Tuesday 17 January 2023

It's the mindset

I've been stacking and hodling sats for 2 years now. My average price is probably around 45k and yes, I bought at the 69k peak too, simply because we went through that peak.

I have friends who think it was a bad idea, because it dropped to 16k recently and sat there for a long time. Had I waited with cash on the side, i could have bought more at that price.

But i couldn't have known. I can't predict the market.

And guess what... Those friends don't have any BTC. They could buy it at this price if they're so smart and know better than me, but they won't. It's too cheap for them to be interested. The believe the fud. They think it's going to zero. They're afraid of it. They have what may seem like an opportunity of a lifetime, but they don't have what it takes to jump on it.

I may be underwater from their fiat point of view, but I know I'm way better off. Because I have BTC, they don't. I understand it, they don't. I have conviction, they don't. It's a mindset and it took me time to arrive at it. They have a long way to go before they get there. For many, their journey hasn't even started.

One day it will hit 1m and they will fomo in. And many will sell when it drops to 200k, because "it's going to zero", while my DCA scoops up their discounted sats.

It's funny how these things work.

Submitted January 17, 2023 at 09:29PM by BuscadorDaVerdade https://bit.ly/3CVbxKp

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