Tuesday 31 January 2023

Before you guys start panicking

https://bit.ly/3DujkiG via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3Dtzeto

Bitcoin accepted at my hotel in Slovakia πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡° πŸ‘€


Submitted January 31, 2023 at 10:27PM by Dramatic_Tour_9461 https://bit.ly/3Y8iGPy

6 reasons why the success of Bitcoin is inevitable


Submitted January 31, 2023 at 06:31PM by sylsau https://bit.ly/3HoUvWg

History is repeating itself.

https://bit.ly/3WQE8r9 via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/40iXDMg

My dad finally started The Bitcoin Standard...

For reference, my dad is very smart. He has been in investment banking for about 30 years now and done incredibly well for himself. I have tried to explain the idea of bitcoin to him for some while now, but he just wouldn't listen. After pestering him non stop he finally has begun to read The Bitcoin Standard. He just texted me this:

"Hey there. I've read and listened to enough to now say I get it as a currency (eventually) and obviously there is tremendous genius around the development of it. But you should take a look at Bitcoin vs any other hard (his term) currency on the planet as regards beta/store of value. Simply ridiculous to compare vs dollar/euro/pound/yen/franc. Now could it get there and ultimately be superior, perhaps. I'll keep reading and listening to how that might occur. I find it interesting that there is not a sentence in the Bible (The Bitcoin Standard) about Bitcoin as an investment. There is not an utterance on The Bitcoin Standard podcast about Bitcoin as an investment. The thrust of all of this is around the genius of creating a decentralized currency and to be clear, it is indisputably genius. Crazy mathematical equations, unbelievable amounts of computer power, entire grids of electrical supply, etc. Stock/flow ratio that mimics gold. Limited supply, 21 million coins and it stops and it isn't like Yap where someone can sail across and mine limestone, I get it. But why won't Saifedean Ammous, the genius Austrian economist call Bitcoin an investment? I would love to hear yours and other enthusiasts explanations of how it is an investment that is defensible with logic. The only investment argument I can conceive of is that someday Bitcoin will be as sturdy as those five currencies mentioned above. So until then it is an investment? But there in lies the paradox - as long as there is severe speculation in Bitcoin, it can not serve as a hard (his term) currency because it simply cannot sustain its value (see Nov 2021 - Nov 2022..). Play that out - if it is an investment (think of the poor sap that bought a pizza with Bitcoin in the beginning), why would it be a currency? Why would the infrastructure be built to be a currency when you are an idiot to spend it if it goes up 14X in a year like it did in 2017? And if it is a currency, the why would it be an investment? I have never heard of any investor investing in the dollar/euro/pound/yen/franc - they hold those for liquidity when the don't want to invest in stocks/bonds/real estate, etc. Again, my simple take after a few hours of a podcast and seven chapters of the Bible is that this is a true conundrum, a real-life catch 22. How do we get to a world where Bitcoin is able to store value like the dollar/euro/pound/yen/franc? None of those currencies have ever dropped 75% in a calendar year and any volatility of any of those currencies was all correlated together with some kind of world inflation or world depression. Tell me, why does a farmer in the US, UK, Europe, Japan, or Switzerland want to work all year and save all his labor in the form of a currency that drops 75% in a year (a farmer in Venezuela, Columbia, etc, different, may as well gamble on Bitcoin). Sure..in the long term this all works out and Bitcoin joins those five hard currencies above..think there was an economist that once said in the long run..we are all dead. I just don't see it yet how we get to the long term. But I'll grant you this - you've made me consider it and I'll think about it."

I'm formulating a response as of now. Would love any counterarguments.

Submitted January 31, 2023 at 01:03PM by Jeweler-Loud https://bit.ly/3WPLuLF

Bitcoin accepted at my hotel in Slovakia πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡° πŸ‘€

https://bit.ly/40iYPim via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3Y8iGPy

Monday 30 January 2023

Bitcoin Mining and Nuclear Power: The Obvious Marriage That Will Benefit the Most People. Some have realized that Bitcoin is here to stay and should seek to take advantage of its revolution sooner rather than later.


