 2021 at 11:20AM by theaback

Why Bitcoin remains and will remain the most valuable crypto currency.

With new comers into this space everyday, there's a lot to learn. One of the common questions is why is Bitcoin the most popular cryptocurrency? What gives it value over others despite the fees and speed?I started typing this as a reply and then realised it probably should be its own post.There are many factors why Bitcoin remains popular despite the competition, some more obvious than others.First. Being the first means it has the strongest network effect. The Bitcoin name is on the news regularly, this is free marketing and has become widely known. Any newer crypto will have a hard time to compete for this air time.Solid fundamentals. The other networks are either under used, hence why fees are low. Or the claims made by other networks regarding improvements over Bitcoin come at a compromise of one or more of Bitcoin's strengths.Decentralisation. No company or people are in charge of Bitcoin so it can't be sued or taken down). And the rules can't change at the whim of an influential leader. This gives Investors long term confidence and predictability of its Blockchain rules.Security. The Bitcoin network has by far the highest POW hashrate, keeping the network secure from attacks.Fixed supply. The 21million Bitcoin cap makes it rare, super rare actually compared to most other networks.No pre-mine. A lot of cryptocurrencies have been pre-mined by their founders (such as the 70% premine of Ethereum, or XRP created 100billion tokens at launch). This should be a red alert as makes distribution unfair enriching the founders. Premines are not something that gets talked about lately but creation of tokens out of thin air is what central banks do today and what proof of work fights. If something takes effort to do, it should have more value than a pre created token.Deflationary. The shrinking supply of Bitcoin over 4 year halvings, whith increasing demand is a moon recipe.Each one of the above could be further expanded but I hope this makes it a little clearer.If the only priority was speed and cheap transactions, why reinvent Paypal?Said this, the Lightning Network is currently in the Beta stage and is being refined to provide just that. Bitcoin cheap and fast transactions already exist in wallets supporting LN, such as Phoenix, Breez and Blue wallet.Why does Bitcoin have value to you? via /r/Bitcoin

100,000 new members on r/Bitcoin in one day!

Welcome! :) This is so exciting!

Submitted January 30, 2021 at 03:29PM by First_Time_Optimist

Warning: Get your Bitcoin out of Robinhood while you still can!

Remember when we said, “What if Robinhood started trading paper Bitcoin without holding actual Bitcoin?”. This is what happens when a dishonest company needs more capital fast and the chances of your RH BTC positions being non-collateralized have literally never been higher. Further, the chances of RH failing as a company have never been higher.Look into the faces of the young CEOs who made their fortunes by deceiving retail investors and selling them out via order flow. Do you really want to let these guys hold your BTC?For the next 24 hours I will personally answer any questions that any of you may have about liquidating your RH positions and getting into a real exchange or decentralized marketplace (like BISQ)Do the right thing because it’s also the smart thing and because you low key always knew you should have been via /r/Bitcoin

The Bitcoin moon song feat. Musk, Saylor and Back via /r/Bitcoin

Scaramucci’s tie on CNBC today...

Submitted January 30, 2021 at 06:00AM by Monith1979

It's a big club. And you ain't in it.

Submitted January 30, 2021 at 12:59AM by Daboloskov

Ray Dalio Calls Bitcoin ‘One Hell of an Invention,’ Considers It for New Funds

Submitted January 29, 2021 at 09:23PM by NunoEdgar_Investor

100,000 new members on r/Bitcoin in one day!

Welcome! :) This is so exciting! via /r/Bitcoin

[PSA] Robinhood Insolvency Dangers

I posted this over at r/wallstreebets as well.Robinhood appears to be on the verge of insolvency based on a few data points:To continue operating, it drew on a line of credit from six banks amounting to between $500 million and $600 millionThey had to raise an emergency $1 billion from investors today.They stopped allowing users to buy GME and other meme stonks for a full day yesterday.They have severely limited or blocked 50+ stocks, including lots of non meme stonks. More are likely.They are not allowing people to exercise their options, instead they are automatically selling them at a price of their choosing.There appears to be a bank run on Robinhood as people are fed up with the restrictions, this is a negative feedback loop.If Robinhood goes under the SEC will freeze all the accounts. The SIPC protects up to $500k in accounts.BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, IF YOU HAVE CRYPTOCURRENCIES AT ROBINHOOD, IT APPEARS YOU WILL LOSE EVERYTHING!I am not bullshitting. Look at their How You're Protected support page for yourself:​Cryptocurrency investments through Robinhood Crypto are not protected by SIPC and that Robinhood Crypto is not a member of FINRA or SIPC.​TL;DR: Get your crypto out of Robinhood ASAP! via /r/Bitcoin

If you join Bitcoin today due to Musk's tweet, remember to DCA!!!

