Wednesday 31 May 2023

It won't be long before Bitcoin would be the preferred mode for salary payment

As Bitcoin gains more acceptance amongst people globally, it would only be a matter of time before it will become the preferred mode of payment between employees or clients.Almost everyone I know who is still using fiat currencies to accept their salary or payments lost a big sum of money in exchange rates and bank fees. Not to mention the long waiting period for the payments to be processed. Some of my friends even got their transfers frozen until they could provide valid proof or legitimize the transaction to their bank.For anyone running a business or not, this is a massive pain to navigate on a regular basis and the need for alternates is clearly urgent. That is why I have been suggesting settling payments in Bitcoin. While, large companies are still hesitant to use bitcoin, a lot of small businesses and entrepreneurs are opening up to it.Bitcoin solves most of these problems that fiat payments suffer from and makes payments and transfers much easier globally. There are numerous payment services that allow Bitcoin invoicing at no cost whatsoever and almost every major payment gateway, may it be Blockonomics, BTC Pay, coingate, etc. now offers this service.The benefits that Bitcoin provides are truly unparalleled compared to fiat and it's only a matter of time before more people realize that.Note: Bitcoin payments can be settled via sharing just a bitcoin address and amount but this is not the best method to transact mainly due to security reasons. It is advised to use an invoicing service to make sure correct payments are made. via /r/Bitcoin

$5 TRILLION to $32 TRILLION in less than 20 years

Submitted June 01, 2023 at 12:51AM by KAX1107

How many people have meaningful amount of bitcoin?

I often ponder this question. How many people on this planet truly understand and own bitcoin. I realized that the number is very small.

Based on the bitcoin rich list, there are less than 4.5M addresses that holds more than 0.1btc, which is my meaningful ownership threshold. I know it is high for some people but I will just go with it.

Assuming that each person on average has 5 addresses, that's less than 1M people on this planet that has more than 0.1 btc.

Is bitcoin just too difficult to understand and own?

Submitted May 31, 2023 at 02:44PM by traviszzz

$5 TRILLION to $32 TRILLION in less than 20 years via /r/Bitcoin

The Cuba Bitcoin community hosted the country’s first-ever Bitcoin-only meetup in Havana over the weekend, attended by 60 crypto-curious Cubans!

Submitted May 31, 2023 at 09:50PM by cointelegraph1

Tuesday 30 May 2023

The Bull-Bear market cycle

Submitted May 30, 2023 at 08:22PM by notlarangi123

What I look at while I relieve myself every morning via /r/Bitcoin

Notice a pattern between internet and bitcoin?

Submitted May 30, 2023 at 10:35PM by Special_Yam_1174

Reddit allowing scammers to run ads! via /r/Bitcoin

Notice a pattern between internet and bitcoin? via /r/Bitcoin

Author of The Bitcoin Standard, Dr. Saifedean Ammous has been appointed Economic Advisor to the National Bitcoin Office of El Salvador

Submitted May 30, 2023 at 09:15PM by KAX1107

Monday 29 May 2023

Bitcoin infrastructure arriving in La Pirraya Island - El Salvador

Submitted May 30, 2023 at 12:26AM by onebtcisonebtc

Don’t get scammed or pleasure yourself with the camera on. 6 people sent $400 to this account via /r/Bitcoin

#Bitcoin is freedom πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Submitted May 29, 2023 at 10:19PM by TheLuckyLeandro

How it started vs How it’s going.

Submitted May 29, 2023 at 04:37PM by CarlBMenger_

#Bitcoin is freedom πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ via /r/Bitcoin

Another node joining forces!

Submitted May 29, 2023 at 08:45PM by rottiesrule88

Sunday 28 May 2023

My "I told you so!" moment - just found some old comments with people promoting giving your keys away

This is from the era before Celsius was proven to be a scam.I'm proud of how accurate my prediction was...Except for the timing - I foresaw it going bust in 2 years, but it went down in the next few months.---- point?A new era of CEXs and lending platforms will come.People will promise you "yield" if you "stake" your Bitcoin.If you're here during the bear market, remember the core principles of self-custody and why you bought in the first place.A 5% yield is not sufficient to take a 100% downside risk. No yield is sufficient to risk a deflationary asset for.Happy HODLing! via /r/Bitcoin

Finally own 1 BTC.

