Monday 31 May 2021

Daily Discussion, June 01, 2021

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

At peace with whatever happens

Me and my son started mining in 2013... The butterfly labs systems would heat the entire home up north for every month except January... Still have memories of the constant humming noise... I sold almost everything in 2018 at the bottom due to cancer treatment... Looking forward there is still so much hope. The buzz for the next havening should start around early 2022... The stockpiling is inevitable for what should be a battle for the remaining coins... There will be no second chances at this stage. Nobody will want to part with this rare commodity. So if some unexpected regulations come along there is comfort knowing that this community is battle tested and will not simply roll over for the next so called crisis... We are large enough and strong enough to maintain BTC's value on our own... No worries about the mood swings of wallstreet or political Fuddsters.... Life is good for us believers... Onwards and upwards for the steady hands... Peace and prosperity brothers and sisters... for a better Future! via /r/Bitcoin

This is why we HODL: In a zero-sum game such as this, traders can only take your money if you sell.

HODL is a term derived from a misspelling of "hold" that refers to buy-and-hold strategies in the context of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

The term HODL (or hodl) originated in 2013 with a post to the bitcointalk forum. The price of bitcoin had surged to a high of over $1,100 at the beginning of December 2013 from under $15 in January 2013 . In the 24 hours to 10:00 a.m. UTC, Dec. 18 – possibly in response to reports of a Chinese crackdown – the price of bitcoin fell 39%, to $438 from $716, according to CoinDesk's bitcoin price index.

What is HODLING? At 10:03 a.m. UTC on Dec. 18, GameKyuubi posted "I AM HODLING," a drunk, semi-coherent, typo-laden rant about his poor trading skills and determination to simply hold his bitcoin from that point on. "I type d that tyitle twice because I knew it was wrong the first time. Still wrong. w/e," he wrote about the now-famous misspelling of "holding." "WHY AM I HOLDING? I'LL TELL YOU WHY," he continued. "It's because I'm a bad trader and I KNOW I'M A BAD TRADER. Yeah you good traders can spot the highs and the lows pit pat piffy wing wong wang just like that and make a millino bucks sure no problem bro."

He concluded that the best course was to hold, since "You only sell in a bear market if you are a good day trader or an illusioned noob. The people inbetween hold. In a zero-sum game such as this, traders can only take your money if you sell." He then confessed he'd had some whiskey and briefly mused about the spelling of whisk(e)y.

Within an hour HODL had made its way into memes: the movies 300 and Braveheart provided the initial source material, but there are now countless HODL memes floating around the internet (Game of Thrones' Hodor is a favorite subject).

(Pictured: The original HODL meme, based on a still image from the Spartan disaster film "300.")

HODL as Strategy and Philosophy HODL soon became a byword for an approach to cryptocurrency investing that shuns trading based on short-term price moves. This approach mirrors GameKyuubi's rationale: novice traders are likely to botch their attempts to time the market and lose money or make less than they would simply holding onto their coin.

Short-term swings aside, bitcoin's long-term volatility defies familiar logic. The price shot up by 52,000% from 2011 to 2013, then plunged by more than 80% over the following year. Since then it has shot to more than 17 times its previous high, only to fall again by half. Throughout the history of the cryptocurrency, credible voices have made logical arguments that it would go "to the moon" or crash to zero.

Hodlers wash their hands of all this volatility and prognostication. They simply hodl, which helps them to counteract two common destructive tendencies: FOMO (fear of missing out), which can lead to buying high, and FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt), which can lead to selling low. The latter is occasionally referred to as SODLing.

For hard-core believers in cryptocurrency, known as maximalists, HODL represents more than a strategy for reigning in FOMO, FUD, and other profit-eroding emotions. These true believers hodl because they think cryptocurrencies will eventually replace fiat currencies and form the basis of all future economic structures. They, therefore, see the fiat exchange rate of cryptocurrencies as irrelevant.

Predictably, a meme best captures this maximalist philosophy. Neo (from The Matrix) asks Orpheus, "What are you trying to tell me, that I can trade my bitcoin for millions someday?" Morpheus responds, "No Neo, I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready … you won't have to."