To all newcomers arriving in BTC-world today: don't go all in.

Buy a little bit now, a little bit tomorrow, etc.

You don't want to get burned on your frist day entering the crypto-world (yes, you may not get burned, but a retest of something like 35k is likely, so stay rational and dollar-cost-average).

edit: thanks for the rewards. i think they are my first ones ;-)

Submitted January 29, 2021 at 10:33PM by saboshinagobongo

Daily Discussion, January 30, 2021

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

Friday 29 January 2021

Fiat Will Eat Itself

Submitted January 30, 2021 at 03:27AM by adampsyreal

Hedge funds have shorted about 5bn of Bitcoin futures

To cover it up, they would need to buy back about 150 000 bitcoins.

I will let you connect the dots with what happened this last week

Submitted January 30, 2021 at 05:32AM by floflodea3

Scaramucci’s tie on CNBC today... via /r/Bitcoin

I made a portrait of our latest recruit Elon Musk

Submitted January 30, 2021 at 06:35AM by ESGombrich

Visa CEO calls Bitcoin 'digital gold', outlines strategy to integrate crypto

Submitted January 30, 2021 at 01:30AM by ManahilGilbert

Hedge funds have shorted about 5bn of Bitcoin futures

To cover it up, they would need to buy back about 150 000 bitcoins.I will let you connect the dots with what happened this last week via /r/Bitcoin

Welcome to the squad, Elon.

Submitted January 30, 2021 at 01:44AM by heist95

I made a portrait of our latest recruit Elon Musk via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin Newcomers FAQ - Please read!

