Tuesday 20 December 2022

I wish I had the guts to go all in…

I live in Brazil and for my whole life experienced politicians not only stealing my tax money but directly interfering in my life destroying everything I earned thru lousy moves that only devalued our currency against US dollar, let alone inflation. Although I keep 30% of my net worth abroad which includes 15% on BTC I still dream about the day I could have all my money on BTC and just laugh my axx off every time I see on the news these politicians destroying my country’s economy. But unfortunately I’m not in position to do so since I can’t risk my family future putting all on BTC. Note that I don’t dream about becoming filthy rich when buying BTC but only about the freedom it could bring me. For now it’s just a dream that I share with you all…

Submitted December 20, 2022 at 11:42PM by euodeioserbrasileiro https://bit.ly/3FIN7nR

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