Thursday 30 June 2022

Argentina Considers Using Bitcoin to Combat Inflation

Submitted June 30, 2022 at 08:35AM by BerryMas0n

Samsung's new 3nm chips to hit Bitcoin miners first

According to information from The Elec, which is a specialized media of the South Korean technology industry, Samsung will sell the nanochips or semiconductors to PanSemi, which is a subsidiary of the company that gives life to Whatsminer ASICs. A semiconductor is a circuit that is responsible for processing energy to make an electronic device work.Another boost to technological development related to the blockchain world, which is getting closer and closer to everyone, if Samsung approaches bitcoin, this will accelerate the approach of bitcoin to the world more and more as a means of payment, as it is already done in several online stores, such as Exeno.Although mentioned earlier, The Elec removed the mining firm's name from its original post. However, on Twitter, the Hashrate Index account echoed the announcement. If the chips have fewer nanometers, there is likely to be more power efficiency and better performance when operating, as the distance between electrical transistors would decrease.This, as far as ASICs are concerned, means gain and advantage, knowing that most hardware on the market operates with 5nm semiconductors. via /r/Bitcoin

Explaining Bitcoin when it was about $20 via /r/Bitcoin

Coinbase “delaying” transactions. Is this the start of the rug pull or just another one of their convenient crashes? Not your keys not your coins! via /r/Bitcoin

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell: "I think we now understand better how little we understand about inflation." via /r/Bitcoin

tell me we have no reason for btc

Submitted June 30, 2022 at 09:39PM by Technical_Success987

Wednesday 29 June 2022

Bitcoin Fixes Government via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin is too hard to buy

Not saying I’m struggling to buy Bitcoin. Not saying it’s a difficult process to join an exchange and buy that way. But it’s far too hard to have the average person to buy.

I’ll use my dad as an example. He likes investing in random things and isn’t afraid to throw some money around different investments, but he hates the idea of having to join an exchange, a bank in his view, and give all his personal data for something that’s supposed to be anti big bank.

I think it’s fair. Are there simple ways to purchase, store, and use Bitcoin without using an exchange?

Submitted June 29, 2022 at 09:22AM by testikyle

Michael Saylor’s MicroStrategy doubles down on Bitcoin bet with new $10 million purchase via /r/Bitcoin

Everyone thinks they are "too late" to bitcoin at first, and they never are. via /r/Bitcoin

Michael Saylor’s MicroStrategy doubles down on Bitcoin bet with new $10 million purchase via /r/Bitcoin

After 6 months of DCA’ing part of my pay into Bitcoin, I’ve finally reached a tenth of a Bitcoin!

Submitted June 29, 2022 at 10:26PM by NorwegianPirate11

Tuesday 28 June 2022

If you understand what is happening in Lebanon, you'll understand why is Bitcoin so important.

In Lebanon, corruption has been rampant for many years, the corrupt politicians have not only stolen and continue to steal the countries resources, but they have also completely stolen people's livelihoods.

In Lebanon, millions of people have lost access to their life savings, people who once had tens of thousands of dollars in the bank, have all but lost it. When people go to the bank to access their money, they are hassled and denied access.

If you for example want to withdraw $100, they will ask you why you need this much? What will you do with this money? No matter what answer you give, they will always give you less, $20 is all you will get today. If you want to check your balance, they will look at it, but will not allow you access to that information, and sometimes they even use fake data.

Access to retirements and savings is all but gone, and what you can access is at the discretion of the bank. This is mainly because the money has all but been stolen, and not there, so to cover up, they have created this almost impossible barrier.

This centralized system has exploited and continues to exploit the people, and with no control over their own money, people have been robbed of everything they have worked so hard to obtain.

With Bitcoin, this would not be possible, and the power would shift back to the people, and the rightful owners of the wealth they worked so hard to acquire over the years

Submitted June 28, 2022 at 10:18PM by qqxpp

Shitcoins in Bear Market via /r/Bitcoin

The ship is sinking...