Welcome to the /r/Bitcoin Sticky FAQYou've probably been hearing a lot about Bitcoin recently and are wondering what's the big deal? Most of your questions should be answered by the resources below but if you have additional questions feel free to ask them in the comments.It all started with the release of Satoshi Nakamoto's whitepaper however that will probably go over the head of most readers so we recommend the following articles/books/videos as a good starting point for understanding how bitcoin works and a little about its long term potential:Article: The Bullish Case for BitcoinBook: The Bitcoin StandardVideo 1: Introduction to Bitcoin - Andreas AntonopoulosVideo 2: The Stories We Tell About Money - Andreas AntonopoulosVideo 3: The Trust MachineVideo 4: Bitcoin 101 - Balaji SrinivasanSome other great resources include, Gigi's resource page, and James D'Angelo's Bitcoin 101 Blackboard series.Some excellent writing on Bitcoin's value proposition and future can be found at the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute.Some Bitcoin statistics can be found here, here and here. Developer resources can be found here. Peer-reviewed research papers can be found here, also course lectures from the Princeton crypto series.Potential upcoming protocol improvements and scaling resources here and here.The number of times Bitcoin was declared dead by the media can be found here (LOL!)Key properties of BitcoinLimited Supply - There will only ever be 21,000,000 bitcoin created and they are issued in a predictable fashion, you can view the inflation schedule here. Once they are all issued Bitcoin will be truly deflationary. The halving countdown can be found here.Open source - Bitcoin code is fully auditable. You can read the source code yourself here.Accountable - The public ledger is transparent, all transactions are seen by everyone.Decentralized - Bitcoin is globally distributed across thousands of nodes with no single point of failure and as such can't be shut down similar to how Bittorrent works. You can even run a node on a Raspberry Pi.Censorship resistant - No one can prevent you from interacting with the bitcoin network and no one can censor, alter or block transactions that they disagree with, see Operation Chokepoint.Push system - There are no chargebacks in bitcoin because only the person who owns the address where the bitcoin resides has the authority to move them.Low fee scaling - Fees are chosen by the sender - you can choose your own fee. An appropriate fee for an on-chain transaction depends on network demand and how much priority you wish to assign to the transaction. Most wallets calculate on chain fees automatically but you can view fee estimates here and mempool activity here. On chain fees may rise occasionally due to network demand, however instant micropayments that do not require confirmations are happening via the Lightning Network, a second layer scaling solution currently rolling out on the Bitcoin mainnet.Borderless - No country can stop it from going in/out, even in areas currently unserved by traditional banking as the ledger is globally distributed.Trustless - Bitcoin solved the Byzantine's Generals Problem which means nobody needs to trust anybody for it to work.Pseudonymous - No need to expose personal information when purchasing with cash or transacting.Secure - Blocks and transactions are cryptographically secured (using hashes and signatures) and can’t be brute forced or confiscated with proper key management such as hardware wallets.Programmable - Individual units of bitcoin can be programmed to transfer based on certain criteria being metNearly instant - From a few seconds on the lightning network to a few minutes on-chain depending on need for confirmations. Transactions are irreversible by normal users after one confirmation and irreversible by anyone (including miners) after 6 confirmations.Peer-to-peer - No intermediaries taking a cut, no need for trusted third parties.Portable - Bitcoin are digital so they are easier to move than cash or gold. They can be transported by simply carrying a seed (a string of 12 to 24 words) on a device or by memorizing it for wallet recovery (while cool, memorizing is generally not recommended due to potential for forgetting the seed and the potential for insecure key generation by inexperienced users. Hardware wallets are the preferred method for most users for their ease of use and additional security).Scalable - While the protocol is still being optimized for increased transaction capacity, blockchains do not scale very well, so most transaction volume is expected to occur on Layer 2 networks built on top of Bitcoin.Divisible - Each bitcoin can be divided down to 8 decimals, which means you don't have to worry about buying an entire bitcoin.Designed Money - Bitcoin was created to fit all the fundamental properties of money better than gold or fiatWhere can I buy bitcoin? and are helpful sites for beginners. You can buy or sell any amount of bitcoin (even just a few dollars worth) and there are several easy methods to purchase bitcoin with cash, credit card or bank transfer. Some of the more popular resources are below, also check out the bitcoinity exchange resources for a larger list of options for purchases.Cash appGeminiSwanRiver FinancialBitstampBitFinexXapoKrakenCexLocalBitcoinsLibertyXP2P exchange list (decentralized)Here is a listing of local ATMs. If you would like your paycheck automatically converted to bitcoin use Bitwage.Note: Bitcoin are valued at whatever market price people are willing to pay for them in balancing act of supply vs demand. Unlike traditional markets, bitcoin markets operate 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.Securing your bitcoinWith bitcoin you can "Be your own bank" and personally secure your bitcoin OR you can use third party companies aka "Bitcoin banks" which will hold the bitcoin for you.If you prefer to "Be your own bank" and have direct control over your coins without having to use a trusted third party, then you will need to create your own wallet and keep it secure. If you want easy and secure storage without having to learn computer security best practices, then a hardware wallet such as the Trezor, Ledger or ColdCard is recommended. Alternatively there are many software wallet options to choose from here depending on your use case.If you prefer to let third party "Bitcoin banks" manage your coins, try Gemini but be aware you may not be in control of your private keys in which case you would have to ask permission to access your funds and be exposed to third party risk. There is a saying in the community, "Not your keys, not your coins" meaning if you don't store your coins in a wallet that you control the keys to then you do not really own your bitcoin as you have to ask permission from the third party in order to move them.Note: For increased security, use Two Factor Authentication (2FA) everywhere it is offered, including email!2FA requires a second confirmation code or a physical security key to access your account making it much harder for thieves to gain access. Google Authenticator and Authy are the two most popular 2FA services, download links are below. Make sure you create backups of your 2FA codes.Google AuthAuthyOTP