Tuesday 9 November 2021

Breaking News (REUTERS): "El Salvador is Using Bitcoin Profits to Build a Border Wall to Stop the Massive Amount of Poor Emigrating Americans. Canada to Follow Up with Similar Measures".

SAN SALVADOR-- Large caravans of US citizens are crossing Mexico to go south seeking for a better life for their families after the US Dollar has been collapsing at an accelerated rate and entered into hyperinflation, just 6 months after the US Treasury and the Fed decided to start minting their 'Trillion Dollar' coins in high-quality watter-resistant polymer.

President Bukele urged Mexico to deport them north and strengthen their borders, even offering partial funding for their own wall on their northern border.

"...this damned 'gringos' are coming here and stealing jobs from our people... out of compassion I just hired Donald Trump Jr. to clean our pool, but he's doing a terrible job and just keeps peeing on it..." Said one wealthy resident in San Salvador.

"I was selling 'pupusas' on the streets since 2020 and kept my BTC instead of converting it to dollars... now I have a work force of 250 Americans selling them for me, they are unreliable but what can you expect for such a cheap labor, since they are illegal here we don't pay them the mínimum wage and they accept whatever we want to pay them..." Said another local millionaire.

We don't know how this will end, but the countries that adopted Bitcoin early are the new 1st World Superpowers. China also is now one of the poorest countries after banning the decentralized world reserve digital currency multiple times.

PS: I'm a time traveler, this article was published on March 5th, 2026.

Submitted November 09, 2021 at 01:04PM by s3k2p7s9m8b5 https://bit.ly/3C2LxcK

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