Submitted June 28, 2022 at 11:38PM by ErosTHE

I made (I think) the first Bitcoin transaction from the continent of Antarctica on 2016-04-14

Submitted June 28, 2022 at 10:35PM by vocatus

Over 11,000 Grayscale Investors Petition SEC Ahead of Spot ETF Approval Deadline via /r/Bitcoin

The ship is sinking... via /r/Bitcoin

Neon BTC

Submitted June 28, 2022 at 11:30AM by BernardMarxx

If you understand what is happening in Lebanon, you'll understand why is Bitcoin so important.

In Lebanon, corruption has been rampant for many years, the corrupt politicians have not only stolen and continue to steal the countries resources, but they have also completely stolen people's livelihoods.In Lebanon, millions of people have lost access to their life savings, people who once had tens of thousands of dollars in the bank, have all but lost it. When people go to the bank to access their money, they are hassled and denied access.If you for example want to withdraw $100, they will ask you why you need this much? What will you do with this money? No matter what answer you give, they will always give you less, $20 is all you will get today. If you want to check your balance, they will look at it, but will not allow you access to that information, and sometimes they even use fake data.Access to retirements and savings is all but gone, and what you can access is at the discretion of the bank. This is mainly because the money has all but been stolen, and not there, so to cover up, they have created this almost impossible barrier.This centralized system has exploited and continues to exploit the people, and with no control over their own money, people have been robbed of everything they have worked so hard to obtain.With Bitcoin, this would not be possible, and the power would shift back to the people, and the rightful owners of the wealth they worked so hard to acquire over the years via /r/Bitcoin

Monday 27 June 2022

[VIDEO] "Bitcoin Is the Only One I Am Willing To Say Commodity" - Gary Gensler, SEC chairman

Submitted June 28, 2022 at 12:02AM by BashCo

Effective June 14th @compass_mining facility hosting agreement in Maine was terminated by dynamics2k for failure to pay power consumption charges. 6 late payment and 3 non payments. via /r/Bitcoin

Public opinion against cryptocurrency...

I remember how in 2012 my friends and many other people told me that I was doing nonsense, referring to my interest in BTC, that it was not serious and in general it was a bubble, at that time I had no opinion, their criticism influenced me a lot, and I believed them, I stopped doing it...

Many years have passed, none of them have admitted their HUGE mistake, but even after 10 years they keep telling me it's bullshit and cryptocurrency is dead...

I came to my conclusions too late...

Submitted June 27, 2022 at 04:30PM by CryptAm01

Is Crypto the Future or a Fad? 9 Blockchain Use Cases with Long-Term Potential via /r/Bitcoin

Anyone else never look at the daily Bitcoin charts? via /r/Bitcoin

Wells Fargo reports bitcoin is nearing an "inflection point" for the "hyper-adoption phase" similar to the internet🌐 in the mid-to-late 1990s. via /r/Bitcoin

[VIDEO] "Bitcoin Is the Only One I Am Willing To Say Commodity" - Gary Gensler, SEC chairman via /r/Bitcoin

SEC Chairman Gary Gensler says Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency he would consider a “commodity” on CNBC this morning.

Submitted June 27, 2022 at 10:35PM by No_Arm_6781

youncan now make a course about bitcoin in el salvador. via /r/Bitcoin

Sunday 26 June 2022

38 high school students in El Salvador received their Bitcoin diplomas yesterday

Submitted June 27, 2022 at 02:15AM by KAX1107

38 high school students in El Salvador received their Bitcoin diplomas yesterday via /r/Bitcoin

My 50 cent advice to all Bitcoiners

Put all your eggs in one basket And watch that basket carefully🪺

Submitted June 26, 2022 at 10:00PM by Emanuelsil

G-7 nations to announce import ban on Russian gold as Moscow sanctions widen

Submitted June 26, 2022 at 09:46PM by Major_Bandicoot_3239

My 50 cent advice to all Bitcoiners

Put all your eggs in one basket And watch that basket carefully🪺 via /r/Bitcoin

The bear is market. but we should hold it via /r/Bitcoin

Saturday 25 June 2022

Andreas on a 51% attack..

