Wednesday 31 March 2021

Market Wrap: Bitcoin Pushes $60K as Goldman, BlackRock Moves Signal Adoption via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, April 01, 2021

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

They keep printing. I keep buying btc.

Submitted April 01, 2021 at 12:31AM by Payn3full

BlackRock Has Begun Trading Bitcoin Futures via /r/Bitcoin

BlackRock, one of the world's largest asset management companies, has announced an investment in Bitcoin (BTC)!

Submitted April 01, 2021 at 07:28AM by LibrarianWide703

How do people keep finding these shady fucking scam websites?

Seriously every 5 minutes its “Is insert scam website safe?” Or someone complaining about losing thousands of dollars worth of Bitcoin to some fucking scam site.First Google result for “Buy Bitcoin” is Coinbase. Please teach me how to find these scams. It seems like you need to be actively going out of your way to get scammed to find these pieces of shit. via /r/Bitcoin

It's an endless rush, and these banks are only doing this because their customers are DEMANDING it. "Sachs is close to offering bitcoin and other digital assets to its wealth management clients."

Submitted March 31, 2021 at 09:29PM by Jethroe1

TIL never ever tell someone about your bitcoin

I met a random guy recently and we talked a little bit about random stuff. After a while he came up with Bitcoin and asked me about my opinion. I told him that I own Bitcoin but not the exact amount. Anyway, it turned out that he had a certain level of criminal energy and had a ton of crimes convicted over the last years. Conversation went like: "I'd never harm somebody, you know that. But if I could make some fast money I'd get my guys, kidnap you and cut off your fingers until you tell me your seed". We had some beers and continued with some different shit. But right now I am searching for some self defense tools. I've never felt so uncomfortable. Hope things will not get ugly. Here is my advice: No matter how much you love the technology or how badly you want to share your Bitcoin story: Don't tell someone unless you are not 100% sure that he is trustworthy. Don't be foolish like me.

Submitted April 01, 2021 at 03:57AM by Freefall101

BlackRock, one of the world's largest asset management companies, has announced an investment in Bitcoin (BTC)! via /r/Bitcoin

Warning! Baby boomers are ready to enter the market!

A longtime Bitcoin bull and the founder of Galaxy Digital Michael Novogratz spoke about Bitcoin's future.

He explained that as cryptocurrencies become more widespread, rich baby boomers will be the next generation to come to the bitcoin market.

“It could be as much as a trillion dollars comes over the next year from that giant group of wealth." - declared Novogratz.

Baby Boomers are those who were born around the end of World War II until the mid-1960s. They were the main beneficiaries of the massive stimulus packages that pumped asset values ​​in the wake of the 2008-2009 global financial crisis. Many of them see bitcoin as an asset that can significantly increase its value, as well as protect their savings from inflation caused by the massive printing of money.

"If you’re worried that the U.S. is printing too many dollars … you’re going to shift some of your savings into bitcoin."
- Michael Novgorats.

If the CEOs of JMP Securities and Galaxy Digital are not wrong, then in the coming months, huge amounts of money will begin to flow into the bitcoin market, and by the end of the year, their inflow will amount to $2.5 trillion. Now the capitalization of the first cryptocurrency is $1.2 trillion. If you add these two sums, then the capitalization of BTC by the end will reach $3.7 trillion, hence the price of bitcoin will be $177,754.

But since in free circulation, according to Glassnode, at the beginning of the year there were only 4.2 million bitcoins, a reasonable question arises: what exactly are the listed groups of investors going to buy? Everything that is available to them on the market today, taking into account all the bitcoins available on exchange wallets and in OTC, is a maximum of 4.2 million BTC.

If we subtract from the total emission of bitcoin, which is 18.6 million today, belonging to the class of illiquid 14.5 million, then the estimated price of bitcoin will be $711,000 by the end of the year. And this is without taking into account the money of other buyers, who, of course, are present in the market and their number is growing all the time. It is worth adding an element of common panic buying that can arise against the backdrop of the rapid rise in the price of BTC.

Last year alone, Grayscale Capital and other funds bought about 1 million bitcoins on the market. Under the above-mentioned scenario, no more than 1 million BTC will remain in free circulation by the end of the year.

Turns out, “To The Moon” is much closer than expected.

Thanks to Michael Novogratz for the tip.

