Thursday 24 March 2022

Reasons altcoins haven't surpassed bitcoin: 1) Bitcoin doesn't require a centralized server to host a full node 2) It's deflationary, 3) It is leaderless. The longer you fight these facts, the more you are hurting yourself.

I don't consider myself a BTC maximalist, but the fact of the matter is we can sit here and pick apart all the bad parts about bitcoin and say, "Oh well, my coin is better because..."

We wanna talk reasons? Ok let's go.

Scalability: your coin sacrifices security and decentralization for scalability. Haven't you heard of the lightning network? Here's a 30 second demo of a lightning wallet where you hold your keys and can do lightning transactions:

Your coin has staking? Ok lots of coins have staking now.
You coin has smart contracts? Great, that's on the way for bitcoin now with RGB.
Your coin doesn't require mining to work and it has zero fees? Holy shit! That is a massive security flaw because all countries could effectively ban your coin because there is no incentive for someone in a different country to step up and run the protocol!
Your coin has miners too, but it is more scalable than bitcoin? Ok, how much did the lead dev keep for himself and the people who helped to make it? Did he sell any of it? Did he sell all of it?
Your coin has a courageous and visionary leader? Wow, that's crazy, one man is toting around all the decision making? Can he change how much is in circulation if he feels like it?

I can do this all day...

Submitted March 24, 2022 at 10:54AM by sgtslaughterTV

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