Thursday 30 June 2022

Samsung's new 3nm chips to hit Bitcoin miners first

According to information from The Elec, which is a specialized media of the South Korean technology industry, Samsung will sell the nanochips or semiconductors to PanSemi, which is a subsidiary of the company that gives life to Whatsminer ASICs. A semiconductor is a circuit that is responsible for processing energy to make an electronic device work.Another boost to technological development related to the blockchain world, which is getting closer and closer to everyone, if Samsung approaches bitcoin, this will accelerate the approach of bitcoin to the world more and more as a means of payment, as it is already done in several online stores, such as Exeno.Although mentioned earlier, The Elec removed the mining firm's name from its original post. However, on Twitter, the Hashrate Index account echoed the announcement. If the chips have fewer nanometers, there is likely to be more power efficiency and better performance when operating, as the distance between electrical transistors would decrease.This, as far as ASICs are concerned, means gain and advantage, knowing that most hardware on the market operates with 5nm semiconductors. via /r/Bitcoin

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