Submitted January 30, 2023 at 03:28PM by sylsau https://bit.ly/40b3bbx

How to Un-KYC my BTC?

I have been buying btc from centralised exchanges since 2020, Binance & OKcoin, now I want to become untraceable for the govt in case in the future they enforce us to sell our btc. What ways do you guys think it’s best to do this? The best I can think of is either transferring my btc to a P2P exchange like Bisq, and then either directly send it from there to a new cold storage device through my node, or just sell it and rebuy the same quantity and send it to a new cold storage through my node. Is this worth it? Or is it better to just leave this accumulated quantity there and, start from scratch and buy a new cold storage device, connect it to my node and start to do DCA in a decentralised exchange? via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3HH8pVf

KPMG Launches Revolutionary Decentralized Online Crypto Tax Calculation Service: Make Tax Compliance Effortless


Submitted January 30, 2023 at 09:46PM by mitcoka https://bit.ly/3HEIGwE

Panama bill legalizing Bitcoin as payment goes before the Supreme Court, in the final step before being enacted into law πŸ‡΅πŸ‡¦ πŸ™Œ

https://bit.ly/3Rx77j3 via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3RjU2Jq

Dollar dollar bills y’all


Submitted January 30, 2023 at 10:09PM by Wise_Moon https://bit.ly/3kXvOsI

I am the only one in my company who believes that bitcoin can change the economic system, and we are about 60 people, for me this is an indicator that I am buying low, we are still too early. :))

No text found via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3jjw9W8

Sunday 29 January 2023

Will I live to see people regret not getting into Bitcoin earlier…??

I’m 57 in good health. I quietly stack sats. Most people I talk to in my ordinary life have heard of bitcoin, but the next words out of their mouth is “I know nothing about it”. I’m not preaching to everyone but I do tell my kids and some others they should have “ some” just in case…

Submitted January 30, 2023 at 12:46AM by BbeastyBbuffalo https://bit.ly/3Hhal5s

Found in Hanoi, Vietnam πŸ”₯ Good to see education spreading!


Submitted January 29, 2023 at 02:57PM by helicopterjoee https://bit.ly/3XKddyt

I took the orange pill in this bearmarket and have never been more confident about bitcoins future.

Ready to drop every other sh**coin in the future bullmarket. There is no second best. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3kHcM9C

Bitcoin is infiltrating the system.


Submitted January 29, 2023 at 10:33PM by TheBTCTherapist https://bit.ly/3HgMx1w

Will I live to see people regret not getting into Bitcoin earlier…??

I’m 57 in good health. I quietly stack sats. Most people I talk to in my ordinary life have heard of bitcoin, but the next words out of their mouth is “I know nothing about it”. I’m not preaching to everyone but I do tell my kids and some others they should have “ some” just in case… via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3Hhal5s

Bitcoin is infiltrating the system.

https://bit.ly/3Y4a6kJ via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3HgMx1w

Saturday 28 January 2023

Will Bitcoin turn out to be the neutral currency of the geopolitical world?

Between USD, Chinese yuan, Euro, and new talks of a BRICs currency, will Bitcoin be the one in the middle with no dog in the geopolitical fight? Is this the case for becoming the global reserve currency?

Submitted January 28, 2023 at 10:08PM by No_Watercress9692 https://bit.ly/3XM7DM3

Even Michaels Craft Store “gets it”

https://bit.ly/3DnJKm0 via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3WF4yw8

New Achivement Unlocked for BTC

The Bitcoin Network just confirmed its 800,000,000th transactionLightning network capacity and hashrate also registered new all time highs this week via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3WNclYC

Saw this in Istanbul - had to share 🀩

https://bit.ly/409Hzfy via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3WJIhx1

Will Bitcoin turn out to be the neutral currency of the geopolitical world?