AuthandOTPAndroidAndroidN/AAndroidiOSiOSiOSN/APhysical security keys (FIDO U2F) offer stronger security than Google Auth / Authy and other TOTP-based apps, because the secret code never leaves the device and it uses bi-directional authentication so it prevents phishing. If you lose the device though, you could lose access to your account, so always use 2 or more security keys with a given account so you have backups. See Yubikey or Titan to purchase security keys.Both Coinbase and Gemini support physical security keys.Watch out for scamsAs mentioned above, Bitcoin is decentralized, which by definition means there is no official website or Twitter handle or spokesperson or CEO. However, all money attracts thieves. This combination unfortunately results in scammers running official sounding names or pretending to be an authority on YouTube or social media. Many scammers throughout the years have claimed to be the inventor of Bitcoin. Websites like bitcoin(dot)com and the btc subreddit are active scams. Almost all altcoins (shitcoins) are marketed heavily with big promises but are really just designed to separate you from your bitcoin. So be careful: any resource, including all linked in this document, may in the future turn evil. As they say in our community, "Don't trust, verify".Avoid using ad-based search engines like Google or Yahoo: ads are shown based on how much the advertiser bids, and scammers can easily outbid legitimate providers for ad space, since immoral ways of earning money are far more lucrative than moral ways. Use DuckDuckGo instead, which has no ads, and never tracks you as well.Ignore private messages offering services.Never enter your seed words in a website of any kind. Hardware wallets will recover by displaying possible seed words on their own interface, never on a website.Avoid clicking on links like that look like links, such as, without first hovering over it and actually checking where they go to. Just because a link is labelled with an HTTPS address does not mean it actually sends you to that address. It is trivial for someone to comment a link on Reddit that looks like it will send you to one website when it actually sends you to another, and you might not notice the difference until a scammer has gotten all your money, or you have downloaded and installed software that steals your money.Where can I spend bitcoin?Check out spendabit or bitcoin directory for millions of merchant options. Also you can spend bitcoin anywhere visa is accepted with bitcoin debit cards such as the CashApp card or Fold card. Some other useful site are listed below.StoreProductGyftGift cards for hundreds of retailers including Amazon, Target, Walmart, Starbucks, Whole Foods, CVS, Lowes, Home Depot, iTunes, Best Buy, Sears, Kohls, eBay, GameStop, etc.Spendabit, Overstock and The Bitcoin DirectoryRetail shopping with millions of resultsNewEgg and DellFor all your electronics needsCoinbills, Piixpay,, Bylls,, Bitrefill, LivingRoomofSatoshi, Coinsfer, and moreBill paymentMenufy and TakeawayTakeout delivered to your doorExpedia, Cheapair, Destinia, Abitsky, SkyTours, the Travel category on Gyft and 9flatsFor when you need to get awayCryptostorm, Mullvad, and PIAVPN servicesNamecheap, PorkbunDomain name registrationStampnikDiscounted USPS Priority, Express, First-Class mail postageCoinmap and AirBitz are helpful to find local businesses accepting bitcoin. A good resource for UK residents is at are also lots of charities which accept bitcoin donations.Merchant ResourcesThere are several benefits to accepting bitcoin as a payment option if you are a merchant;1-3% savings over credit cards or PayPal.No chargebacks (final settlement in 10 minutes as opposed to 3+ months).Accept business from a global customer base.Increased privacy.Convert 100% of the sale to the currency of your choice for deposit to your account, or choose to keep a percentage of the sale in bitcoin if you wish to begin accumulating it.If you are interested in accepting bitcoin as a payment method, there are several options available;BTCPaySquare cashStripeWyreBlockonomics (direct to your wallet)Can I mine bitcoin?Mining bitcoin can be a fun learning experience, but be aware that you will most likely operate at a loss. Newcomers are often advised to stay away from mining unless they are only interested in it as a hobby similar to folding at home. If you want to learn more about mining you can read more here. Still have mining questions? The crew at /r/BitcoinMining would be happy to help you out.If you want to contribute to the bitcoin network by hosting the blockchain and propagating transactions you can run a full node. You can view the global node distribution here.Earning bitcoinJust like any other form of money, you can also earn bitcoin by being paid to do a job.SiteDescriptionWorkingForBitcoins, Bitwage, Cryptogrind, Coinality, Bitgigs, /r/Jobs4Bitcoins, BitforTip, Rein ProjectFreelancingLolliEarn bitcoin when you shop online!OpenBazaar,, Bitify, /r/BitmarketMarketplaces/r/GirlsGoneBitcoin NSFWAdult servicesA-ads, Coinzilla.ioAdvertisingYou can also earn bitcoin by participating as a market maker on JoinMarket by allowing users to perform CoinJoin transactions with your bitcoin for a small fee (requires you to already have some bitcoin).Bitcoin-Related ProjectsThe following is a short list of ongoing projects that might be worth taking a look at if you are interested in current development in the bitcoin space.ProjectDescriptionLightning NetworkSecond layer scalingLiquid, Rootstock and DrivechainSidechainsHivemindPrediction marketsTierion and FactomRecords & Titles on the blockchainBitMarkets, DropZone, Beaver and Open BazaarDecentralized marketsJoinMarket and Wasabi WalletCoinJoin implementationDecentralized exhangesDecentralized bitcoin exchangesKeybaseIdentity & Reputation managementAbraGlobal P2P money transmitter networkBitcoreOpen source Bitcoin javascript libraryBitcoin UnitsOne Bitcoin is quite large (hundreds of £/$/€) so people often deal in smaller units. The most common subunits are listed below:UnitSymbolValueInfobitcoinBTC1 bitcoinone bitcoin is equal to 100 million satoshismillibitcoinmBTC1,000 per bitcoinused as default unit in recent Electrum wallet releasesbitbit1,000,000 per bitcoincolloquial "slang" term for microbitcoin (μBTC)satoshisat100,000,000 per bitcoinsmallest unit in bitcoin, named after the inventorFor example, assuming an arbitrary exchange rate of $10000 for one Bitcoin, a $10 meal would equal:0.001 BTC1 mBTC1,000 bits100k satsFor more information check out the Bitcoin units wiki.Still have questions? Feel free to ask in the comments below or stick around for our weekly Mentor Monday thread. If you decide to post a question in /r/Bitcoin, please use the search bar to see if it has been answered before, and remember to follow the community rules outlined on the sidebar to receive a better response. The mods are busy helping manage our community so please do not message them unless you notice problems with the functionality of the subreddit.Note: This is a community created FAQ. If you notice anything missing from the FAQ or that requires clarification you can edit it here and it will be included in the next revision pending approval.Welcome to the Bitcoin community and the new decentralized economy! via /r/Bitcoin