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 05:27PM by silly_investor

Got to love the Bitcoin race car at the Indy 500. Rinus Veekay & team did a great job.

Submitted June 01, 2021 at 12:20AM by vindubbz808

“Bitcoin has survived a number of big 'crashes', while didn’t survive one...It would be a mistake to underestimate the unique and unprecedented resilience of digital items like Bitcoin. It's volatile, but it's not a bubble. There is no ceiling, nor any floor.” -Nathan Tankus

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 11:45PM by qbisq

Binance CEO, CZ, shades Elon Musk in tweet. - ''When you use electricity to run cars, it’s environmentally friendly. When you use electricity to run the most efficient financial networks in the world, it’s an environmental concern.'' via /r/Bitcoin

I'm so sick of the energy argument

Everywhere I go people put down crypto for its energy consumption. I'm fucking sick of it. Every day people sit at home, run their heat or their a/c. Watch videos of stupid shit. Ride their car around. They do all these things which burn energy. 90% of it is completely for themselves, their survival and most of all their pleasure and comfort. AndI'm fine with that, I do it too. But I hate that all of that is just taken for granted, no questions needed.Why in the name of sweet fuck is bitcoin the one thing people care about the consumption of? Nobody ever questions the intrinsic value of energy until needs start creating coins? Nobody ever breaks down the energy consumption of their daily life because they would reveal the fact they are wasteful.We've never heard anyone question how much energy the financial system uses until bitcoin started getting shit on. Ive never heard someone question the consumption of Twitter and whether or not that is a necessary service in this age of climate change. My theory is that the fact that a miner makes money makes people jealous so they paint them as selfish world killers.Further wtf. There are oil and coal barrons spending their whole selves on keeping this dirty fuel in our society as long as they can. Why the fuck are we fighting with people about which technology should have to be banned when these pieces of shit are still poking holes in the ground. Let's ban them instead of the tools we want to use.I'm hoping going forward people see the benefit of fully democratized trust and truth and start evaluating energy consumption based on utility and not just megawatts. via /r/Bitcoin

Happy Memorial Day! Banks are closed today, but Bitcoin is still open for business!

Never gets old...

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 09:08AM by mastermind1228

India just unbanned Bitcoin (today)

It has come to our attention through media reports that certain banks/ regulated entities have cautioned their customers against dealing in virtual currencies by making a reference to the RBI circular DBR.No.BP.BC.104/08.13.102/2017-18 dated April 06, 2018. Such references to the above circular by banks/ regulated entities are not in order as this circular was set aside by the Hon’ble Supreme Court on March 04, 2020 in the matter of Writ Petition (Civil) No.528 of 2018 (Internet and Mobile Association of India v. Reserve Bank of India). As such, in view of the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, the circular is no longer valid from the date of the Supreme Court judgement, and therefore cannot be cited or quoted from.

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 10:35PM by simplelifestyle

"India bans Bitcoin!" Uh, NO. "China bans Bitcoin" Uh, NO. "Nigeria bans Bitcoin" Uh, NO. It's an endless shitstorm as moneyed interests close to the dollar spigot finally see Bitcoin for what it is: A direct threat to monetary expansion and Central bank authority. Put your shields up, and prepare.

I am amazed at how quickly the authorities have "awoken" to the Apex Predator in the room. I have always known why I'm in Bitcoin. For me, it has always been around the following core values:Decentralized, with no controlling authority. A finite supply. Freedom from banks and debasement of what I've worked hard to acquire.Saifedeen Ammous says without hesitation in "The Bitcoin Standard" that Bitcoin is a direct threat to Central Banks. Many of us have danced around this issue, and tried to downplay where Bitcoin is going. Even Saylor is careful to couch his answer to the repeated question, "Is Bitcoin a threat to currencies and the Central Bank?"I used to answer the same question with, "The Central banks, and especially the FED, are too moribund and slow; hell, they can't even understand how--or the how important it is--to implement a CBDC."There is no doubt in my mind the authorities are fully awake now, and in attack mode. Latest was Ms. Rowland with the Irish Central Bank just today attacking Bitcoin. She is headed to the EU Central Bank to play a major oversight role. Many here on Reddit have commented on the shitstorm of unprecedented proportions: crime, energy use, investors will lose all their money... .All of us are going to have to get a lot tougher. Right now, the Bitcoin community is under attack, and it is not going to let up as adoption and success increase. After this huge correction, which I personally feel was manipulated by many interests, the only way to be successful in the long run with Bitcoin is to "circle the wagons together, and hold the line." HODL via /r/Bitcoin