Between USD, Chinese yuan, Euro, and new talks of a BRICs currency, will Bitcoin be the one in the middle with no dog in the geopolitical fight? Is this the case for becoming the global reserve currency? via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3XM7DM3

It’s going up forever, be patient. #BTC


Submitted January 28, 2023 at 08:57PM by TheBTCTherapist https://bit.ly/3kQBq7Z

Friday 27 January 2023

The Little Hodler Laser Eyes Cards


Submitted January 27, 2023 at 10:39PM by KAX1107 https://bit.ly/3DkgA7g

Daily Discussion, January 27, 2023

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

Submitted January 27, 2023 at 02:03PM by rBitcoinMod https://bit.ly/3Jjng9F

script to find the checksum word in a bip39 seed made of 12 or 24 words

If you didn’t know you can create a bip39 seed picking whatever words you want from the bip39 words list for the first 11 (12 words seed) or 23 words (24 words seed).The last word is a checksum word and can’t be everything. In a 12 words seed it can be only 128 words of all the 2048 in the words list, while in a 24 words seed there are only 8 possible candidates.This mean you could create a seed randomly (if it’s not random your seed will be cracked easily) picking 11 or 23 words from a hat. It is a perfectly fine method to create a seed as long that your hat contains all the 2048 bip39 words and you pick them up really randomly.But now you need to know the checksum word (last word). It can’t be picked randomly.I made a python script opensource that giving it all the words you picked up in the correct order, it will calculate all the possible candidates checksum word for you seed.It also gives you a sequence of bits for each of the candidates so that you can randomly pick one flipping a coin (7 times for a 12 words seed and 3 times for a 24 words seed) where 1 is head and 0 is tail. The sequence you get, the word you find. So also the checksum word is random.DISCLAIMER: Don’t trust the script I made and don’t use it with your real seed if you are not able to review the whole code and understand what it does!!! Use it only in a safe environment offline, like tails! Again: don’t use it if you can’t read and understand the whole code!This is a link to the script: https://bit.ly/3XXCc0Y via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3Y0wYSq

Opting out.

Hello fellow Bitcoiners, I hope you’re well and in good health.

It’s Friday morning and I’m sitting here thinking about the future. I’m currently 23 and my wife is 24. We DCA every week into Bitcoin and feel very fortunate to be doing so. That being said, my wife pays into a great pension and I will be soon as well (once I’m finished school in a few months) and we are concerned about the future of our monetary system. With the United States hitting its debt ceiling and all currencies devaluing themselves at a rapid pace, we’re worried about contributing to our pensions and even saving in dollars.

As far as we can tell, we are currently opting out of the current system by buying Bitcoin. My question is, what more can we do? Should we even be concerned? Do you feel the same way?

Submitted January 27, 2023 at 07:48PM by HonestBasis6393 https://bit.ly/3HyLRGa

The Little Hodler Laser Eyes Cards

https://bit.ly/3HgQino via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3DkgA7g

The Lambo I really want

https://bit.ly/3Y0845o via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3kE8m3g

Thursday 26 January 2023

Finally setting up my node using and old laptop


Submitted January 26, 2023 at 05:02AM by Yxart https://bit.ly/3ZY0Lga

ChapGPT becomes a Bitcoiner; Orange Pilled.


Submitted January 26, 2023 at 09:54PM by armantheparman https://bit.ly/3DhFRPj

The Bitcoin Standard Chrome Extension

I really don't know the best way to share this with people. I am a new account and this is a brand new extension I made. So it looks sketchy, but I put a ton of work into this and believe it could be revolutionary for this community and the world. The extension is simple, it converts the prices in your browser from USD to BTC and allows the user to toggle back and forth between USD, BTC and Sats by hovering over the displayed price. Any help in pushing this innovation out to others would be greatly appreciated. (Note the link only works with google chrome desktop application)

Feel free to DM me with any questions or feedback.