The message of Elon Musk was just embedded into the Bitcoin blockchain for all of eternity via /r/Bitcoin

Welcome, Elon. via /r/Bitcoin

upvote every post on r/bitcoin to spread the word. we will reach all and the retail frenzy will fomo into bitcoin

to the moon bois. its works for dogecoin it will work for bitcoin

Submitted January 29, 2021 at 11:05AM by atrueretard

After GME I finally understand Bitcoin

The /r/wallstreetbets GME retail investors vs the 0.1% situation has lead me to a place of clarity. The game is rigged, and the owners of the system will react with haste and break any laws they must to protect their cartel. For those not following the event

- Retail investors, realised the shares of GME and some other companies were heavily shorted and in short supply, so they started buying in the hope of forcing a short squeeze (whereby the holder of the shorts will then have to buy more stock to cover their shorts, sending the price through the roof, an example is Volkswagen [VW] in the 2000's). This is perfectly legal.

- the plan worked, GME went from $2 to $470 in a short space of time.

- Melvin Capital, a Hedge fund took a massive (likely $6 billion) short position in GME and faced closure if the bet went against them, they were losing money at a fast rate and got a bail out last week by other wall street Hedge funds.

- Melvin Capital then went on CNBC and other networks to reveal they had closed their short positions, it's highly unlikely as the options volume did not back up their claim, they were simply spreading disinformation, again this is perfectly legal

- the retail investors at /r/wallstreetbets simply would not give up, they kept buying, the end goal could have seen the stock reach $5K based on the VW scenario.

- the 0.1% moved to then protect the 0.1% from losing money by using the stock brokerages they own or control(Robinhood, TD, IB and all the other big players) to firstly prevent the retail investors buying more stock, you could simply not buy these stocks, you could only sell, some companies even forcibly closed down open options positons even in the absense of margin calls, so your account is in good standing with enough liquidity and they decide which stock you can have and which you can not, in this time big institutions are allowed to buy as much of this stock as they desire, just the retail traders are locked out of the casino. This is highly illegal and known as market manipulation, it also flies in the face of the idea that we have a free market.

- people like AOC, Elon Musk, Chamath have all come out on the site of the retail traders at /r/wallstreetbets

- Interactive Brokers chairman and founder Thomas Peterffy goes on CNBC’s “Closing Bell” an is literally weeping, explaining he feels hurt that his large, moneyed 0.1% friends are losing money due to the retail investors, oh the horror, how can these small investors make my friends lose money? Don't they know the implications of their actions? The horror.

The guys at /r/wallstreetbets simply did not understand that in our world only old money gets to make real money, the little guy must be shut down and should never have a slice of the action, all he gets is inflation and a 9 to 5 job, plus side hustle if he/she's lucky. If the little guy ever finds a way to gain an advantage the loophole is quickly closed.

- the SEC Chair then threatens to investigate the redditors on /r/wallstreetbets by tracking down their IP numbers with the help of reddit

- The /r/wallstreetbets discord server is banned.

All the years I talked trash about bitcoin, I apologise, now I genuinely understand the value of having a system not controlled by the government, where they can not on a whim decide to inflate the money supply and bail out their friends, while you carry the load in the form of additional taxes and inflation.

