Friday 30 July 2021

Today, the US Senate will vote on a must-pass infrastructure bill that contains a cryptocurrency provision that would dramatically expand surveillance of the crypto-economy. Call Senators Sinema and Portman at 517-200-9518 and tell them to drop the cryptocurrency provision.

In the 11th hour, the Senate has snuck in an infrastructure bill provision that would dramatically expand financial surveillance of the crypto-economy. Policies that impact basic freedom and the future of the Internet should be debated carefully and should never be attached to must-pass bills.

As lead negotiators for their respective parties, it is critical that we strongly urge Senator Kyrsten Sinema and Senator Rob Portman to remove this vastly overreaching provision from the infrastructure bill as soon as possible. The Senate votes on this tomorrow, so we have to move fast!

The most important thing you can do is to call their DC offices at 517-200-9518. We'll connect you to their offices and guide you through the process.

When a staff member answers, tell them:

“Hi, I’m calling to ask that you remove the cryptocurrency provision from the infrastructure bill. This provision would dramatically expand financial surveillance, harm innovation, and undermine human rights. Policies that impact basic freedom and the future of the Internet should be debated carefully and should never be attached to must-pass bills. Thank you.”

Edit: This is not about taxes! This provision would force a vast number entities in the crypto-economy to start recording and reporting information like your name, address, and the public address of a given transaction. That way, from one transaction, they can unmask you, and track and monitor all of your cryptocurrency activity. These details would facilitate mass financial surveillance that is totally overreaching and unacceptable.

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 10:29PM by fightforthefuture

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