Spectacular ongoing Indianapolis 500 race ongoing with Bitcoin car #21 driven by Rinus Veekay. Proud like many others to have contributed to it.

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 01:39AM by ZoTrAcK

Indian central bank reverses its ban on banks dealing in crypto via /r/Bitcoin

India just unbanned Bitcoin (today)

It has come to our attention through media reports that certain banks/ regulated entities have cautioned their customers against dealing in virtual currencies by making a reference to the RBI circular DBR.No.BP.BC.104/08.13.102/2017-18 dated April 06, 2018. Such references to the above circular by banks/ regulated entities are not in order as this circular was set aside by the Hon’ble Supreme Court on March 04, 2020 in the matter of Writ Petition (Civil) No.528 of 2018 (Internet and Mobile Association of India v. Reserve Bank of India). As such, in view of the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, the circular is no longer valid from the date of the Supreme Court judgement, and therefore cannot be cited or quoted from. via /r/Bitcoin

Over the past weeks we heard a lot of news coming from China about another Bitcoin ban, miners gone offline and it was reported that the Chinese State Council was cracking down on mining...

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 04:46PM by Bitcoin_is_plan_A

They can’t stop printing via /r/Bitcoin

Tell your mining pools to stop building on top of Marathon blocks. Bootlickers like them are not welcome. The faster we bankrupt Marathon, and signal to others that we do not support authoritarianism, the better.

Submitted May 30, 2021 at 11:36PM by Bitcoin_is_plan_A

Mentor Monday, May 31, 2021: Ask all your bitcoin questions!

Ask (and answer!) away! Here are the general rules:If you'd like to learn something, ask.If you'd like to share knowledge, answer.Any question about Bitcoin is fair game.And don't forget to check out /r/BitcoinBeginnersYou can sort by new to see the latest questions that may not be answered yet. via /r/Bitcoin

Over the past weeks we heard a lot of news coming from China about another Bitcoin ban, miners gone offline and it was reported that the Chinese State Council was cracking down on mining... via /r/Bitcoin

The bitcoin racing car will be starting on the front line of the Indy 500 today. Let’s go win a race!

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 09:40AM by Poetic_Jabberwocky

Sunday 30 May 2021

Bank calls the cops on a 60 year old man who wanted to withdraw all his money to invest it into crypto lol we need more people like this guy! He gets it!

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 10:54AM by blizzyblake23

Bitcoin Actually Uses WAY Less Energy Than the Banking System, a New Paper Says

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 09:49AM by BashCo

The bitcoin racing car will be starting on the front line of the Indy 500 today. Let’s go win a race! via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, May 31, 2021

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

“According to the report, $3.2 billion of Bitcoin was sold at a loss last week after being acquired in the previous 4 to 13 weeks.” -Noobs lol....

“... explains that whales bought 77,000 bitcoin last week, now worth over $3 billion.” -Pros lol....

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 06:40AM by AcidAlchamy

Bank calls the cops on a 60 year old man who wanted to withdraw all his money to invest it into crypto lol we need more people like this guy! He gets it! via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin Actually Uses WAY Less Energy Than the Banking System, a New Paper Says via /r/Bitcoin

Shoutout Rinus VeeKay and Ed Carpenter for supporting Bitcoin! I got to see them live today at the Indy 500. VeeKay actually led a good portion of the race! 5M+ people just saw the future at 230MPH 🏎💨

Submitted May 31, 2021 at 05:40AM by jolivarris2

“According to the report, $3.2 billion of Bitcoin was sold at a loss last week after being acquired in the previous 4 to 13 weeks.” -Noobs lol....