Submitted January 26, 2023 at 02:06AM by DigitalDollarDowner https://bit.ly/3DFy5PN

New member on team Bitcoin

https://twitter.com/Parman_Public/status/1618544171337515008?s=20 via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3RdCvmu

MicroStrategy in the Case of Hyperbitcoinization

MicroStrategy now owns approximately 132,500 BTC. That's .66% of all BTC that will ever be in existence, assuming 1 million coins lost (132,500/20,000,000).If Bitcoin Maximalists are correct, and we're headed towards Bitcoin overtaking every other asset as the go-to store of value, what will MicroStrategy look like once Bitcoin reaches a very, very high value?I'm wondering what they will do with all that capital, what it looks like when a company close to 1% of all the money in existence, and if this topic has been explored elsewhere. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3DdPQ8f

Arizona Senator Introduces Bill To Make Bitcoin Legal Tender In The State


Submitted January 26, 2023 at 07:54AM by Qplus17 https://bit.ly/3R72ewC

That's how aggressively Bull cycles start when they do

https://bit.ly/3HwhWya via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3XYtAXZ

Wednesday 25 January 2023

Lightning Network Capacity Closes in on ATH; approaches 5,000 BTC - Chris on Crypto


Submitted January 25, 2023 at 09:23PM by WaggishNickel https://bit.ly/3j4NUs0

Senator Wendy Rogers has introduced bill to make bitcoin legal tender in the state of Arizona

https://bit.ly/3HsjNTJ via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3Hvwq1r

I just wanted to exchange this pound note and the lady at the exchange office told me that she couldn’t exchange it because it had expired. Are you f****** kidding me? EXPIRED? #Bitcoin does not expire. #Bitcoin is here FOREVER. Opt-out or get anal-plugged by Fiat overlords.


Submitted January 25, 2023 at 11:00PM by CarlBMenger_ https://bit.ly/3kBc3Xr

The crisis is the debt, not the debt ceiling. Exit with #Bitcoin!


Submitted January 25, 2023 at 12:53PM by altair_mining https://bit.ly/3DBqh1t

Lightning Network Capacity Closes in on ATH; approaches 5,000 BTC - Chris on Crypto

https://bit.ly/3XXR6EI via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3j4NUs0

EU Will Allow Banks To Hold 2% Of Capital In Bitcoin

https://bit.ly/3j7Q0Yb via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3De60OW

I just wanted to exchange this pound note and the lady at the exchange office told me that she couldn’t exchange it because it had expired. Are you f****** kidding me? EXPIRED? #Bitcoin does not expire. #Bitcoin is here FOREVER. Opt-out or get anal-plugged by Fiat overlords.

https://bit.ly/3Jdmfje via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3kBc3Xr

Tuesday 24 January 2023

r/CryptoCurrency - Last year, many media/news reports said El Salvador was gonna default on their $800m sovereign debt because they adopted Bitcoin. Well, El Salvador just paid all of it back... and the same media now refuses to cover it.

https://bit.ly/3ZXBq6a via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3j2BP6K

Snowden on Nostr says Lightning feels like another planet


Submitted January 25, 2023 at 12:04AM by KAX1107 https://bit.ly/3j2fu9o

They can change the code, but they cannot change our choice.

https://bit.ly/3Xw464u via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3Xyawjv

Dear everyone, I’m not knowledgable enough to respond to this, so I am wondering how any of you can help.


Submitted January 24, 2023 at 09:03PM by FelipeDaac https://bit.ly/3R6Nz4O

Snowden on Nostr says Lightning feels like another planet

https://bit.ly/3H7ZwSY via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3j2fu9o

Bullish Bitcoin

https://bit.ly/3wrWOCR via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3HslOQM

Monday 23 January 2023

Ever wondered what a bitcoiner interviewing crypto people would look like? Wonder no more 🀣


Submitted January 23, 2023 at 10:40PM by Braiins_mining https://bit.ly/3Xu2J6z

POV: Peter Schiff waiting for Bitcoin going to zero.

https://bit.ly/3J9Xa8T via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3DaXeRQ

My strategy is simple: #Bitcoin only


Submitted January 23, 2023 at 08:49AM by TheBTCTherapist https://bit.ly/3XSi5kO

at my local shop


Submitted January 23, 2023 at 08:44PM by Sinsulancha https://bit.ly/3wkt9vw

What’s everyone’s thoughts on Blockstream-Jade?

https://bit.ly/3ZV6sLS via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3XDagjy

Ever wondered what a bitcoiner interviewing crypto people would look like? Wonder no more 🀣

https://bit.ly/3kztMyA via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3Xu2J6z

Sunday 22 January 2023

Posted this a while back in the Joe Rogan sub, I guess it's more appreciated here

https://bit.ly/3ZRKDNk via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3QW3FOk

Bitcoin is up 27% since Peter Schiff told you to sell.