Submitted March 31, 2021 at 06:53PM by SirFuckingLoin

Guy takes the orange pill

Submitted March 31, 2021 at 04:48AM by NinjaDK

What happens when you start learning about ₿Itcoin

Submitted March 31, 2021 at 03:32AM by Bitcoinairrr

The most bullish chart I’ve seen this cycle via /r/Bitcoin

If I was a gold bug I'd be so angry about bitcoin. This is the transition they've been living for all these years and #bitcoin showed up right before the finish line and stole the show. You gotta get past your anger though and accept reality or you'll suffer needlessly. via /r/Bitcoin

I know I am a little late into the game but your tips will be a great start for me.

For the last decade or so, unless someone has been living on a remote sheep farm in the Yorkshire dales with no broadband,we have all seen the rise of Defi specifically Bitcoin recently becoming the bullish of digital currency. During this time I was skeptical about cryptocurrency until my older brother started investing 3 years ago and has now grown his portfolio to a point of intriguing my interest.He immediately introduced me into this crypto space (started with Bitcoin) but couldn’t understand much about investing in it; I was just following what he was saying without much idea of what I was doing. Though excited when my first investment rose with the rise of Bitcoin value, I only got frustrated when it dipped from $67k to $54k within a month.For the past 3 months, I have been reading through cryptocurrency articles and getting familiarized with crypto communities but honestly I don’t seem to get the information i need on cryptocurrency investment.Do you have any tips/advice that would help me learn about this great investment?I would really love to be part of this community and head to the moon together!Thank you. via /r/Bitcoin

PayPal rolls out merchant payments in BTC

Submitted March 31, 2021 at 05:14AM by ProvBroker

Tuesday 30 March 2021

Daily Discussion, March 31, 2021

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

Miami Mayor wants to turn the city into a bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies mining hub with clean energy

Submitted March 31, 2021 at 05:26AM by thefoodboylover

The guy who sold 10, 000 BTC For a pizza is not retarded. He used it for what it was intended for and helped legitimize the movement

This guy does not get the respect he deserves. Every time someone talks about purchasing with bitcoins, everyone just says ‘I don’t wanna be like the guy who bought pizza with his bitcoins.’ Did anyone know bitcoin was going to be worth 60k 10 years ago? Fuck no. This guy normalized paying with bitcoin so other people could take it seriously, and here it is years later performing stronger than most fiat currencies. Satoshi nakamoto created bitcoin with the intention of replacing the centralized monetary system. Give the pizza lover the respect he deserves.

Submitted March 31, 2021 at 10:52AM by aquamanjunior

'Stalled bull market': Gold price caged between $1,600-$1,900 and bitcoin is to blame, says Bloomberg Intelligence via /r/Bitcoin

Fuck it I'm going heavy on bitcoin and crypto

Tomorrow is the day I will put the rest I'm willing to put into crypto, approximately 50% of my net worth into crypto I'm young(still on my teens) I've been researching crypto for over 6 months I am hyperypermegabullish on it I don't have anything to lose since I have a steady income from other things and no expenses. I believe in this and I will follow it with my actions I'm not scared anymore in a few year I will regret if I don't buy more now. I'm tired of seeing 5× on a 50$ investment I am going to make good money and I'm going to be financially free. I'm tired of seeing my money in the bank. People may think I'm crazy but it is what I believe in.I did DYOR on many cryptocurrencies for months and I'm tired of wishing to have invested more. I know the risk and I know when to invest DCA and when to cash out a part of your holding DCA I won't rest til I make a mil.I feel like I've done more than enough research and it's time to act accordingly.We only live once, I don't wanna be old and regret not buying more crypto, and live the same life as before. I wanna be that person that took a risk in something he believed before anyone around him believed in it and made his dream a reality.I'm tired of many people outside labeling crypto verey risky, of course it is risky we can have 40% corrections and we are aware of that. And many newbies including myself can lose money. Manyly beacause they buy at the peak. But tbh my hand don't shake anymore I'm 99% sure in 10y this shit will be worth trillions and i wanna be worth millions. The next market cycle I'm going all in with my gains form this one and from extra capital.Tbh I see this the investment of the century. I may aswell take advantage of it I'm good with tech and researching and know about crypto a lot I'm ahead of many people and I should take advantage of it. I don't see where is the risk if you when to sell a part of it and you know about the market cycle.Like seriously I don't know how people say ooh it's to risky only 1% of your portfolio. Ok so I put my 300$ into a stock that make a 3% no wayyy. I wanna do 10x I wanna change my life, doing a 3% each year puts me at the same place I was before.I started with a fearful 30€ investment on bitcoin ach time I invested a bit more, but this time I'm going huge no more fear I believe in this shit and I don't need my money rnI was very fearful beacause I have heard many did about it. But fuck off BTC ETH, ADA POLKADOT... And many others they are all going to blow off.Obviously I would cash about a bit in profits beacause I know the bear market will be difficult.I had to get it out of my chest and say it to somebody since my family is very sceptical.Ps: sorry for my bad english via /r/Bitcoin