If you told me a year ago that I would be worth 1 Bitcoin at 16 years old, I would call bullshit. But it happened, started with 100€ and never looked back. It really has paid off. Thank you guys!

Edit: Wow this is bigger than I thought. Gave me a fuck ton of a confidence boost because a lot of you do not believe in me, but I do believe that some of you should let a kid enjoy himself even if it is a place for grown ups, I did play by the same rules as you :) Really crazy how some peeps are just that sad in life. I thank those who gave me advice on what to do further on. May all of you prosper. Will probably delete this soon since me having achieved this offends a lot, plus I don't like all the attention.

Submitted May 28, 2023 at 11:28PM by All_Protective

Why is building on an open and public financial infrastructure important? via /r/Bitcoin

WARNING!!!! Reddit allowing scammers to pay to promote fake Trezor phishing site via their adverts. See attached image, do not click any of these ad links.

Submitted May 28, 2023 at 09:39PM by bitcoin-o-rama

Finally own 1 BTC.

If you told me a year ago that I would be worth 1 Bitcoin at 16 years old, I would call bullshit.But it happened, started with 100€ and never looked back. It really has paid off.Thank you guys! via /r/Bitcoin

The spiral keeps going

Submitted May 28, 2023 at 05:40PM by Relai_Alex

Saturday 27 May 2023

Running bitcoin

Submitted May 27, 2023 at 10:50PM by Revolutionary-Put-63

Me and Professor...

Submitted May 27, 2023 at 03:30PM by trickygreek

Owner of hotel in Germany says he accepts all forms of payment except CBDC via /r/Bitcoin

Send money using nothing but a phone number over text through Bitcoin and the Lightning Network via /r/Bitcoin

Attacking Bitcoin for consuming .1% of the worlds energy is irrational

Submitted May 27, 2023 at 08:01PM by BitCypher84

Running bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

Friday 26 May 2023

⚡The Lightning Network: A Dream Coming True for Africa ⚡

I want to share an inspiring journey that blends the extraordinary vision of Satoshi with the real-world needs of my homeland, Zambia. This is a story of struggle, of passion, and of how the Lightning Network is revolutionizing cross-border payments in Africa.

Growing up in Zambia, I was immersed in the complexities and realities of cross-border transactions. In 2011, at 18, I moved to Canada and saw a contrasting financial landscape. Here, financial services are well-developed but hardly perfect. Mobile payments back home were surprisingly far ahead, but only because they existed in a closed environment, insulated from the rest of the world.

Moving continents exposed me to the struggle of cross-border transactions. I tried a thousand ways to send money back home. Exorbitant fees, delays, and lack of transparency frustrated me. This struggle ignited a fire in me, an obsession with payment systems.

In my quest, I stumbled upon Bitcoin and was struck by the simplicity and brilliance of its design. Here was a technology that was permissionless, borderless, and always operational.

I became obsessed.

Then came the Lightning Network. The adrenaline rush of that first transaction was indescribable. It was lightning-fast, micro, and cheap. Suddenly, the game changed. It was like hearing the first few chords of your favourite song and knowing it's going to be a straight banger.

Today, fast forward to 2023, and the Lightning Network's adoption in Africa is happening in real-time, right before my eyes. Wallets attached to phone numbers, devoid of internet connectivity, have enabled the seamless sending and receiving of Bitcoin. Companies like Strike have started paving the way in regions like Zambia. It's transformative and exhilarating.

I don't like to single out companies, but it's hard to ignore the monolithic presence of Western Union and MoneyGram, with their towering fees. Honestly, I wouldn't mourn their demise. The winds of change are blowing, and these giants need to adapt or risk being swept away.

This is not just a random BTC rant. It's a testament to the extraordinary potential of Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. This is a call to action for all of you. Africa is rising, and Lightning is illuminating the path.

Here's to a decentralized, borderless future. Let's build it together.

What's your lightning story? (PS some sats available for people who share their story! :))

Submitted May 26, 2023 at 12:34PM by sixgod999

The decentralization of bitcoin mining via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin Core 25.0 released via /r/Bitcoin

Choose your fighter

Submitted May 26, 2023 at 04:31PM by Relai_Alex

Once this debt ceiling BS is in the past. BTC is going for a run and everything else will follow. via /r/Bitcoin

I finally did it. It took years. Keep going, keep accumulating and educating. And last of all - END THE FED.

