Friday 24 December 2021

The end of "Fiat" and Bitcoin mass-adoption starting to happen.

Do you remember this post about mass adoption 9 years ago ?

Well, this is starting to happen right in front of our eyes. Check this out:

El Salvador president says:

What has been called by international organizations as "The Bitcoin Experiment", is nothing more than the world watching how mass adoption changes a country’s economy.

If it’s for the good, it’s game over for FIAT.

El Salvador is the spark that ignites the real revolution.

And the third richest person in Mexico replies:

The end of "Fiat"

It's very necessary, but it will not be a pretty sight

Just wait until the "Bitcoin bonds" of El Salvador are sucessful and they can prove that they can borrow at a better interest rate without the IMF help. Then wait until other countries (specially those abused by the IMF) jump in.

I'm buying lot of more Satoshis and enough pop-corns for the party.

Submitted December 24, 2021 at 10:55AM by polloponzi

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