Submitted January 23, 2023 at 01:23AM by frintrop https://bit.ly/3kBgB0d

to the moon

https://bit.ly/3XvIULR via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3H1OMW7

This means that if you had 1 Bitcoin at the time of bankruptcy valued at $20k, then if by settlement day Bitcoin was worth $100k, they’d consider returning 0.2 ₿TC to you making you whole, while they pocket the rest, never trying to return you as much of your Bitcoin as possible. Get Off Exchanges.


Submitted January 22, 2023 at 06:13AM by Future_PeterSchiff https://bit.ly/3wjDyHK

Bitcoin is up 27% since Peter Schiff told you to sell.

https://bit.ly/3kBlwyc via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3kBgB0d

a friendly reminder


Submitted January 22, 2023 at 06:53PM by frintrop https://bit.ly/3wmFeQO

Saturday 21 January 2023

Bitcoin is dead! Long live bitcoin!

https://bit.ly/3QUpyxI via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3QY7NO7

Guess who's back ?


Submitted January 21, 2023 at 06:01PM by Mekilekon https://bit.ly/3kCc8dm

To the guy who bought BTC under $250... I present my dumb ass selling my BTC at $200 each... fml

https://bit.ly/3WuA5Rp via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3wlKPXG

embrace bitcoin


Submitted January 21, 2023 at 07:29PM by frintrop https://bit.ly/3ZPse3z

Time to turn it upside down/downside up?

https://bit.ly/3ZUff0I via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3J7eb3G

Bitcoin is bad for the environment


Submitted January 21, 2023 at 09:47PM by notlarangi123 https://bit.ly/3XxSWMD

Friday 20 January 2023

#Bitcoin is simpler than you think!