Submitted May 26, 2023 at 08:54PM by ksleo86

Thursday 25 May 2023

300+ Merchants Accepting BTC in Philippines via /r/Bitcoin

My anon Bitcoin story

TL;DR: Always heard about Bitcoin, finally researched it, make a big bet, still riding it out. Bitcoin always EVENTUALLY goes your hard earned time/effort in Bitcoin!

I've always wanted to tell a long-form version of my journey with Bitcoin. I have never really told anyone (besides my wife) as talking about money basically comes off as bragging to anyone willing to listen.....but its something I've wanted to explain as I feel it could give perspective to at least 1 person out there.

Im a 40 yo computer engineer who heard about Bitcoin from that first Slashdot article. Like most, I basically dismissed it initially until I kept hearing about it in the periphery for the next few years. At that time, I was too busy playing online poker to really even try to figure out what it took to 'mine' bitcoin, so eventually the topic just faded away again until I watched a random Bitcoin documentary sometime around when Bitcoin was $100-200.

Whichever miner was in that documentary really opened my eyes up to the possibility of Bitcoin. His conviction was that eventually Bitcoin will be the ubiquity of digital-value. I figured if people actually thought this, there must be something to it. So in 2013 I bought a good amount of Bitcoin on Coinbase.

From 2013 - 2017 I basically traded bitcoin for USD over and over and over again just to accrue more USD because bitcoin always EVENTUALLY went up. I didn't know the basics at that point besides that. I just knew it was super volatile but in the long run always seemed to trend upwards. This allowed me to speculate for sometime and at least increase my bank balance.

After doing this for a while, in early 2017 I watched a bunch of Andreas Antonopoulos videos on Youtube and was immediately hooked. I learned sooooo much about what Bitcoin really was in a relatively short amount of time. I dedicated 100s of hours over the coming weeks to discovering everything Bitcoin and realizing why this was important for my future savings and possibly even for the future of humanity??

Anyways, after really diving into the intricacies of Bitcoin, it was at this point in 2017 that I officially donned myself a Bitcoin-maximalist. I was dabbling with sh!tcoins in 2013-early 2017 and got my fill of garbage-speculation to try to grow my Bitcoin-stack and just settled on basically converting my savings to bitcoin instead of a silly savings account.

This is where the real fun happened. In mid 2017, I realized that my little family was set up pretty well with a nice savings in the bank account and a decent stack of assets (including bitcoin). We just built a house ourselves in a really nice area and had over $500k of equity in the house from inception since I acted as the general contractor and we owned the land. Since I hated the idea of all this equity just staring me in the face, I asked my wife if she would trust me to take out a HELOC for $150,000 since interest rates were historically low at the time. After much convincing she agreed!

So we went to the bank, they even asked what the line of credit was for and I didn't even think to lie so I just said 'we want to buy a bunch of bitcoin'. The banker thought it was silly but didn't deny me at all and shortly thereafter I wired $150,000 to Coinbase. We bought the bitcoin and we still have ALL of it to this day. Still leveraging the low-interest loan and making above the monthly payments.

My thought process behind all of this was a % of YOLO and a % of Warren Buffett's strategy to make a big bet when you see an opportunity....because thats the only way to build a portfolio of size. Was it responsible......partially, but my gut and conviction after putting so many hours into Bitcoin basically forced me to do this because the regret would have been astronomical. Plus as my initial hunch was confirmed.....Bitcoin ALWAYS eventually trends upwards because USD will always be inflated-forever and lets be honest.....Bitcoin's ground-breaking consensus mechanism via PoW/difficulty-adj make it the best money mankind has ever seen!

To conclude, we unfortunately live in a time of financial disrepair. Our bureaucrats are inflating away our hard-earned dollars and leave us no choice but to assume MORE RISK than previous generations. Due to this harsh reality, it is your duty to explore markets and determine the best place to house your USD. We now know that even UST's aren't safe....hell, what is 'safe' even. Take the time to understand bitcoin and allocate at least a % of your savings to this 'bet', you may need it in the future because someone like me will simply not accept USD at this point for any high-value item I choose to sell......