Submitted January 29, 2021 at 03:25PM by Warhammer100K

Elon's in

Submitted January 29, 2021 at 04:32PM by jaaalyo

Pomp crushed it with CNBC today. via /r/Bitcoin

After GME I finally understand Bitcoin

The /r/wallstreetbets GME retail investors vs the 0.1% situation has lead me to a place of clarity. The game is rigged, and the owners of the system will react with haste and break any laws they must to protect their cartel. For those not following the event- Retail investors, realised the shares of GME and some other companies were heavily shorted and in short supply, so they started buying in the hope of forcing a short squeeze (whereby the holder of the shorts will then have to buy more stock to cover their shorts, sending the price through the roof, an example is Volkswagen [VW] in the 2000's). This is perfectly legal.- the plan worked, GME went from $2 to $470 in a short space of time.- Melvin Capital, a Hedge fund took a massive (likely $6 billion) short position in GME and faced closure if the bet went against them, they were losing money at a fast rate and got a bail out last week by other wall street Hedge funds.- Melvin Capital then went on CNBC and other networks to reveal they had closed their short positions, it's highly unlikely as the options volume did not back up their claim, they were simply spreading disinformation, again this is perfectly legal- the retail investors at /r/wallstreetbets simply would not give up, they kept buying, the end goal could have seen the stock reach $5K based on the VW scenario.- the 0.1% moved to then protect the 0.1% from losing money by using the stock brokerages they own or control(Robinhood, TD, IB and all the other big players) to firstly prevent the retail investors buying more stock, you could simply not buy these stocks, you could only sell, some companies even forcibly closed down open options positons even in the absense of margin calls, so your account is in good standing with enough liquidity and they decide which stock you can have and which you can not, in this time big institutions are allowed to buy as much of this stock as they desire, just the retail traders are locked out of the casino. This is highly illegal and known as market manipulation, it also flies in the face of the idea that we have a free market.- people like AOC, Elon Musk, Chamath have all come out on the site of the retail traders at /r/wallstreetbets- Interactive Brokers chairman and founder Thomas Peterffy goes on CNBC’s “Closing Bell” an is literally weeping, explaining he feels hurt that his large, moneyed 0.1% friends are losing money due to the retail investors, oh the horror, how can these small investors make my friends lose money? Don't they know the implications of their actions? The horror.The guys at /r/wallstreetbets simply did not understand that in our world only old money gets to make real money, the little guy must be shut down and should never have a slice of the action, all he gets is inflation and a 9 to 5 job, plus side hustle if he/she's lucky. If the little guy ever finds a way to gain an advantage the loophole is quickly closed.- the SEC Chair then threatens to investigate the redditors on /r/wallstreetbets by tracking down their IP numbers with the help of reddit- The /r/wallstreetbets discord server is banned.All the years I talked trash about bitcoin, I apologise, now I genuinely understand the value of having a system not controlled by the government, where they can not on a whim decide to inflate the money supply and bail out their friends, while you carry the load in the form of additional taxes and inflation. via /r/Bitcoin

Elon's in

​ via /r/Bitcoin

Winklebros on CNBC fighting with hosts about gemini and how corrupt the current stock market system is

Submitted January 29, 2021 at 06:04AM by takukuku

My WSB stocks got fucked, so I bought more BTC

All, I bought GME, AMC, BB, and NOK with the rest of the WSB family to fuck the system and the system fucked us. It’s obvious for all to see. Frozen trading where the only option is to SELL? FUCK YOU. I hope that the class action lawsuit is so nasty that multiple hedge funds declare bankruptcy and personal assets are seized — because, to be clear, the effort by shorting GME 140% of the shares was to put 50,000 people out of work in the middle of a pandemic by shutting the business. It feels personal. It should fucking hurt, really hurt, the perpetrators.

“Retail investor” is such a demeaning phrase — as opposed to “Inside trader?” Suck a fat 🍆.

Look, I’m writing this in Bitcoin chat not because BTC is incredibly equal amongst its owners (it clearly isn’t), but it Absolutely is an alternative.

I went into this year bullish for equities and I still am; however, when free markets force liquid losses from the common man — when asset bubbles have made the already wealthy obscenely filthy rich — and then they bitch about the rules of their own game? I’m fucking out.

I’ll keep my stocks and inflate them with my already inflated dollars and then happily increase my Dollar Cost Average rate of investment into BTC.

Because equities aren’t equal, though they should be.

Free markets aren’t free, though they should be.

At least crypto, while it might not be free or equal — is fucking MINE. Finally, ownership over an asset that we apparently can have control over.

Damn, I’m angry. Fucking livid. And that’s why I’m digging into BTC harder than I ever have.

The system needs a good fucking. Shall we?

Submitted January 29, 2021 at 10:02AM by Platotalks

upvote every post on r/bitcoin to spread the word. we will reach all and the retail frenzy will fomo into bitcoin

to the moon bois. its works for dogecoin it will work for bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, January 29, 2021

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

Thursday 28 January 2021

I'm ecstatic that Robinhood manipulation happened.

It shows the people exactly how the system has always been rigged against the people.

I hope more and more people start understanding the value of Crypto currency, which can evade the centralised powers.

Bitcoin to the moon 🚀 🚀🚀

Submitted January 29, 2021 at 04:55AM by ultron290196

I give it about a week before everyone in GameStop moves to Bitcoin

Everyone that was seriously trying to make a quick buck off GameStop and have now realized the problem with it are going to realize robinhood can do this whenever they like. This is the perfect ad for Bitcoin as a solution, as soon as this whole debacle is over I expect a big stampede to Bitcoin. Buckle up

Submitted January 29, 2021 at 06:36AM by jasonbourne185

BTC is GME 2.0!!!! Hedge funds leveraging nearly 500 MILLION dollars of short positions against bitcoin up to mid February!!!!