Submitted January 20, 2023 at 09:25PM by TheLuckyLeandro https://bit.ly/3iXfirJ

This is how we know there's only 21 Million Bitcoin

News anchor: 21 millionJamie Dimon: Yeah really? How do you know it's gonna stop at 21 million​Why don’t we take a look at the math?​Bitcoin's Supply FormulaLet me start by explaining this in an easier wayWe are gonna multiply the number of blocks (210000) by the number of coins each new block should print (50) which itself, will be divided by 2 which will be to the power of n, n being the halving we are at. So if we know that 2⁰=1, 2¹=2, 2²=4, and so on, we could conclude that 50/2⁰ = 50/1 = 50, 50/2¹ = 50/2 = 25, and so on, which all on itself means that at no halving we have 210000 blocks adding 50 Bitcoin to the supply and at the first halving we have 210K new blocks adding 25 and so on.So, let's do this manuallyWe are gonna start at 0 halvings210000 \ (50 / 2⁰) = 10500000*Supply so far= 10500000As you can see, we already have the first half of the whole supply, may we reach 21M soon?Lets see, why don't we add the first halving to the supply?210000 \ (50 / 2¹) = 5250000*Supply so far= 15750000 [which is the result of: 10500000 + 5250000]Wait, this is not the same, this is half of what we initially got, what if we add another halving to the supply? We might get closer210000 * (50 / 2²) = 2625000Supply so far= 18375000 [15750000+2625000]Ok, so we are getting closer, but at the same time we can't reach the goal, we have in Bitcoin's supply an example of the Zeno's Paradox where whenever you get to the half of a goal you can only move the half of the remaining distance.After halving 32 we will arrive at a supply of 20,999,999.9769 Bitcoin, not 21M as we were promised but pretty close, we could continue doing this until the 32nd halving (the last one), but then this post would be too long, so here's a simple Bitcoin Supply Calculator for you to use.​Now that we have the math all figured out, let's check the code​I won't enter too much into details here because I've never been that good with code, but I'll do my best to explain this as humanly as I can.​Block of code enforcing 50/2ⁱCAmount nSubsidy = 50 * COIN; What this line does is multiplying the number of the parameter COIN by 50, COIN being a binary representation of 100000000 which is number of Sats, the smallest unit the Bitcoin Network recognizes and the smallest divisible unit of a Bitcoin, being this number in binary: 100101010000001011111001000000000.​nSubsidy >>= halvings; This line is a “bitwise right shift” all it does is an arithmetic shift to the right by one bit, or simply put, divides by two in binary.What this does is taking the number 100101010000001011111001000000000 and remove the last number of bits, being the numbers of bits, the same number of the halving we are at the moment, for this example imagine you have a dot at the end of the number and everything that moves after said dot is removed.If nSubsidy is 0 our binary number stays the same100101010000001011111001000000000 = 5,000,000,000 units of COINIf nSubsidy is 1, we move one bit to the right, we remove the last bit by moving the whole number one space to the right, the last 0 being now after the dot and the rest of the number before it.10010101000000101111100100000000 (you can count the 0 if you want)= 2,500,000,000 units of COINIf nSubsidy is 3, which is the halving we are at at the time of writing then we move 3 bits100101010000001011111001000000 = 625,000,000 units of COINThis all the way to 32 where we end up we only 1 bit, and after that comes nothing before the hypothetical dot.​if (halvings >=64) return 0; Is a bug fix, the wont be 64 halvings, it just ensures that if for any reason we ever go above 64 halvings the block subsidy forces itself to 0.​Block of code enforcing an interval of 210K blocks for every reduction of the subsidyconsensus.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 210000; This line simply ensures the halving happens every 210000 blocks.​If you want a more detailed explanation you could check Unchained Capital's post about it.​But they can update the code to remove the limitThere's a whole book on how a group of people tried to double the size of the blocks every two years and they couldn't, all they did was fork the network and now it's being delisted by one of the biggest exchanges for the lack of users. Nobody with at least two fingers of forehead will move to a version of Bitcoin where inflation is re-introduced when we all know the consequences of inflation.Original post on Substack ⚡ via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3XIiOVR

Governor of New Hampshire recommends the Department of Energy to review how Bitcoin mining can help stabilize the electricity grid, build more sustainable generation projects, and lower costs for consumers


The report is fascinating and largely comes across as quite progressive

The Commission heard detailed presentations from a panel of experts with experience with Blockchain mining facilities and how they use energy and interconnect with the electricity networks where they are located. These presentations focused on the “interruptible” demand capacity of Blockchain mining, and suggested that Blockchain mining operations could produce benefits for electricity grids or systems, including renewable energy projects.

It highlights the difference between Bitcoin and crypto

“I would define decentralization as a technical inability for any one party to perform major changes in the system. In a decentralized system, it’s impossible to change the critical parameters such as monetary policy,”

For TΔ›tek, this means there isn’t really any decentralized cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin (BTC). ‘If your favorite cryptocurrency undergoes hard forks regularly and promotes the ability to overhaul its monetary policy, it’s not decentralized,’

But if one assumes for the moment that Bitcoin is the only truly decentralized Blockchain operating on the Internet, then what does that mean for the treatment of all of the other Crypto activities, including the claims that “Crypto is unique and therefore should not be subject to the traditional regulatory regimes that apply to traditional centralized financial activities”?

It may well be that Blockchain applications in their ideal, fully decentralized, peer-to-peer form represent fundamentally new systems that require an entirely new set of considerations with respect to AML/BSA/KYC rules, but an intermediate, practical question is whether centralized platforms that provide financial services with respect to Crypto-assets are any different, from a policy perspective, than centralized firms that provide financial services with respect to more traditional financial assets, and now including Crypto-assets.

New Hampshire policymakers and citizens need to address these questions about the impact of centralization vs. decentralization as they consider future legislative and regulatory policies.