“... explains that whales bought 77,000 bitcoin last week, now worth over $3 billion.” -Pros lol.... via /r/Bitcoin

How many of you still plan to keep DCA and holding over the next 5 - 10 years?

With in the last 5 years Bitcoin is up over 6,708% even at this low of $35,000. I can only imagine where it'll be by 2026I'm really considering setting up automatic payments of $25 weekly through coinbase and just forgetting about it until it's substantial enough to withdraw via /r/Bitcoin

R/Bitcoin is about to hit a massive milestone today (30 May 2021). Congratulations on three million subscribers!!!

Submitted May 30, 2021 at 04:28PM by Amber_Sam

USD is a shitcoin but,...

it has a strong consensus protocol called "Proof of force"

Everybody has to use it and anyone who would try to compete goes to jail or worse.

You cannot attack it unless you have more power than the most powerful army on the globe.



Edit: clarification

I think instead of attacking it it can be rendered obsolete by a superior coin which has better properties and cannot be stopped by force thanks to its decentralisation.

PoW - those who provide work gets the coins we want to buy and use voluntarily.

PoF - those who are friends with the owner of the shitcoin get the coins and we all must use it or we get punished


Submitted May 30, 2021 at 11:35AM by Emotional-Bunny-Hat

New Black Swan Bitcoin ATM In San Francisco 99 9th St San Francisco CA

Submitted May 30, 2021 at 12:05PM by Blackswanbitcoin

3M Subscribers! Congrats everyone

Here since 100k! Let's keep growing ! via /r/Bitcoin

R/Bitcoin is about to hit a massive milestone today (30 May 2021). Congratulations on three million subscribers!!! via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin Volume Surges Over $300 Million in Paypal

Submitted May 30, 2021 at 01:40PM by crypto_pub

The SEC has begun official review of SkyBridge and Fidelity's Bitcoin ETF applications

Submitted May 30, 2021 at 12:56AM by smmedianews

I’ve invested more than I’m comfortable losing

I thought I was okay with having 20% of my portfolio in BTC but now that I’m down 40% I’m very nervous. This is money I actually need and I’m dumb for investing this much. I have not sold a single sat. I will not sell. I bought at a dumb time all at once, and I’m learning a big lesson. How do I deal with this mentally? via /r/Bitcoin

I’m hearing this a bunch lately. “I wish I bought Bitcoin”

Just an observation. Not sure why they all haven’t bought it yet or don’t just buy it now. I guess that’s how the world works. It’s interesting. I’m sure I’ll hear it in five years as well. Everyone comes in at a high price that’s how this is. If you’re not willing to buy a risky asset that is “overvalued” you will continually miss out. This is what I’ve learned via /r/Bitcoin

Instant and free international remittance via Bitcoin's Lightning Network. Goodbye Western Union.

Submitted May 30, 2021 at 03:13AM by patriceac

New Black Swan Bitcoin ATM In San Francisco 99 9th St San Francisco CA via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin Volume Surges Over $300 Million in Paypal via /r/Bitcoin

Saturday 29 May 2021

This dip is hard proof that we are still early in Bitcoin.

This dip is hard proof that we are still early in Bitcoin.

Many people still don't understand that Bitcoin is king of all assets and those with Bitcoin are still early. How do we know this? The fact that people are selling, and selling because of mostly the same FUD we've heard since the dawn of Bitcoin. FUD such as China says X, US politician says Y and some bi-polar billionaire says BTC destroys the planet whilst holding $1.5b worth.

If anyone thinks Bitcoin is going to <$10,000 and will vanish off the face of the Earth does not understand Bitcoin and does not care about protecting themselves from tyrants, inflation amongst many other things.

As someone who has a fairly large amount of their net worth in Bitcoin, am I surprised by this dip?