The guy who sold 10, 000 BTC For a pizza is not retarded. He used it for what it was intended for and helped legitimize the movement

This guy does not get the respect he deserves. Every time someone talks about purchasing with bitcoins, everyone just says ‘I don’t wanna be like the guy who bought pizza with his bitcoins.’ Did anyone know bitcoin was going to be worth 60k 10 years ago? Fuck no. This guy normalized paying with bitcoin so other people could take it seriously, and here it is years later performing stronger than most fiat currencies. Satoshi nakamoto created bitcoin with the intention of replacing the centralized monetary system. Give the pizza lover the respect he deserves. via /r/Bitcoin

PayPal rolls out merchant payments in BTC via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin was $29,000 Jan 1st. We’ve seen a 100% increase in a single quarter.

Exciting to see where it may head for the rest of the year :)

Submitted March 30, 2021 at 11:42PM by TheSmithPlays

Miami Mayor wants to turn the city into a bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies mining hub with clean energy via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin taxation is broken. Here’s how to fix it: Make the Bitcoin capital gains tax exemption for transactions $10k and lower and people can use it to cover almost 100% of monthly expenses. This is the way.

Submitted March 31, 2021 at 05:59AM by the420chronicler

Guy takes the orange pill via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin has Won over Institutional Investors: Could Governments be next

Submitted March 30, 2021 at 07:47PM by salil19

Bitcoin taxation is broken. Here’s how to fix it: Make the Bitcoin capital gains tax exemption for transactions $10k and lower and people can use it to cover almost 100% of monthly expenses. This is the way. via /r/Bitcoin

Fasten your seatbelts: PayPal launches Bitcoin checkout service

Submitted March 30, 2021 at 06:01PM by Amber_Sam

Having invested in Bitcoin for 4 years, the gain I have made is more than 2x the net take-home pay for working for 9 years.

I believe this should be true for many people, especially if they started in 2017 (even better if started in 2016).Essentially, Bitcoin has earned me double the money within less than half the time, hence it is 4x easier to earn with Bitcoin than going to work.Not to mention Bitcoin doesn't need me to actually physically go to work and do work and endure office politics 9-6 every weekday. Bitcoin just needs you to buy it, and sit there, and it will earn for you.Hence Biotcin is at least 6x better than going to work in terms of earning. (Yes some people would go to work for "aspiration" and "self fulfillment" and blah blah blah but let's not count these people ok?) via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin is now larger than the Canadian Dollar (M1). via /r/Bitcoin

Morning Brew have replaced Gold with Bitcoin!

From today’s newsletter...“ Today, the Brew unveiled a brand new design for our Markets section with some pretty big changes. So before we get into the day's business news, we wanted to provide a little insight into why we made the switch.From a graphics POV, we got rid of some unnecessary white space so that, with just a quick glance, you can tell if indicators moved up or down.You also probably noticed that we removed oil and gold. In their place, we added 1) bitcoin and 2) a "flex" spot, which will allow us to showcase any security—whether it's a tech stock, oil, or dogecoin—that made an interesting move the previous day. Today we picked JPMorgan stock because of the turmoil around the banking sector.” via /r/Bitcoin

Was my B-day yesterday and was gifted a Bitcoin๐Ÿ‘

Submitted March 29, 2021 at 09:56PM by TheTripleCray

Made me chuckle (spotted on London underground) [Enhance! for punchline]

Submitted March 30, 2021 at 08:50AM by smeggletoot

The Launch of PayPal's Crypto Checkout Service is Imminent via /r/Bitcoin

Fasten your seatbelts: PayPal launches Bitcoin checkout service via /r/Bitcoin

€50k mark has been breached via /r/Bitcoin

Sign at an anti corona demonstration in Amsterdam

Submitted March 30, 2021 at 01:11AM by KenanDT

Texas Governor Greg Abbott: Count me in as a crypto law proposal supporter.

Submitted March 30, 2021 at 06:32AM by lbalan79

Square CFO: "There's absolutely a case for every balance sheet to have Bitcoin on it."

