Wednesday 31 May 2023

It won't be long before Bitcoin would be the preferred mode for salary payment

As Bitcoin gains more acceptance amongst people globally, it would only be a matter of time before it will become the preferred mode of payment between employees or clients.Almost everyone I know who is still using fiat currencies to accept their salary or payments lost a big sum of money in exchange rates and bank fees. Not to mention the long waiting period for the payments to be processed. Some of my friends even got their transfers frozen until they could provide valid proof or legitimize the transaction to their bank.For anyone running a business or not, this is a massive pain to navigate on a regular basis and the need for alternates is clearly urgent. That is why I have been suggesting settling payments in Bitcoin. While, large companies are still hesitant to use bitcoin, a lot of small businesses and entrepreneurs are opening up to it.Bitcoin solves most of these problems that fiat payments suffer from and makes payments and transfers much easier globally. There are numerous payment services that allow Bitcoin invoicing at no cost whatsoever and almost every major payment gateway, may it be Blockonomics, BTC Pay, coingate, etc. now offers this service.The benefits that Bitcoin provides are truly unparalleled compared to fiat and it's only a matter of time before more people realize that.Note: Bitcoin payments can be settled via sharing just a bitcoin address and amount but this is not the best method to transact mainly due to security reasons. It is advised to use an invoicing service to make sure correct payments are made. via /r/Bitcoin

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