Thursday 14 July 2022

How to make a Bitcoin cold storage wallet out of Skittles

I wanted to make a Bitcoin cold storage wallet myself to DCA into when prices are low. I made one previously back in 2017 on an offline computer using Tails, but that was a ton of work. This time, I figured I would roll up my sleeves and generate entropy the old fashioned way: using skittles.

Skittles are a lot like dice. There are five different colors in a bag, so essentially they form a five-sided die (assuming you have even color distribution). So here are the steps to make your Skittles cold storage wallet:

  1. Acquire Skittles
  2. Sort them so you have an even amount of all colors
  3. Mix them up (I used a cocktail shaker
  4. Pour them out one by one and count out 111 skittles. Why 111? This is the number needed to generate the 256 bits needed for your private key.
  5. Give each color a number. E.g., "Yellow is 0, Red is 1, etc." This happens to be a "base 5" number. Type in "Convert Base 5 to Base 16" in Google, enter your number, and get your base 16 number. It will look like an altcoin wallet address (0x...). This is your private key.
  6. Using some python scripts you can find on like the bitcointalk forums (or stackoverflow), you can generate your public key from your private key.

Or if you don't like math I made a tool does all the hard parts for you (link below). Do not use this tool for real money. If you are actually going to generate your bitcoin wallet from something like dice or skittles, you should do it completely offline. Also, here is a video demonstration of this entire process (warning: tiktok).

I ended up making this because I'm trying to DCA into bitcoin during the bear market so I made an ios/android app that rounds up my everyday purchases and invests the spare change into my coinbase portfolio. The long-term plan is to DCA into my skittles portfolio (kidding, kinda). I made it free with no current monetization plan (it’s in the app store, so reviewed by Apple/Google).

** Edited for people who don't want to click any embedded links (a la "all my apes gone"):

Submitted July 14, 2022 at 11:05PM by D3FEATER

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