It also highlights the risks of unsecure altcoins frequently subject to fraud, hacks and exploits

While cryptocurrencies, digital assets, and blockchain technologies represent significant innovations with potential benefits, these technologies also pose significant potential for harm to consumers and offer significant opportunity for criminality. Indeed, as one presenter to the Commission has exhaustively chronicled, in the years since Satoshi Nakamura (sic.) published the original Bitcoin whitepaper, crypto has already been used to steal billions of dollars from the hundreds of millions of people who own cryptocurrencies worldwide

Submitted January 20, 2023 at 03:17PM by KAX1107 https://bit.ly/3GUd9oH

Ditching the gold standard and the price of Campbell's Tomato Soup. Sound money matters.


Submitted January 20, 2023 at 05:35AM by VeterinarianMain475 https://bit.ly/3HjAjpU

Spotted at a convenience store. Is this a good idea?


Submitted January 20, 2023 at 08:36AM by Civil-Neighborhood47 https://bit.ly/3XNMb9l

The full Lightning Network experience is now on Cash App. Send and receive bitcoin to any other Lightning-enabled wallets, instantly and for free


Submitted January 20, 2023 at 02:28PM by KAX1107 https://bit.ly/3GNSF0M

Long Bitcoin Always

https://bit.ly/3D402Am via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3D55cfw

Governor of New Hampshire recommends the Department of Energy to review how Bitcoin mining can help stabilize the electricity grid, build more sustainable generation projects, and lower costs for consumers

https://bit.ly/3QWcQOR report is fascinating and largely comes across as quite progressiveThe Commission heard detailed presentations from a panel of experts with experience with Blockchain mining facilities and how they use energy and interconnect with the electricity networks where they are located. These presentations focused on the “interruptible” demand capacity of Blockchain mining, and suggested that Blockchain mining operations could produce benefits for electricity grids or systems, including renewable energy projects.It highlights the difference between Bitcoin and crypto“I would define decentralization as a technical inability for any one party to perform major changes in the system. In a decentralized system, it’s impossible to change the critical parameters such as monetary policy,”For TΔ›tek, this means there isn’t really any decentralized cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin (BTC). ‘If your favorite cryptocurrency undergoes hard forks regularly and promotes the ability to overhaul its monetary policy, it’s not decentralized,’But if one assumes for the moment that Bitcoin is the only truly decentralized Blockchain operating on the Internet, then what does that mean for the treatment of all of the other Crypto activities, including the claims that “Crypto is unique and therefore should not be subject to the traditional regulatory regimes that apply to traditional centralized financial activities”?It may well be that Blockchain applications in their ideal, fully decentralized, peer-to-peer form represent fundamentally new systems that require an entirely new set of considerations with respect to AML/BSA/KYC rules, but an intermediate, practical question is whether centralized platforms that provide financial services with respect to Crypto-assets are any different, from a policy perspective, than centralized firms that provide financial services with respect to more traditional financial assets, and now including Crypto-assets.New Hampshire policymakers and citizens need to address these questions about the impact of centralization vs. decentralization as they consider future legislative and regulatory policies.It also highlights the risks of unsecure altcoins frequently subject to fraud, hacks and exploitsWhile cryptocurrencies, digital assets, and blockchain technologies represent significant innovations with potential benefits, these technologies also pose significant potential for harm to consumers and offer significant opportunity for criminality. Indeed, as one presenter to the Commission has exhaustively chronicled, in the years since Satoshi Nakamura (sic.) published the original Bitcoin whitepaper, crypto has already been used to steal billions of dollars from the hundreds of millions of people who own cryptocurrencies worldwide via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3GUd9oH

Thursday 19 January 2023

BofA took $2k from someone and then told her she had to wait until February to get it resolved πŸ‘€ Woman said she tried to go to to the physical location and they had a line around the corner. This BofA stuff feels more real with each passing moment.


Submitted January 19, 2023 at 11:19PM by simplelifestyle https://bit.ly/3kv7zSt

Bitcoin mining is now one of the most sustainable industries in the world, according to new research data from the BMC!