Submitted March 30, 2021 at 12:49AM by Lynchynator

Canadian Purpose ETF passes 15k BTC (15230.9927) as of today via /r/Bitcoin

These Girls Accept Bitcoins At Their Lemonade Stand (From 2014) via /r/Bitcoin

Monday 29 March 2021

Tyler Winklevoss: US government will never ban bitcoin (BTC) via /r/Bitcoin

Knowing When to Buy the Dip - If you're thinking about selling right now DON'T & Why you shouldn't

Ok ladies & gents,To some, this recent pull back might look like a repeat of the correction after Elon's candle but it's not.Here's why:Adoption is increasing (Visa, MasterCard, Tesla, Square, PayPal, JPM, GS, BNY, BlackRock). All of these companies don't mess around and are all taking action towards adopting crypto.Inflation - Do I really need to explain this? Go look at the M2 money supply or the price of any commodity over the last year and you'll get the pictureInterest rates might be increasing but they can't go that high. Look up Operation Twist for more info, this is a can of worms I don't want to open right now but basically short-term rates are going up for the near future and long-term rates will go down incentivizing long-term investment in the economy. This will balance out over time and people worrying about rates jumping shouldn't because it would literally break the entire world economy if you don't believe me refer to #2The price is being manipulated right now for either institutions (most likely) or whales to accumulate at a lower priceProof:​ is called a sell wall. To newbies, this may look like someone trying to offload a bunch of BTC so they can get out but this is an extremely common tactic seen in both the traditional financial markets as well as cryptocurrency markets. It works particularly well in crypto because volume is so low. The idea is (relatively) simple. Pretend you want to buy a bunch of BTC without pushing the price up too much. You can't buy it all at once so you need to spread it out over time. But hang on, doing that will cause a bunch of green candles in a row and everybody and their mom will jump in on the action so what do you do?You pretend you're selling a bunch for more than what you want to buy it for. This will scare people into selling at or below your sell wall, allowing you to buy up all their BTC for the price you want. Once you have what you want, you take away the sell wall (prepare for launch) and buy up until people join in (to the moon) . This is what happening literally right now so if you're selling stop. My guess is there will be an announcement soon about another company investing in BTC or an investment bank/hedge fund just got they're trading desk running.TL;DR - Always buy the dip. via /r/Bitcoin

Made me chuckle (spotted on London underground) [Enhance! for punchline] via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, March 30, 2021

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

Each red dot ๐Ÿ”ด represents a headline in the news that called Bitcoin "dead", "failed", or "worthless".

Submitted March 30, 2021 at 01:00AM by Bitcoin_is_plan_A

The Bitcoin Network now transfers $137,000 per second around the world without requiring a bank, government, or third party.

Submitted March 30, 2021 at 07:29AM by DocumentingBitcoin

Texas Governor Greg Abbott: Count me in as a crypto law proposal supporter. via /r/Bitcoin

The Bitcoin Network now transfers $137,000 per second around the world without requiring a bank, government, or third party. via /r/Bitcoin

A new liquidity mining program with Vesper via /r/Bitcoin

Audemars Piguet reply to "when can i buy your watches with Bitcoin" via /r/Bitcoin

The Mempool is CLEARING 6 SAT/VB transactions! Move your coin or open some Lightning channels TONIGHT!

It's especially a good time to get some inbound liquidity if you're running a routing node.

Get stacking those routing sats! My node Cornelius made over 3,000 sats yesterday : )

Submitted March 29, 2021 at 08:29AM by eyeoft

Bitcoin Supply Reaches the Lowest Level in 3 Months

Submitted March 29, 2021 at 04:48PM by DeadlyViperA_Squad

Why did Elon Musk finally invest in Bitcoin? via /r/Bitcoin

Slowly but surely via /r/Bitcoin

Boomers Next to Adopt Crypto, a Trillion Dollars Could Flow Into Bitcoin Over the Next Year, Says Novogratz

Galaxy Digital CEO Mike Novogratz has predicted that as much as a trillion dollars could flow into bitcoin over the next year as wealthy baby boomers get into cryptocurrency. With the example of Morgan Stanley, he says that more banks will start offering bitcoin exposure to their customers.

Submitted March 29, 2021 at 08:59AM by 1precious

๐Ÿ‘€ Mastercard where u r via /r/Bitcoin

Dec. 4th, 2017 Bitcoin closed a low of $11,502. Dec. 16, 2017 it peaked at a high of 19,660. Being wrong by 12 day would have cost you 50% of your gains. You cannot time the top.

