Tuesday 30 March 2021

Having invested in Bitcoin for 4 years, the gain I have made is more than 2x the net take-home pay for working for 9 years.

I believe this should be true for many people, especially if they started in 2017 (even better if started in 2016).Essentially, Bitcoin has earned me double the money within less than half the time, hence it is 4x easier to earn with Bitcoin than going to work.Not to mention Bitcoin doesn't need me to actually physically go to work and do work and endure office politics 9-6 every weekday. Bitcoin just needs you to buy it, and sit there, and it will earn for you.Hence Biotcin is at least 6x better than going to work in terms of earning. (Yes some people would go to work for "aspiration" and "self fulfillment" and blah blah blah but let's not count these people ok?) via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/2QIL5yc

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