Monday, 28 September 2015

A humbling thought: The internet of value will approach the value of the internet.

What the internet did for information was to set it free, to remove all friction from its creation, distribution, and consumption. Information has since grown exponentially, being thus freed. Value, on the other hand, having been so far shackled to analog systems, may, as it is digitized and unfurled, grow at a similarly exponential pace.

We may find that the “blockchain breakthrough” finally bestowed upon value the same digital growth trajectory which two decades earlier had been unleashed upon information. This “internet of value” has now been opened upon the world, and when trying to understand the consequences of this opening, perhaps a new axiom can be considered: that the internet of value will approach the value of the internet.

Submitted September 28, 2015 at 06:03AM by evoorhees

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