Friday 3 September 2021

No one told me it's a fuc**** revolution!

For years I was smoking weed and worrying about the fiat system seeing and understanding the fact that we are being owned by those who print

Bread is not equal to 1hr of hard work or 30years of work to a house I could build myself in 2 years


Seeing this made me very worried especially that no one understood and everyone was fine with it

I knew that gold was only solution but it was abandoned

I've heard about bitcoin long time ago:((( I remember watching a video how you could easily mine it on pc before it shot up in the space

Then some silly documentary about those btc millionaires which only made me envy of their luck

I remember I was day dreaming many times about being one of them just so I could "sell it for millions"

Dumb motherfucker so am I...

In the fall of 2019 when I was getting out of my Post acute withdrawal syndrome which lasted nearly two years I discovered bitcoin i had money coz I wasn't a drug addict anymore and decided to just buy in... I always wanted to have bitcoin even then when I didnt know what it was and after two months on this sub I finally found out...

Thank you Satoshi!

Submitted September 03, 2021 at 08:42PM by SlavikZeus

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