I've been invested since 2011 and the one thing I've learned is in all bubbles a majority of the gains are made at the very end of the cycle. Trying to guess the top is a fools bet as being wrong by a couple weeks can cost you all your gains. Sure Bitcoin eventually fell to as low as 3k but even getting the top right by within a 12 day window is near impossible.

Don't treat investments as a get rich quick scheme, the true winners are those who diamond hands hold for decades. When it's your time to retire you can spend your coins just like you would dollars you cashed out.

Submitted March 29, 2021 at 09:41AM by icbcrepair

i have to go...r now via /r/Bitcoin

Visa to allow payment settlements using cryptocurrency!

This is huge! via /r/Bitcoin

Ark Investment CEO on Bitcoin "1 Trillion is Nothing" compared to future growth via /r/Bitcoin

Mentor Monday, March 29, 2021: Ask all your bitcoin questions!

Ask (and answer!) away! Here are the general rules:If you'd like to learn something, ask.If you'd like to share knowledge, answer.Any question about Bitcoin is fair game.And don't forget to check out /r/BitcoinBeginnersYou can sort by new to see the latest questions that may not be answered yet. via /r/Bitcoin

U.S. needs to mine more bitcoins due to national security reasons, Miami mayor says via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin Supply Reaches the Lowest Level in 3 Months via /r/Bitcoin

Chipotle offering a chance to win Bitcoin as part of its national burrito day promo on Thursday

Wouldn’t be surprised if they start accepting it soon as a form of payment seeing as how they are trying to be progressive with other aspects of the business including autonomous delivery (Nuro) via /r/Bitcoin

Sunday 28 March 2021

The Mempool is CLEARING 6 SAT/VB transactions! Move your coin or open some Lightning channels TONIGHT!

It's especially a good time to get some inbound liquidity if you're running a routing node.Get stacking those routing sats! My node Cornelius made over 3,000 sats yesterday : ) via /r/Bitcoin

Dec. 4th, 2017 Bitcoin closed a low of $11,502. Dec. 16, 2017 it peaked at a high of 19,660. Being wrong by 12 day would have cost you 50% of your gains. You cannot time the top.

I've been invested since 2011 and the one thing I've learned is in all bubbles a majority of the gains are made at the very end of the cycle. Trying to guess the top is a fools bet as being wrong by a couple weeks can cost you all your gains. Sure Bitcoin eventually fell to as low as 3k but even getting the top right by within a 12 day window is near impossible.Don't treat investments as a get rich quick scheme, the true winners are those who diamond hands hold for decades. When it's your time to retire you can spend your coins just like you would dollars you cashed out. via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, March 29, 2021

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

100% of People Should Buy Then HODL Bitcoin. That's it.

Submitted March 29, 2021 at 01:04AM by sylsau

Boomers Next to Adopt Crypto, a Trillion Dollars Could Flow Into Bitcoin Over the Next Year, Says Novogratz

Galaxy Digital CEO Mike Novogratz has predicted that as much as a trillion dollars could flow into bitcoin over the next year as wealthy baby boomers get into cryptocurrency. With the example of Morgan Stanley, he says that more banks will start offering bitcoin exposure to their customers. via /r/Bitcoin

The New Zealand Pension Fund announced a $ 17.5 million bitcoin (BTC) investment in October

Submitted March 29, 2021 at 04:12AM by Healthy_Effective_27

How it started, and how it's going...

Submitted March 29, 2021 at 07:23AM by DocumentingBitcoin

How it started, and how it's going... via /r/Bitcoin

Whenever I feel restless, I just allow the soothing sound of Bitcoin transactions lull me to sleep. BitListen - Bitcoin Transaction Visualizer

Submitted March 28, 2021 at 03:56PM by Rhygenix

Ferrari’s now being sold for Bitcoin.

Submitted March 28, 2021 at 08:03PM by TIAB_

Bitcoin consolidates above $55,000 as a huge month beckons for crypto via /r/Bitcoin

AmericanAirlines Arena to be renamed for cryptocurrency exchange

Submitted March 28, 2021 at 11:06AM by Sizzlean18

I have to know, how many of you would ACTUALLY buy a Lambo if BTC hit 500k

We all talk about buying a Lambo as if it is the finale abstract step in the process of owning Crypto.But how many of you would actually buy a Lamborghini? So cough it up guys/gals what will you buy? via /r/Bitcoin

Ferrari’s now being sold for Bitcoin. via /r/Bitcoin