Submitted May 25, 2023 at 10:19PM by anon_lifelover

People can now buy Bitcoin at over 52,000 retail outlets across Colombia through Azteco BTC vouchers πŸ‡¨πŸ‡΄ via /r/Bitcoin

How it feels to be a Bitcoin hodler in 2023

Submitted May 25, 2023 at 10:28PM by cointelegraph1

PAYNYMS In Sparrow Wallet - Privacy Preserving Public Bitcoin IDs via /r/Bitcoin

Once people understand, there's no way back.

Submitted May 25, 2023 at 09:25PM by Relai_Alex

Wednesday 24 May 2023

Introducing Ark (New layer 2) via /r/Bitcoin

President of El Salvador meets with the author of The Bitcoin StandardπŸ”₯

Submitted May 25, 2023 at 12:07AM by Rajang7

China's Central Television network just broadcasted the news that Hong Kong is allowing retail investors to buy #bitcoin China is quietly allowing it again... πŸ‘€

Submitted May 25, 2023 at 12:17AM by TheLuckyLeandro

Hong Kong to let retail investors buy #bitcoin from June 1st - Bloomberg via /r/Bitcoin

President of El Salvador meets with the author of The Bitcoin StandardπŸ”₯ via /r/Bitcoin

China's Central Television network just broadcasted the news that Hong Kong is allowing retail investors to buy #bitcoin China is quietly allowing it again... πŸ‘€ via /r/Bitcoin

K1 Mini Lightning ATM made in El Salvador

Submitted May 24, 2023 at 07:34PM by KAX1107

Tuesday 23 May 2023

If I run a bitcoin node, does it also give me my own private wallet to store BTC?

Thinking of the safest alternative to a ledger. via /r/Bitcoin

this is such a beautiful piece!! better than i imagined😊

Submitted May 23, 2023 at 02:35AM by Charmingtsw

In red below is bitcoin miner electricity consumption, blue is the price of electricity. When the electricity price is low, miners hash. When the electricity price spikes, miners turn off. Demand-response reduces grid stress at peak times.

Submitted May 23, 2023 at 05:51PM by Bitcoin_Maximalist

Authorities in India continue to crack down on cash and private transactions. The highest-denomination 2000 rupee (~$25 USD) note has been removed from circulation. via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin Developer Introduces ARK, A Layer 2 Protocol For Fast And Efficient Payments

Submitted May 23, 2023 at 05:12AM by castorfromtheva

When you watch a noob get into Bitcoin and wonder if they're going to fall into scams later via /r/Bitcoin

Monday 22 May 2023

Bitcoin NODE synced!!😁πŸ”₯ via /r/Bitcoin

Deflation be like via /r/Bitcoin

Happy Bitcoin Pizza Day, FAM!

Submitted May 22, 2023 at 08:22PM by cointelegraph1

US government schizophrenia... via /r/Bitcoin

Happy #Bitcoin Pizza Day πŸ• via /r/Bitcoin

I got Trezor, Trezor Model T, Ledger, Ledger Nano X, Coldcard, Jade, Ballet Wallet. My basic user experience review.

Tried them all. Here is my user experience review.

Ballet: Ballet wallet is just a paper wallet and is the worst in security but it really is the easiest to use for every day transactions. If you are doing a ton of transactions daily and don't want any fuss then use this but don't put a lot of money on it. Basically you turn on the Ballet app and enter in a passphrase to make a transaction. You have to trust Ballet Wallet because they make the private keys in their house. For many this is a red flag and a non-negotiable.

Jade: Just set up Jade wallet and it was the easiest to set up. The screen was small but the pixel density was high unlike other hardware wallets. I felt it was the slickest in design with the lever switch/button and the built in camera. Firmware update was smooth and automated. Passphrase was slightly tricky, but you can just enter it in one time in the settings. Bluetooth worked fine. Bitcoin/Liquid only. Works on iPhone and the Green Wallet for iPhone felt straight forward. I tried to scan a QR Code with a camera and the screen was grainy but it was able to lock in after a few seconds. I'm learning it is used to communicate with the Green app if you don't want to use Bluetooth or NFC. This provides an "air gap" (ignoring lightwaves.) I tried scanning a "receive" QR code for payment but there was an error. Not sure if I am doing something wrong or if it is designed like that. I was hoping to scan QR payment codes to easily make payments but I don't think I can do this? This also has a built in rechargeable battery so you don't need to plug it in or carry a USB cord all the time.