My WSB stocks got fucked, so I bought more BTC

All, I bought GME, AMC, BB, and NOK with the rest of the WSB family to fuck the system and the system fucked us. It’s obvious for all to see. Frozen trading where the only option is to SELL? FUCK YOU. I hope that the class action lawsuit is so nasty that multiple hedge funds declare bankruptcy and personal assets are seized — because, to be clear, the effort by shorting GME 140% of the shares was to put 50,000 people out of work in the middle of a pandemic by shutting the business. It feels personal. It should fucking hurt, really hurt, the perpetrators.“Retail investor” is such a demeaning phrase — as opposed to “Inside trader?” Suck a fat 🍆.Look, I’m writing this in Bitcoin chat not because BTC is incredibly equal amongst its owners (it clearly isn’t), but it Absolutely is an alternative.I went into this year bullish for equities and I still am; however, when free markets force liquid losses from the common man — when asset bubbles have made the already wealthy obscenely filthy rich — and then they bitch about the rules of their own game? I’m fucking out.I’ll keep my stocks and inflate them with my already inflated dollars and then happily increase my Dollar Cost Average rate of investment into BTC.Because equities aren’t equal, though they should be.Free markets aren’t free, though they should be.At least crypto, while it might not be free or equal — is fucking MINE. Finally, ownership over an asset that we apparently can have control over.Damn, I’m angry. Fucking livid. And that’s why I’m digging into BTC harder than I ever have.The system needs a good fucking. Shall we? via /r/Bitcoin

What is stopping us from doing what WSB did?

There’s a movement to buy bitcoin on the 30th of January at 3PM Eastern. We need to show big companies and banks that if they want in they need to buy at OUR price.

Submitted January 29, 2021 at 05:00AM by BearYouCanPinch

Winklebros on CNBC fighting with hosts about gemini and how corrupt the current stock market system is via /r/Bitcoin

"The people are forbidden from triggering any more losses for big money on Wall Street. Let it be known, the average Joe can be liquidated overnight, but the big guys on Wall Street are a protected class. Escape tyranny: buy Bitcoin" -Sean Ono Lennon

Submitted January 29, 2021 at 04:49AM by theneworld

I give it about a week before everyone in GameStop moves to Bitcoin

Everyone that was seriously trying to make a quick buck off GameStop and have now realized the problem with it are going to realize robinhood can do this whenever they like. This is the perfect ad for Bitcoin as a solution, as soon as this whole debacle is over I expect a big stampede to Bitcoin. Buckle up via /r/Bitcoin

Robinhood Manipulates GameStop Stock Trading? It's Bitcoin Time!

Submitted January 29, 2021 at 03:09AM by VampireVlad

I'm ecstatic that Robinhood manipulation happened.

It shows the people exactly how the system has always been rigged against the people.I hope more and more people start understanding the value of Crypto currency, which can evade the centralised powers.Bitcoin to the moon 🚀 🚀🚀 via /r/Bitcoin

What is stopping us from doing what WSB did?

There’s a movement to buy bitcoin on the 30th of January at 3PM Eastern. We need to show big companies and banks that if they want in they need to buy at OUR price. via /r/Bitcoin

This is good for Bitcoin

Restriction of a free market trading will be good for Bitcoin short term. It's centralized control of a trading market based on a fiat currency supported by debt.What we are seeing today is not a free market. The game is clearly rigged. And it's being advertised more then ever.This will be good for Bitcoin short term. You can't shut down restrict a decentralized market.Long term Bitcoin is still good, that continues to be unchanged.That's all. via /r/Bitcoin

Robinhood just blocked several stocks from being bought. They locked the buy button when it suited them. Don't buy Bitcoin on Robinhood. Ever.

Anyone following the WSB drama this morning will see that several brokers have blocked only the 'Buy' button to prevent GME, AMC etc being purchased. People can still sell. Don't let this happen to your bitcoin. Don't buy bitcoin on Robinhood. via /r/Bitcoin

Why You Must Buy Bitcoin Now More Than Ever

Let me start of by saying this is not at all driven by technicals. In fact, the underlying properties of bitcoin, its potential, and the way our society/economy is doing is what created this.

