Friday 18 March 2022

Slightly changing your "DCA" could be a win win

Hear me out.

We all have our own routine of buying BTC.
Some as soon as they are paid, they allocate X % Some buy daily , weekly or monthly.
Some do whatever they can to buy and work towards that one+ orange pill.

BTC price is pretty much driven by buying or selling pressure. When the pressure builds up one way or another , BTC moves.
Sure there are whales buying and unloading. But realistically it's traded up and down.
A market has bulls/bears. We need to accept there are those that want the price to drop, like any other market up and down. If there were only buyers and holders in any market the price would be one directional.

Now that we have accepted that there are those that want to see BTC fall as they profit from this.
We need to also accept that while we bulls "buy the dip" the bears "short the pump". Period.

BTC as well as the crypto markets have evolved into much more of a traditional market where using leverage, shorting , etc etc is readily available. Lending / borrowing platforms also popping up everywhere.

Here is my proposal to alter your DCA buying BTC.

Bears and bulls look for signals when trading.
One being the obvious order book. I understand spoofing exists but let's talk trading.
Most people when they DCA they simply put their $100 or whatever in and spot buy and go one with their day. Or they have automatic setup to buy X daily or whatever.
If we were to stop spot buying and continue our DCA with limit orders $500 or $1000 or whatever below book this will build pressure on the buying side. When the order book doesn't have shit for pressure lined up, bears see this and know when shorting the price will drop substantially. As they can clearly see through the order book how much BTC will be absorbed on the sale and what it will take to move the market.

The old saying bulls walk up the stairs and bears jump out the window. This is very true.
There are many more bulls slowly buying in small amounts of BTC , but the bears are tho les of them, moving more BTC at once. Also let's be real, anyone who is DCAing right now already owns some BTC , so would like price to go upwards and the most recent DCA deposit really isn't going to make a difference when it comes to "missing out". Your last $50 deposit isn't going to change your life if BTC goes to $100,000 overnight and you couldn't get that extra $50 in there. But building pressure in the order book with limit orders can and will deter bears from pulling the trigger on a short position if enough pressure is there.
Also if it falls a little , well you get it cheaper. Win win.

Maybe try setting limit orders instead. If you just absolutely need to have BTC at full price , that's fine set the order $100 lower than the spot price. Or $250 lower. We all have bought them instantly wished we waited 10 min that's for sure.

Just my opinion.
Good luck to all

Submitted March 18, 2022 at 04:10AM by Tiggsweld

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