Wednesday 9 November 2022

Stop panicking, here is a plan!

Bitcoin was not involved in FTX fiasco and is not going anywhere. It does not care about other coins or crypto exchanges. Tic-toc, next block, remember?

Don't look at the price, think long term. Bitcoin will succeed when it is accepted for what it is: a payment system. Not an investment asset to get you rich, but a competitor to SWIFT, Visa and Mastercard. Only then it will be valuable for everyone.

It will not happen overnight, but we all can help this success by doing one simple thing: keep asking all retail businesses we visit if they accept Bitcoin. The more we ask, the more they realize there is a demand, the more they will search for a solution to satisfy this demand. It is that simple. There is no shame in asking!

This will start a chain reaction eventually. A restaurant that accepts Bitcoin will show to its neighbors that it is a simple thing to do and is more cost efficient, than accepting credit cards. It is already a thing in Cuba, Venezuela and Argentina. Let's make it a thing in the rest of the world!

Submitted November 09, 2022 at 10:05PM by 0delta

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