Sunday 16 October 2022

Don't root for the bad guys or the bad things. They can't stop BTC, but they can stifle it, and in the process, stifle you!

1) Inflation, and especially hyperinflation, is what Bitcoin was made to curtail. Yet, as investors, we quake at the CPI report hoping it's not so bad b/c when there's more inflation, bitcoin goes down (along w/ everything). 2) Regulation of investments by governments is what Bitcoin was made to break away from. Yet, as investors, we cheer on institutional adoption b/c then bitcoin will go up. The thing is... it won't. Not in the long term. If you buy bitcoin to sell bitcoin, this post isn't for you. I'm not talking to traders. Short term gains are not a substitute for reimagining currency from a breakaway standpoint where you don't need Daddy government's permission to buy meat. "Sorry, your CBDC's expired this morning. Crickets are still available though." Don't forget what this is really all about. And to quote Biggie, "if you don't know, now you know." via /r/Bitcoin

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