Coldcard: The hardest to set up was Coldcard. However, Coldcard for sure has the best security. It has a tamper resistant bag and instructions to use Kleopatra to check signatures. I have enough knowledge to import keys and authenticate the signature file and check the sha256 of the firmware itself. If you are new at this it may time some time to verify everything, or you may never figure it out and still get by. Other wallet makers don't really do this so it kind of gives you peace of mind if you verify signatures yourself so you know the firmware is legit. If you are a newbie and want a challenge then get the Coldcard. The NFC feature is a little glitchy but I got it to work. The USB cord is magnetic so if you tug it gently it will magnetically disconnect and power off. The Coldcard screen is super basic and pixelated. One thing about the Coldcard is it uses a miniSD card for firmware updates. You can also sign transactions using the miniSD card by passing it from the computer to the Coldcard. I didn't use this feature and just am trying to use NFC. You need to be have some hacker ability to use Coldcard. Coldcard recommends using Electrum which is an open source wallet. I tried connecting Nunchuk (because it had NFC) to Coldcard and I had to learn some new stuff. The multi-key feature of Nunchuk I still need to learn how to use, but I can see great potential in this feature. I don't know how reliable Nunchuk is since it is fairly new and is a TapRoot based company. It was not in the documentation so I found other sources to learn about integration. No battery so it needs to be plugged in.

Trezor: My first Trezor my screen got dark and had to replace it. It was the first bitcoin hardware wallet so the screen was basic and pixelated. It worked fine and got the job done while it was functional. No battery.

Trezor Model T: Fairly straight forward setup. Has color in the screen. Setup of firmware requires a weird finger slide across the screen. It got the job done for me and I still use it. I've never used this on my iPhone. Don't know if there is an app for it now. No battery.

Ledger: If you use a passphrase it is weird to set up on Ledger (since it uses a pin to get the passphrase and it gets confusing whereas in Coincard you just scroll to passphrase). At the time I got it the processor was slow so sometimes it took a long time to process transactions, maybe a whole minute. I don't know if they updated the processor. Requires Ledger software installed onto the computer to make transactions. I don't think I've used this on an iPhone. Mostly straight forward setup. No battery, if I remember correctly.

Ledger Nano X: This is a Ledger but with Bluetooth capability. Connecting via Bluetooth can take some time. Works with an app installed onto my iPhone. Mostly straight forward setup. Has a built in battery that can be charged with USB.

Submitted May 22, 2023 at 08:31AM by baronofbitcoin

2015 - Bitcoin Pizza Day via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin’s “diamond hands” holders reach record high amidst market volatility via /r/Bitcoin

Sunday 21 May 2023

The Mayor of Miami has been buying #Bitcoin with every paycheck for nearly 2 years He’s stacked over 6 $BTC πŸ’₯

Submitted May 21, 2023 at 11:52PM by CryptoShubh

For the first time in US history, both a Republican and Democrat presidential candidate, announced they will accept Lightning donations for their campaigns.

Submitted May 21, 2023 at 11:07PM by polloponzi

The Mayor of Miami has been buying #Bitcoin with every paycheck for nearly 2 years He’s stacked over 6 $BTC πŸ’₯ via /r/Bitcoin

Ok decision made I’m ditching ledger and going Coldcard! πŸ‘

The Bitcoin I have on my ledger, I was going to temporarily put on an exchange and then transfer to Coldcard. QUESTION: Do I have to transfer from exchange onto electrum and then onto Coldcard? Or can I go directly from exchange to Coldcard ???

Submitted May 21, 2023 at 08:15PM by jamsmash2020

#Bitcoin is the Key.