Submitted January 19, 2023 at 09:34PM by CryptoKingSA https://bit.ly/3XJdi58

Was really surprised to see the on CNBC. This lady gets it.

https://youtu.be/H43ccAZwmus via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3wdvcBB

Safe place for store keys? safe from robbers and from natural disasters. Any suggestion?


Submitted January 19, 2023 at 11:04PM by Snake4472 https://bit.ly/3GPMtFD

BofA took $2k from someone and then told her she had to wait until February to get it resolved πŸ‘€ Woman said she tried to go to to the physical location and they had a line around the corner. This BofA stuff feels more real with each passing moment.

https://bit.ly/3XqZVa8 via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3kv7zSt

Jamie Dimon just showed his losing hand: “How do you know that there will be only 21 million? Maybe after 21 million Satoshi shows up and says ‘ha ha. Here you go’ “

No text found

Submitted January 19, 2023 at 09:47PM by EtTuBrute31544 https://bit.ly/3iWD1Z4

Safe place for store keys? safe from robbers and from natural disasters. Any suggestion?

https://bit.ly/3HgoFwd via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3GPMtFD

Wednesday 18 January 2023

U.S. to announce international cryptocurrency action -statement at 12noon Easter Time. 1700 GMT


Submitted January 19, 2023 at 12:05AM by zcpu2 https://bit.ly/3IYtrzQ

Department of Justice today

https://bit.ly/3IU5qtD via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3IYV63A

Nigeria leading "how to buy bitcoin" google searches after the government restricted citizens to 50k naira ($100 per day) withdrawals and announced that all physical naira bills will be invalidated by the end of January


Submitted January 18, 2023 at 10:22PM by KAX1107 https://bit.ly/3iLc8Y6

Cash App users have a 10% Bitcoin boost with any restaurant order

https://bit.ly/3krOPTv via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3kq9uHQ

U.S. to announce international cryptocurrency action -statement at 12noon Easter Time. 1700 GMT

https://reut.rs/3XzHGig via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3IYtrzQ

Jack Dorsey donates to Mi Primer Bitcoin education program in El Salvador through Lightning payments on Nostr


Submitted January 18, 2023 at 04:45PM by KAX1107 https://bit.ly/3XIArVz

Tuesday 17 January 2023

Bitcoin is like a - baby if you keep on watching it, it won't grow, come after a couple of years and be shocked of growth.

https://bit.ly/3CUqJay via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3CRtFVy

If only there were something that solved this


Submitted January 17, 2023 at 11:52PM by AJ_14 https://bit.ly/3CQqtt6

Congress' FTX Problem: 1 in 3 Members Got Cash From Crypto Exchange's Bosses

https://bit.ly/3QLpvnG via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3CPOYGX

what is your Bet for the next all time high Bull Run ?

https://bit.ly/3Xgod6M via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3XjIAzP

It's the mindset

I've been stacking and hodling sats for 2 years now. My average price is probably around 45k and yes, I bought at the 69k peak too, simply because we went through that peak.

I have friends who think it was a bad idea, because it dropped to 16k recently and sat there for a long time. Had I waited with cash on the side, i could have bought more at that price.

But i couldn't have known. I can't predict the market.

And guess what... Those friends don't have any BTC. They could buy it at this price if they're so smart and know better than me, but they won't. It's too cheap for them to be interested. The believe the fud. They think it's going to zero. They're afraid of it. They have what may seem like an opportunity of a lifetime, but they don't have what it takes to jump on it.

I may be underwater from their fiat point of view, but I know I'm way better off. Because I have BTC, they don't. I understand it, they don't. I have conviction, they don't. It's a mindset and it took me time to arrive at it. They have a long way to go before they get there. For many, their journey hasn't even started.

One day it will hit 1m and they will fomo in. And many will sell when it drops to 200k, because "it's going to zero", while my DCA scoops up their discounted sats.

It's funny how these things work.

Submitted January 17, 2023 at 09:29PM by BuscadorDaVerdade https://bit.ly/3CVbxKp