At first, I'll admit, I was quite shocked. We've seen more institutions hop on Bitcoin, like Microstrategy, which refuses to sell a single Satoshi despite this dip. We've seen billionaire gold bugs like Ray Dalio announcing he has Bitcoin. My thought was, how are billionaires and large institutions buying Bitcoin but we are still seeing this dip?

However the answer is quite obvious when I look outside of the circle of educated people I follow on social media for their thoughts on Bitcoin I see many of the clickbaity, get-rich-quick videos when searching Bitcoin on YouTube and the XRP twitter cults, which encourage people to see the whole of cryptocurrency as a get-rich-quick scheme... no, I can't say I'm that surprised that weak hands are selling, because they only bought BTC to get rich within a week.

I'm backing up the truck, working hard than ever to get income flowing and buying this dip so I don't regret not having enough again for the next, (imo) inevitable bull run. If Bitcoin has taught people anything, it's to be patient. Remember, the richest investors are dead investors or investors who forget about their holdings. I may not see huge gains tomorrow, but my son will thank me for this, I know it.

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 10:01PM by StubbornGoldBug

USD is a shitcoin but,...

it has a strong consensus protocol called "Proof of force"Everybody has to use it and anyone who would try to compete goes to jail or worse.You cannot attack it unless you have more power than the most powerful army on the globe. via /r/Bitcoin

The story of the McDonald's applicant came true, but with different version.

Hey there, well, we all know about those memes that when there is a big crash the holder applies for a Mc Donald's job. Well, I sm one of those who bought at almost ATH, I'm still holding but I started doing Deliveroo (and soon Uber), delivering food with my car to try to leverage my spending in crypto. If this dip goes long, I will DCA, and I will see beautiful gainings in the future. What is most important, I'm not at home staring at the charts and feeling depressed, I go out, breath fresh air, see people, deliver food, earn tips, and come back home having done something.

Edit: I've done 103, 48 Australian dollars in two nights!!

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 06:31PM by FacundoGabrielGuzman

Bitcoin is the Fastest Asset to Reach a $1 Trillion Market Cap

Submitted May 30, 2021 at 02:33AM by OkEconomist4491

Daily Discussion, May 30, 2021

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, May 29, 2021

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!

Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 01:02PM by rBitcoinMod

PSA: Mining Difficulty DROPPING 16% in a few hours. Good time to move coin and open Lightning Network channels via /r/Bitcoin

Edward Snowden: $6 Trillion Stimulus? Good For Bitcoin

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 11:07AM by cryptogik

Bitcoin is the Fastest Asset to Reach a $1 Trillion Market Cap via /r/Bitcoin

So I finished reading The Bitcoin Standard and Blockchain Revolution...

..and I feel like I’ve echo chambered myself into feeling like I discovered the greatest monetary “secret” in the world.

Can someone suggest any contrarian ideas? Any educated articles, books or people who have legitimate arguments about how Bitcoin could be disrupted. How another idea could usurp before BTC even reaches maturity?

I need to stay rational because I’ve entered a state of euphoria that’s clouding my judgment.

Submitted May 30, 2021 at 01:11AM by Chewie_Defense

Michael Saylor just put together a great resource for Bitcoin education. Check it out.

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 04:38AM by DeliciousDelicious1

The US dollar looks like a sh*t coin from crypto’s perspective

- 27 trillion in circulation- unlimited supply cap- only 1 node- 1% of holders own 30%- 25% supply minted in the last 6 months- 38 million notes printed every day- loses at least 3% of value every year- in a bear market since its conceptionHad to repost this here bc it might be the most accurate and perspective post I’ve seen on the topic yet.OG Credit to: u/laurcrv via /r/Bitcoin

The Indy 500 will see the debut of the first Bitcoin-sponsored racing car

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 05:44PM by smmedianews

So I finished reading The Bitcoin Standard and Blockchain Revolution...

..and I feel like I’ve echo chambered myself into feeling like I discovered the greatest monetary “secret” in the world.Can someone suggest any contrarian ideas? Any educated articles, books or people who have legitimate arguments about how Bitcoin could be disrupted. How another idea could usurp before BTC even reaches maturity?I need to stay rational because I’ve entered a state of euphoria that’s clouding my judgment. via /r/Bitcoin

Paypal's Bitcoin volume exceeds $300 million via /r/Bitcoin

I could only laugh because they’re going to miss out big.

