Saturday 25 June 2022

My long term view of bitcoin

I don't care about the short term, daily/weekly/monthly/yearly ups and downs. This is the wrong way to think about bitcoin.I don't care about the other coins trying to hang on the coattails which have spawned from the real innovation. This is the wrong way to think about bitcoin.I don't care about investing in bitcoin to 'get in low and sell high'. This is the wrong way to think about bitcoin.But I do believe in bitcoin, the protocol, the philosophy, and am convinced it will become an important, integral part of the global financial system system over the long term. Bitcoin is both mathematically beautiful and offers real world practical improvements over systems that have been around unchallenged for too long.I'm not a whale. Not a sage. Not an expert. I may be wrong. But I believe there is light here. via /r/Bitcoin

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