Sunday 31 January 2021


Hey my wsb friends, I know some of you already have some bitcoin, but I imagine lots of you are just starting to learn about it, so I'm going to borrow your meme for a second to explain why I like the coin, and I hope that resonates with you, because your message sure resonated with me.1) The coin is yours. Like all of this bullshit we are seeing with the trade being shut down arbitrarily, and blatant manipulation, many of you will realize that your stake in the current system is not even really yours, the dollar is just a number on their database, and unfortunately the GME stock is also just a number on their database. With the coin, your stake is on our database, that's the power of the open and decentralized system, and is a paradigm shift.2) The coin is democratic. I know that today in the developed world we are mainly using it as a kind of investment, but in many places people are benefiting from the open nature of the system and are actively using it to escape authoritarian regimes like Venezuela, and completely stupid governments like Argentina, as well as being used by popular movements like in Nigeria. Either way, the coin is a win win for everyone, rich or poor.3) The coin is inclusive. The coin doesn't care about your gender, nationality, ethnicity, religion or employment status. Everyone is welcome to participate.4) The coin is free. The idea of freedom is central to bitcoin, unlike fiat you are not forced to use it, yet millions of people are coming together and voluntarily adopting it, in a big display of freedom of choice, and in my view also a peaceful protests against the current institutions, you can opt-out of the current system.I hope that you join us, and HODL strong with 💎🙌.GME is a battle, Bitcoin is the war. via /r/Bitcoin

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