As a college student I work on my weekends to save up money. I save enough for tuition and basic costs and the rest is dedicated to sats. I learned about crypto and bitcoin this year and I fell in love with it. Since then almost everything I have earned has been exchanged for sats.For most of the year I was at a pretty big profit until this last huge correction. I have told my “friends” about my large position in crypto and they never said a single thing to me when I was in the green. As soon as Bitcoin and the crypto world crashes, immediately they are asking me how much I’m down, telling me the risks involved, and laughing at me for believing so strongly in a “over valued online coin”.All I could do is just look at them and laugh. I know damn well when Bitcoin gets past this slump and to 100k+, they are going to be asking me for help buying some. Be careful who you tell about your crypto exposure as not all “friends” are deserving of your knowledge. via /r/Bitcoin

Laser eyes = focused on the problem, not the distraction

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 08:46PM by xcryptogurux

A short story about the money you use

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 01:41PM by SohailKhanzada

Laser eyes = focused on the problem, not the distraction via /r/Bitcoin

The Indy 500 will see the debut of the first Bitcoin-sponsored racing car via /r/Bitcoin

Old soap: China has banned Bitcoin 5 times since 2013

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 05:54AM by thefoodboylover

A short story about the money you use via /r/Bitcoin

PSA: Watch out for people posting sob stories about selling their crypto

Lately we have seen a lot of people posting here where they claim to have been forced to part with their crypto due to some sad story. These are obvious attempts to get people to feel sorry for them and throw some crypto their way. Do not fall for these lies. Beware of scammers.

Edit: Also look out for people attacking this post. If you look at their history you will find that they are actually very much against Bitcoin. They are using the sob stories to spread FUD.

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 07:38AM by mannix_marauder

Raise your hand if your house sounds like a freight’s to the small time BTC miners coming correct and doing our part to maintain the decentralized network. Let’s go BTC community!!

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 09:28AM by beedub83

Friday 28 May 2021

Raise your hand if your house sounds like a freight’s to the small time BTC miners coming correct and doing our part to maintain the decentralized network. Let’s go BTC community!! via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, May 29, 2021

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

PSA: Watch out for people posting sob stories about selling their crypto

Lately we have seen a lot of people posting here where they claim to have been forced to part with their crypto due to some sad story. These are obvious attempts to get people to feel sorry for them and throw some crypto their way. Do not fall for these lies. Beware of scammers. via /r/Bitcoin

The Incredible Rise of Bitcoin. All time BTC price chart shown in 63 seconds. Background inspired by Edvard Munch.

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 06:27AM by deepcryptoart

PSA, if you're clicking on and sharing bitcoin fud articles, you're part of the problem.

Literally, the only reasons hack "journalists" keep writing fud articles is because of the click traffic their shitty reporting receives. Stopping this trend is even easier than voting with your wallet, simply stop clicking on bunk, fud articles.

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 06:07AM by Bitbuyer313

Coming out to my parents as a bear

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 06:41AM by chocoduck

Confirmed: Bitcoin just taking a pit stop and refueling.

Submitted May 29, 2021 at 03:08AM by sonofenrico

The Incredible Rise of Bitcoin. All time BTC price chart shown in 63 seconds. Background inspired by Edvard Munch. via /r/Bitcoin

Coming out to my parents as a bear via /r/Bitcoin

About $2.1 Billion in Bitcoin Options Expired Today via /r/Bitcoin

No One Can Shut Down Bitcoin, Says Binance CEO CZ

Submitted May 28, 2021 at 07:05AM by samplebeast

I finally own HALF a bitcoin!

After weeks of day trading and losing money I finally have over 0.5 BTC in my accounts.

And it only took a high interest loan to get here, I'm currently down 9% cause bitcoin fell to 35 500$.