All of this going on with WSB and Gamestop just makes my conviction on bitcoin stronger. People are starting to revolt seeing that the stock market has always been manipulated by hedge funds/institutional investors. Now that retail investors are joining in, they want to move the field posts around to benefit their positions. I'm not saying the market is in a bubble, but valuations and returns have been through the roof the last few years. Quantitative easing and all of the stimulus has been destroying the dollar and propping up our market.

Wall Street doesn't care making money at the expense of retail investors and the narrative is starting to turn. The currency for all of this has been the dollar which will continue to suffer as all of this occurs. The perfect mix of a pandemic, money printing reaching insane levels, increasing deficit, and artificial market stimulation tells me that this won't end well for the dollar.

$BTC literally benefits from all of those things I just mentioned. Its quite the opposite of the dollar. Its properties are deflationary, asymmetric, and decentralized. Its almost as if Bitcoin is the missing puzzle piece to solve (or should I say to save) our financial system. This is only the beginning of a revolutionary technology that people will try to desperately fomo into in less than a decade.

Oh, and don't worry about the bears. We need them; it lets us know we are still early and have plenty of room to go.

TLDR; Retail investors are shedding light on the fallacies of Wall Street and the USD will be next. Dollar cost average into Bitcoin long term and thank your genius self by next the next halving. Remember, the dollar's weaknesses are literally Bitcoin's strengths.

Submitted January 28, 2021 at 10:48AM by BM7K

Dont sell your bitcoin because media told you so

your bitcoin=your property ,

selling your bitcoin cause media says negative things about bitcoin is like selling your car because a stranger told you so.

just hodl and sell whenever you feel like it,media knows no shit.

Submitted January 28, 2021 at 02:58PM by Republicsucksass

Hedge fund manager Scaramucci says the GameStop saga is 'more proof' that Bitcoin will work

Submitted January 28, 2021 at 04:05PM by PulitzerPrice

Fuck bloomberg,buy bitcoin.

this bloomberg fuckers are really annoying,

we saw them no place when bitcoin was rising,

now that its falling suddenly they think they have a clue about bitcoin?!!!!

they are either shorting btc and scaring others to sell they'r bitcoin to make money

or they are real dicks.

buy bitcoin and ignore these fuckers.

Submitted January 28, 2021 at 02:19PM by Republicsucksass

Miami Uploads Bitcoin White Paper to Municipal Website. via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin is the result of decades of cryptographic experimentation & many failed attempts at an electronic cash system.

Submitted January 28, 2021 at 04:40PM by Bitcoin_to_da_Moon

Cathie Wood: Bitcoin ETF Approval Unlikely Until Market Cap Hits $2 Trillion

Submitted January 28, 2021 at 12:21AM by DaVibes

Hedge fund manager Scaramucci says the GameStop saga is 'more proof' that Bitcoin will work via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin is the result of decades of cryptographic experimentation & many failed attempts at an electronic cash system. via /r/Bitcoin

Why You Must Buy Bitcoin Now More Than Ever

Let me start of by saying this is not at all driven by technicals. In fact, the underlying properties of bitcoin, its potential, and the way our society/economy is doing is what created this.All of this going on with WSB and Gamestop just makes my conviction on bitcoin stronger. People are starting to revolt seeing that the stock market has always been manipulated by hedge funds/institutional investors. Now that retail investors are joining in, they want to move the field posts around to benefit their positions. I'm not saying the market is in a bubble, but valuations and returns have been through the roof the last few years. Quantitative easing and all of the stimulus has been destroying the dollar and propping up our market.Wall Street doesn't care making money at the expense of retail investors and the narrative is starting to turn. The currency for all of this has been the dollar which will continue to suffer as all of this occurs. The perfect mix of a pandemic, money printing reaching insane levels, increasing deficit, and artificial market stimulation tells me that this won't end well for the dollar.$BTC literally benefits from all of those things I just mentioned. Its quite the opposite of the dollar. Its properties are deflationary, asymmetric, and decentralized. Its almost as if Bitcoin is the missing puzzle piece to solve (or should I say to save) our financial system. This is only the beginning of a revolutionary technology that people will try to desperately fomo into in less than a decade.Oh, and don't worry about the bears. We need them; it lets us know we are still early and have plenty of room to go.TLDR; Retail investors are shedding light on the fallacies of Wall Street and the USD will be next. Dollar cost average into Bitcoin long term and thank your genius self by next the next halving. Remember, the dollar's weaknesses are literally Bitcoin's strengths. via /r/Bitcoin

Dont sell your bitcoin because media told you so

your bitcoin=your property ,selling your bitcoin cause media says negative things about bitcoin is like selling your car because a stranger told you so.just hodl and sell whenever you feel like it,media knows no shit. via /r/Bitcoin