Smart and funny guy...

Submitted June 25, 2022 at 04:13PM by MrDopple68

How to Delete a Coinbase Account: a Step-by-Step Guide

Submitted June 25, 2022 at 09:28AM by castorfromtheva

Why does it matter that bitcoin is open source? via /r/Bitcoin

Why should you DCA into the market? I'll tell you why. If you DCA'd 100 Dollars weekly and you started DCAing at the worst time possible, namely at the Bitcoin Peak in November 2021 you would have only made a loss of 7.32% During that time BTC lost 75% of its value.

Submitted June 25, 2022 at 06:06PM by CryptoBubu

Bad Bear 😒

Submitted June 25, 2022 at 03:35AM by vpsrock

Funds have been held for over 10 months with no reason. I've submitted all necessary documentation requested and yet they ignore me. This has been truly traumatic for me. Please stay away from the company called Blockchain if you value your peace of mind.

Submitted June 25, 2022 at 02:44AM by Oyewole96

What to do now?

Ok, I'm getting bad vibes from Coinbase, so it's about time to find a new and better exchange.What do you guys suggest I should use? I look for a reliable exchange with not too high fee's and definitely free from these silly policies that Coinbase starts to push down your troat.Any ideas? via /r/Bitcoin

When Bitcoin falls below $400,000

Submitted June 25, 2022 at 07:41PM by HeidiEditoro

My long term view of bitcoin

I don't care about the short term, daily/weekly/monthly/yearly ups and downs. This is the wrong way to think about bitcoin.I don't care about the other coins trying to hang on the coattails which have spawned from the real innovation. This is the wrong way to think about bitcoin.I don't care about investing in bitcoin to 'get in low and sell high'. This is the wrong way to think about bitcoin.But I do believe in bitcoin, the protocol, the philosophy, and am convinced it will become an important, integral part of the global financial system system over the long term. Bitcoin is both mathematically beautiful and offers real world practical improvements over systems that have been around unchallenged for too long.I'm not a whale. Not a sage. Not an expert. I may be wrong. But I believe there is light here. via /r/Bitcoin

Friday 24 June 2022

Bitcoin is coming for bonds, and that’s a way bigger market cap than gold. via /r/Bitcoin

Found this file from old bitcoin files. Anyone knows what is it?

Submitted June 24, 2022 at 10:02PM by Effective_Fox1712

My Visual Representation of SHA256 (criticism most welcome) via /r/Bitcoin

Found this file from old bitcoin files. Anyone knows what is it? via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin Maximus Mashup | Featuring Jack Mallers, Saifedean, Cory Klippsten & Samson Mow | MAXI's Working Over Time To Save Us All From Brandolini's Law | 6/23/2022

Submitted June 24, 2022 at 07:45PM by Fiach_Dubh

I hope you feel me :) via /r/Bitcoin

Why are people so confident in bitcoin?

especially after the big crash rnpeople say its gonna peak again in the long termbut how do you know, or is it wishful thinking?just curious via /r/Bitcoin

Thursday 23 June 2022

if you make a mistake in new bitcoin type address (taproot) wallet won’t send anything, very smart and simple design via /r/Bitcoin

Charles Hoskinson Advises Congress On Crypto Regulation, Highlighting Transparent Nature of Bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

Stack sats

Submitted June 23, 2022 at 06:13PM by DarkNeo88

RGB to be shipped this month. Anyone here going to run a RGB node? via /r/Bitcoin

Kids in South Africa use sats as their unit of account. They've moved on to the future of money

Submitted June 24, 2022 at 12:12AM by KAX1107

Are they serious? via /r/Bitcoin

Bought my first WHOLE coin!