Submitted May 28, 2021 at 05:46PM by WilqGmo

Riot Blockchain’s Ceo "I’m A Believer In The Long-term Utility Of Bitcoin (BTC)" via /r/Bitcoin

One After Another, Each Billionaire Will Eventually Endorse Bitcoin. This Time, It’s Carl Icahn. The success of Bitcoin is inevitable. via /r/Bitcoin

Cathie Wood says Elon Musk will eventually prove positive for bitcoin - and predicts central banks will begin adding crypto to their balance sheets

Submitted May 28, 2021 at 08:30PM by SensationallylovelyK

Richie rich via /r/Bitcoin

PayPal will soon let you exchange Bitcoin across third-party apps via /r/Bitcoin

Cathie Wood says Elon Musk will eventually prove positive for bitcoin - and predicts central banks will begin adding crypto to their balance sheets via /r/Bitcoin

China FUD hits next level

Submitted May 28, 2021 at 06:00PM by vvillehelm

WTF Happened In 1971?? a few charts representation on why economy is so good in the books but in the real world it sucks, guess who's fault it is?

Submitted May 28, 2021 at 09:55AM by LukeAeon

I finally own HALF a bitcoin!

After weeks of day trading and loosing money I finally have over 0.5 BTC in my accounts.​And it only took a high interest loan to get here, I'm currently down 9% cause bitcoin fell to 35 500$. via /r/Bitcoin

Is it just me, or is this sub allowing only bullish posts and avoiding anything that might be slightly bearish?

Last month, before the big dip, I posted a video about the Pi indicator 5 days before it crossed and the post was taken down. Yesterday I posted yet another video about the "death cross" which is easier to understand if you watch the video, and basically it is about the 20 week ima and the 200 week average crossing which in the past has been an indicator of a bear market.The posts are for healthy discussion, and they are about bitcoin but no no no... they get immediately flagged as "bitcoin markets" and it leaves this sub just as a "pump" sub. Nothing gets in unless it is good news, where is the balance?Then again, maybe it is just me. via /r/Bitcoin

China FUD hits next level via /r/Bitcoin

Banning crypto to stop hackers is like banning Canadians to stop Bieber.

It's true, Bieber must be stopped. But it won't work goddamnit - plus, Canada brought us Jim Carrey, Keanu Reeves and Celine Dion! They invented IMAX! Jockstraps and the Walkie-fucking-talkie! Furthermore... I can't remember what I was talking about. THREE CHEERS FOR CANADA!

Submitted May 28, 2021 at 07:04AM by Karma_Circus

Billionaire investor Carl Icahn is eyeing a potential $1.5 BILLION dollar investment in bitcoin

Submitted May 27, 2021 at 11:26PM by justHODLbaby

Thursday 27 May 2021

WTF Happened In 1971?? a few charts representation on why economy is so good in the books but in the real world it sucks, guess who's fault it is? via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, May 28, 2021

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Taproot activation megathread