Submitted May 21, 2023 at 05:59PM by BitBeget

Vivek Ramaswamy Joins Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in Embracing Bitcoin Donations for 2024 Presidential Campaign

Submitted May 21, 2023 at 03:28PM by azcoinnews

Ok decision made I’m ditching ledger and going Coldcard! πŸ‘

The Bitcoin I have on my ledger, I was going to temporarily put on an exchange and then transfer to Coldcard. QUESTION: Do I have to transfer from exchange onto electrum and then onto Coldcard? Or can I go directly from exchange to Coldcard ??? via /r/Bitcoin

Saturday 20 May 2023

Ledger co-founder and former CEO admits that governments can subpoena access to your funds when using the Ledger Recover service

Submitted May 21, 2023 at 01:39AM by BitCypher84

"There are no women in bitcoin"

Submitted May 20, 2023 at 11:54PM by KAX1107

Miami Mayor: "Every two weeks, my mayoral salary is directly deposited into my Strike account and converted directly into #Bitcoin" πŸ‘ via /r/Bitcoin

Ledger co-founder and former CEO admits that governments can subpoena access to your funds when using the Ledger Recover service via /r/Bitcoin

"There are no women in bitcoin" via /r/Bitcoin

Found in alberta, canada via /r/Bitcoin

Friday 19 May 2023

Bitcoin is an Exercise in Democracy, Says Robert F. Kennedy Jr. via /r/Bitcoin

Where do you store your keys?

Following the recent Ledger drama, where do you guys store your keys?

Submitted May 19, 2023 at 02:46PM by Bubbly_Pianist_5394

The Declaration of Monetary Independence via /r/Bitcoin

DCA #Bitcoin . Shrimply the best.

Submitted May 19, 2023 at 04:37PM by CarlBMenger_

Marathon Digital Holdings Collaborates with Brink To Raise Up to $1 Million To Support Bitcoin Core Developers via /r/Bitcoin

Is it a good idea to buy a lot of bitcoin amid the debt ceiling crisis?

I'm worried that the U.S. government will default on it's debt for the first time in history, which basically means hyperinflation will come soon after. I don't want all my money to become worthless overnight.

Submitted May 19, 2023 at 05:45PM by TOBTThrowAway

Thursday 18 May 2023

My gf’s grandpa made the Bitcoin logo during WW2

Submitted May 19, 2023 at 12:11AM by peevdtee

Ben knew via /r/Bitcoin

"You couldn't be more wrong if you were deliberately lying." via /r/Bitcoin

My gf’s grandpa made the Bitcoin logo during WW2 via /r/Bitcoin

They never learn...

Submitted May 18, 2023 at 10:21PM by notlarangi123

Nothing else matters

Submitted May 18, 2023 at 10:00PM by BitCypher84

They never learn... via /r/Bitcoin

Wednesday 17 May 2023

launch my own⚡️Lightning node via /r/Bitcoin

Not the Worst Idea in the World

​ via /r/Bitcoin

UK Treasury Committee calls for consumer trading in unbacked crypto such as #Bitcoin to be regulated as gambling as they "have no intrinsic value and serve no useful social purpose" while "being used by criminals in scams, fraud and money laundering." - h/t WuBlockchain

Submitted May 17, 2023 at 05:35PM by No_Cap_90210

BTC phishing virus

Hello, I did a virus scan and found these PDF BTC phishing viruses. Is this something I need to be worried about? It was located in Appdata/Local/Packages/microsoftwindowscommunicationsapp/LocalState/Files/S0/3/Attachments via /r/Bitcoin

What banks around the world are crypto Friendly? Comment with BANK & COUNTRY

Please name the BANK and the COUNTRY of the banks that still is bitcoin-friendly in recent 2 months.

We will publish the list of top banks in the world, This way we can protect those who need to cash out safely and support those banks who accepting payments from crypto exchanges.


Submitted May 17, 2023 at 05:54PM by Imperiume_

Please Stop Using The Ledger Nano Hardware Wallet and Software | Trusted Third Parties Are Security Holes | Don't Trust. Verify.

Submitted May 17, 2023 at 09:31PM by Fiach_Dubh

100% Saylor - Michael Saylor Best Moments via /r/Bitcoin

Tuesday 16 May 2023

(Europe) I want my money back from Ledger, they marketed their wallets as not being able to export the key. If not, we should sue them.

Are they going to get away with this?Context: Alert: No, if you do not accept the update you WONT be safe, because if an update allows this, it means the hardware is designed to export the keys, so this backdoor was always there when you bought it. via /r/Bitcoin