I am 18 y/o dev! BTC I had yesterday: 0. BTC I have now: 1

I have been in web3 for almost an year now and I bought BTC for the first time today! Feels so great.

Oh, this is my first post on this subreddit:) I have been a passive user here.

Submitted June 23, 2022 at 07:48PM by AdityaGameDev

Kids in South Africa use sats as their unit of account. They've moved on to the future of money via /r/Bitcoin

Wednesday 22 June 2022

Inflation is good and even necessary. Do not consider the mathematics of this policy. Do not question your money masters. All is well, go back to work now. The money must inflate and economies must grow, forever. Do not analyze these economic policies, just obey. -The money Masters

Submitted June 23, 2022 at 01:57AM by thefullmcnulty

Keynes was not all wrong ... via /r/Bitcoin

Inflation is good and even necessary. Do not consider the mathematics of this policy. Do not question your money masters. All is well, go back to work now. The money must inflate and economies must grow, forever. Do not analyze these economic policies, just obey. -The money Masters via /r/Bitcoin

Just Panic Sold..... dollars for Bitcoin. Huge lesson learned.

Submitted June 22, 2022 at 07:13AM by TotesGnar

What are your thoughts of buying in this bear market then holding 20 years with a crypto ira? via /r/Bitcoin

~1000 words simply explaining how bitcoin works so you don't have to explain it to your mom


Bitcoin has a reputation for being more complicated than it is. What I’m trying to do here is explain the bare minimum so you get the ideas without the technical jargon. Ideally, this is supposed to be golden retriever level simple - blame me if it isn't. We’ll start with the underlying concepts, then necessary info on bitcoin, and lastly an analogy to put it all together.


Bitcoin is a blockchain, and a blockchain is a type of ledger. People invented ledgers hundreds of years ago to solve some problems with tangible money, or “cash”. You would give some of your cash to a guy with a big ledger book and feather pen. He’d keep your money safe and write the total beside your name in the ledger, like an account balance. Effectively, this means you traded cash for “numbers-on-a-page”, but it made things more convenient and you trusted feather pen guy.

Feather pen guy’s job was to write down transactions between people while keeping track of everyone's account balance. Transactions were done by feather pen guy subtracting the cost from your balance, and adding the cost to the balance of whoever you wanted to pay. With your signature beside each transaction to verify it, no one could fake a transaction to pay themselves. You could even have “transactions-by-mail” where you sent feather pen guy the details of the transaction you wanted to make - like a check. So, feather pen guy was like a middleman that held your money, processed transactions, and kept track of your account balance.

If everyone adopted this system, would we even need cash? We could do all our transactions in the ledger book. To start an account, instead of giving feather pen guy cash, we could have someone pay us through the ledger. Like receiving your first paycheck by direct deposit or check instead of cash. “Ledger-money” is no different from “cash-money”. They’re both the same money but in two different forms. This is why there are no “cash bitcoins” - they're not needed. So, if there is no cash, ledger-money could only come from the previous transactions that transferred you money. In that case, all money would be a transaction record or “numbers-on-a-page.”

In modern times, feather pen guy and his ledger are what we’d call a bank. Consider your bank account; you deposit money and they hold it for you. When you buy something with your card it's subtracted from your account balance and added to the balance of whoever you paid. Instead of slow transactions-by-mail, we have instant transactions over the internet. So your bank is the middleman aka feather pen guy between you and whomever you pay (or pays you). The money in your bank account comes from previous transactions or the initial cash deposit you made in exchange for “numbers-on-a-screen.” Although we still use cash in society, it's not hard to see how we could replace all cash with bank accounts. This “numbers-on-a-screen” and absence of cash causes most of the confusion about where and what bitcoin is, but we have used these same concepts since ledgers were created.