A Taproot activation mechanism called "Speedy Trial" has just started on the 1st of May. Its goal is to give miners an opportunity to coordinate a quick activation of the Taproot update.The gist of it is: miners are given a three months time period to signal for Taproot activation. Within those three months, there are six sub-phases (each consists of 2016 blocks, aka ~2 weeks). As soon as there are 90% of blocks signalling for Taproot within any of those six sub-phases, Taproot activation will be locked in. The actual new protocol rules will then be enforced starting from block height 709,632, which is expected to be mined in November.We are currently in the first second of those six sub-phases, and Taproot activation will not happen in this one, as miners need time to upgrade their equipment (this is expected, as the software update with Taproot activation mechanism was only released a few days ago). But already now (as of 22th of May) there is roughly ~95% of mining power that has updated and started signalling for Taproot in at least some of their blocks. Keep in mind that 90% of blocks within one difficulty adjustment period (we're currently in the second of six of those periods) need to be signalling. This likely will be achieved when the signalling pools switch from signalling in some of their blocks to signalling permanently.Currently it looks like Taproot will be locked in in the next difficulty period, which is starting on the 28th of May!You can watch the currently signalling blocks/mining pools here (stand: 28th May): signalling for Taproot:SlushPool (~3% mining power)AntPool (~18%)F2Pool (~18%)ViaBTC (~11%, signalling in some of their blocks)Huobi (~7%, signalling in some of their blocks)1THash (~5%, signalling in some of their blocks)Foundry (~4%)Poolin (~12%) (~9%, signalling in some of their blocks)SBI Crypto (~1%)EMCDPool (~0.8%, signalling in some of their blocks)Binance (~6%) (~4%, signalling in some of their blocks)TMSPool (~0.4%, signalling in some of their blocks)OKExPool (~1%, signalling in some of their blocks)WAYI:CN (~0.4%, signalling in some of ther blocks)SpiderPool (~0.2%)Sigmapool (~0.17%)Keep in mind, actual hashrate is always unknown and numbers above are an estimation only, based on observations of the recent blocks, which is always subject to variance.What is Taproot?SummaryIf you are a singlesig HODL-only Bitcoin user, Taproot will not affect you positively or negatively. Importantly: Taproot does no harm!If you use or intend to use multisig, Taproot will be a positive for you.If you transact onchain regularly using typical P2PKH/P2WPKH addresses, you get a minor reduction in feerates since multisig users will likely switch to Taproot to get smaller tx sizes, freeing up blockspace for yours.If you are using multiparticipant setups for special systems of trade, Taproot will be a positive for you. Remember: Lightning channels are multipartiicpiant setups for special systems of lightning-fast offchain trades!Source: Taproot - Why ActivateFurther reading:Explain Like I’m Not a Developer: Taproot PrivacyTaproot Is Coming: What It Is And How Will It Benefit BitcoinPodcast: Discussing Taproot Activation Through Speedy Trial (Aaron v Wirdum and Sjors Provoost)FAQ:ELI5 this please?There is an update to bitcoin's code, called Taproot. It is good for privacy and efficiency of some important usecases. The update itself (the code) is ready, now it needs to be activated on the network. The developers/users gave the miners three months time to coordinate this activation (the coordination through miners makes it a bit easier, if everyone cooperates).That three months time window started on the 1st of May, and this current thread is keeping track of the current activation status. Now we have to wait and see how cooperative the miners will be (most likely they will, but it's not a guarantee).If 90% is not reached by August, what then? Is Taproot dead?No, if miners are not cooperating, then another activation mechanism will be attempted (probably something similar to UASF in 2017), where full node maintainers simply say "from blockheight x Taproot will be enforced and non-compliant blocks will be rejected", or something similar. The "speedy trial" mechanism was just the least contentious/the fastest one. If it doesn't work, we move on to another mechanism.If you are running a node - do you need to take any action now?You don't need to, but you could upgrade your client to 0.21.1, which has Taproot activation code included: is a soft fork, which means it is backwards compatible. Non-updated nodes will be able to stay on the network (and upgrade at their leisure at some point or not), but they won't be able to "understand" what Taproot is (afaik they'll see Taproot transactions as "anyone can spend" transactions, which are still fully valid by the bitcoin rules).Will Taproot/Schnorr be helpful for singlesig transactions with multiple inputs/outputs (f.ex coinjoins)?No, at least not for now (although any user benefits slightly from reduced fee pressure overall). For those something called "cross-input signature aggregation" is needed. Excellent deep dive: Taproot, CoinJoins, and Cross-Input Signature AggregationHow can I check on my own full node how many peers with Taproot compatible nodes are connected to me?This command will show you your peers' client version: bitcoin-cli getpeerinfo | grep '.subver' | sort -nk2r | uniq -cHow can I check on my own full node how many blocks are signalling Taproot in the current activation period?The following command line prints the number of blocks in the current retarget period, the number of those blocks which have signaled, and whether it’s possible for taproot to activate in this period (assuming there’s no reorg):bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo \| jq '.softforks.taproot.bip9.statistics | .elapsed,.count,.possible'(Source)Additions (more helpful links, questions, improvements etc) welcome! Please post them in comments :) via /r/Bitcoin