Bitcoin is a ledger with some differences from the one we just covered. Instead of trusting feather pen guy (or a bank) to record transactions in his ledger, we all “share” the same ledger. This ledger uses the internet to automatically update each new transaction. Only the ledger that the majority of people use is considered legitimate and that you can make/receive a payment. This is what's called decentralization and means we don't have to trust a single person/company to maintain the ledger.

How do you get bitcoins?

You can get bitcoins just like any other currency, you just have to do one of the following: trade your dollars with someone that already has bitcoins, sell your goods or labor for bitcoins (like how you make money), or make new bitcoins (below).

Where is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin exists on a computer program called Bitcoin Core. Bitcoin Core is what manages everything that makes Bitcoin work. It isn't owned by any single person or company. Instead, it's managed by a large group of people.

How are bitcoins made? (Mining)

Bitcoins are created by solving a difficult math problem that can only be solved by computers. When a computer solves one of these problems, the answer is shared with other computers that check it. The answers to those problems are Bitcoins. The whole process is similar to a complicated version of “2+?=4”. If Alice (the person that owns the solving computer) says the answer is 2, we (the checking computers) would all agree she's correct and she’d get some bitcoins from the Bitcoin software (not a person). This is all done automatically by computers on the software. This whole process is called mining. *It's important to note that eventually no more bitcoins will be made. I’m intentionally leaving out a lot of confusing info here to avoid triggering anyone’s High School algebra PTSD so don't call me a liar.

How are bitcoins used to pay someone?

When Alice pays Bob with bitcoin, it updates the ledger with the transaction and transfers that answer to him. By looking at the transaction history, we can trace the bitcoins from Bob back to that initial math answer. So bitcoin is the answer to a math problem and a transfer record of sorts.

Why are bitcoins valuable?

Bitcoins are valuable only because people believe they are - like gold, beanie babies, or money. Money is just paper or numbers on a screen, it has no real-value like food or gas. Money is valuable because we can trade it for things with real-value. The belief that if we are given money today, we can trade it with someone tomorrow is what makes it valuable. Bitcoin is the same.

Why use bitcoins?

People use bitcoins because they don't want banks or the government to have any of their private information. Plus, if the government decides to print more money, it can cause inflation (since there are a limited number of bitcoins, inflation isn't a problem). By using some complex math, bitcoin is made anonymous like cash and secure like bank accounts. This complex math is called, “hash function cryptography” and, “elliptic curve digital signature algorithms” - but we won't be going over that.


Imagine a group message thread between people on a messaging app - let's call it “Bitcoin Core.” The thread is like a page from the ledger book and has many transactions between people. When a new math problem is solved, the software automatically creates a new thread. The solver is awarded bitcoins in a special message on the new thread. Everyone moves to the new thread, the previous thread is locked and saved for records. Everyone has agreed to use the ledger that the majority of people use. So, if anyone tries to create their own thread, they're on their own. Lastly, by using similar math that creates bitcoins, we can link the previous threads to the current one. If someone tries to alter an old thread, it will have a ripple effect and create a thread that the majority of people aren't using. This is how we get the term blockchain. Threads have the following:

The thread itself - Blocks - like pages in the ledger book, organizes and secures transactions mathematically.

Message senders & receivers - Transactors are the people in the message thread being paid or paying each other. The bitcoin software is a special transactor that only gives bitcoin to the solver.

Messages - Transactions are the transactions between people. With each group message thread, many transactions between people are recorded.

Signatures - Signatures are what verify a transaction as legitimate, just like signing a check. These aren't normally part of text messages, but it may help to think of email signatures or cringey text signatures from middle school.

It might look something like this


Bitcoins start as the answer to a math problem. These answers are transferred to people as a form of payment. A shared ledger keeps track of who solved the original math problem, and to who it has been transferred to since. Ultimately, bitcoins are only valuable because people believe they are.

Submitted June 22, 2022 at 08:30AM by AskAndYoullBeTested

Tuesday 21 June 2022

Bitcoin / Crypto machine in Italy, first time i am seeing it… wanted share. via /r/Bitcoin

January 2008 - Ron Paul on sound money.

Submitted June 21, 2022 at 03:03PM by _---______---_

Bitcoin when this downtrend ends

Submitted June 21, 2022 at 11:00PM by Master_social92

Colombia just elected a new PRO Bitcoin president - Gustavo Petro via /r/Bitcoin

All in

I just put all my savings on Bitcoin. I don't have much but I believe this is the time to do it.. I've been waiting since I saw the collapse for the last couple of months. Just wish me luck!

Submitted June 21, 2022 at 04:29PM by Agreeable_Spend_7555

#Bitcoin is inevitable 🚀🚀🚀🚀 via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin when this downtrend ends via /r/Bitcoin

Monday 20 June 2022

Genuine question: what happens to Bitcoin if mining become unprofitable due to long periods of low price?

I have seen this question asked here and there but have never seen a good answer.

Recently I read articles (is it FUD ?) saying that with Bitcoin under $20,000 miners lose money.

I’m sure they can have a couple of negative weeks or months but what would happen if Bitcoin goes to $10,000 or lower and stays there for months or years until the next halving that would make it even more difficult for miners.

As of now the hash rate seems to be unaffected but I can’t imagine miner running at at lose.

Submitted June 20, 2022 at 12:37PM by wiptheman

Lol via /r/Bitcoin

CBDC ("crypto-dollar") vs bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

Hodler since easily 2017 is buying BTC again

Hello people,

I am holding since 2017, bought during the 2018 bear market.
I never sold a single sats and never bought during the 2021 bull market.

I will buy bitcoin again on Monday after 4 years, my total stack is going to increase about 10%.

Legends are made during bear markets.

Submitted June 20, 2022 at 03:16AM by neo69654

Break out the champagne!!!

Submitted June 20, 2022 at 05:21PM by panchero

That's either very good news or I might need to sell my house brb via /r/Bitcoin

I Am 66% Slave

I recently read Knut Svanholm’s “Bitcoin: Everything Divided by 21 Million” and within the book there is a section that discusses all of the various ways we are taxed on our time.

There are explicit taxes that impact me and my earning potential such as income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, payroll taxes, state and local taxes. There are also implicit taxes that affect me in ways that are a bit more difficult to quantify like inflation (an invisible tax that diminishes the purchasing power for the dollars I keep) and corporate taxes (revenue that could have all or in part gone into employee salaries).

Months prior I listened to a podcast with Robert Breedlove where he discussed the idea that one’s effective tax rate is a representation of how much a slave one is to the state. A statement I felt was bold, but the argument was interesting: what is slavery if not a 100% tax on your time and energy?

I decided to take the challenge and determine how much a "slave" I really am. I reviewed my paycheck, my property tax bill, my monthly purchases and my state tax rate. The result surprised me to say the least.

Here are the numbers represented as a percentage of my gross income:

  • Federal Income Tax: 26.16%
  • State Income Tax: 10.66%
  • Medicare Tax: 2.16%
  • Disability Tax: 1.64%
  • Social Security Tax: 9.25%
  • Property Tax: 4.94%
  • Monthly Expense Sales Tax (@ 7.75% rate): 2.71%
  • Total Tax: 57.52%

And that’s just explicit taxes. The latest Consumer Price Inflation print for June 2022 was 8.6%. Simply adding the CPI figure into the sum puts me at a 66.12% total tax rate.

For every 3 hours of work, the value created by 2 is taken from me and given to the government.

I am 66% slave. How about you?

Submitted June 20, 2022 at 02:56PM by Lemons_for_Sale

Sunday 19 June 2022

Finally decided to dip in 🤑

Submitted June 19, 2022 at 09:32PM by Game_13

I thought this was a very interesting post. via /r/Bitcoin

Everyone relax, it's just the entire financial market collapsing.

Figured I'd make this post because of the recent BTC price action. If you're solely focusing on crypto, then you're most likely missing the forest for the trees. It's not just crypto that's tanking. Let me repeat: it's not just crypto that's tanking. Everything is tanking. And I do mean everything.

  • Stocks are now officially in a bear market with no bottom in sight as it falls below the 20% threshold.
  • High yield investment grade bonds are collapsing, also with no end in sight. (Yes, 15% is a collapse in bond terms).
  • Even safe assets like 7-10 year treasuries are sinking as well. My bond bros can back me up. A 12% drop in a fixed income ETF? That's really, really bad.
  • National currencies like the Yen aren't safe either.
  • Real estate and gold are the last legs to fall. Why are they last? Liquidity. Gold doesn't move very often and real estate tends to lag other assets due to its lengthier acquisition process. But we're already seeing signs that real estate is going to tank.

The only safe place to be is cold hard United States Dollar. Cash is going to be king for the foreseeable future and I don't anticipate that changing anytime soon. So if you're living outside America, I feel sorry for you, I really do. I have no advice other than try to get more $USD. For those in the States, here's what you should be doing going forward:

  • Don't over leverage. That means don't borrow money, don't mortgage your house, and don't max out your credit cards if you can help it.
  • Do cut spending and save as much cash as possible.
  • Don't buy the dip. It's not a dip, it's a falling knife.
  • Do re-evaluation your allocation. I've put 10% of my net worth into crypto and it's now sitting at 5%. I don't plan on re-allocating back to 10% because I was clearly over-exposed. I'm going to camp at 5% and see what happens next. I'll be moving the other 5% into cash.
  • Don't panic sell. The time for selling has long passed. You lost that opportunity when BTC was at $40k. Now you fucking HODL.
  • Do stay the course. Whatever your investment strategy was, make sure to re-assess and keep investing. Slowly and deliberately.
  • Don't try to time the market. You can't. If you didn't sell at the top, then you sure as shit aren't buying at the bottom.
  • Do diversify going forward. There is no such thing as a "guarantee" in investing and there is no one "true" asset. Otherwise, we'd all be holding that one asset. All investments have risks of going to 0, never think otherwise.
  • Don't beat yourself up. The bears are out in the woods today for a picnic and they'll be relentlessly mocking you. Every bear will suddenly be an expert who "saw all this coming" and they'll say that you were a fool to invest in "tulip bulbs". Unless those bears actually made money from this crash, they're just shit talking cowards.

There's more pain to come, folks. Much more. We're nowhere near max pain, so don't get brave yet. Bitcoin is an asset like any other. Don't fall in love with it, don't feel emotional about it. If it's keeping you up at night, maybe consider trimming it. Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.

Submitted June 19, 2022 at 12:00PM by CastleProgram

I’m one of those guys…

Who said I wish Btc would go back to 20k so I can buy more. And guess what… I bought more. We do exist. via /r/Bitcoin

So, serious question... if this crash is how Bitcoin responds to a looming macro downturn/recession, where the heck are we safe to put our money?

I've been in Bitcoin since 2014. I've seen the ups and downs and rode the rollercoaster all this time. This crash has me a little bit spooked though, I will admit.Bitcoin was made to have strong and incorruptible monetary policy, in the face of easy money. With the way things are going, it seems like we're seeing things unravel in the global economy pretty much as Bitcoiners have been predicting since the beginning.And yet the price of Bitcoin takes a massive shit as this drama unfolds, and we're all wondering where the bottom is, if it can be found at all.It's as if you have Rocky training for years and years for the big fight, endless montage, he's fucking shredded and ready to rumble. But when he gets in the ring, he shits his pants and cries.It just seems like these are the conditions that we've all been preparing for, but it's just not going well so far. We put our money into Bitcoin to have strength in the face of a financial downturn, but if you are holding Bitcoin right now, it's hard to find other investments that have been hit harder.I guess this is my whiny panic post. via /r/Bitcoin

Mainstrean Bitcoin analysts this week. via /r/Bitcoin