Today my wife and I went out to dinner at a restaurant that accepts bitcoin, but didn't get to use it. I've been wanting to go there for a while now, but it's a couple hours from where we live and my wife has no particular interest in bitcoin. We ended up having to do some errands downtown anyways so I finally got to take her to this restaurant.I wanted to go so that I could try out the bitcoin ATM that the restaurant owned (never had used one before) and so that I could buy something with bitcoin in person (have only ever used it online). I was impressed with how easy it was to exchange bills into bitcoin with the ATM, but when I went to pay for the meal with bitcoin the employee told me their tablet wasn't charged. I ended up paying in cash. Thankfully I had enough cash on me!I was disappointed. My wife doesn't get how awesome bitcoin is and talks about it in contrast to "real money." Today my wife saw that I couldn't use bitcoin at one of the few places nearby that accepts bitcoin, but she saw that they took my "real money."I just wanted to encourage business owners to be ready to accept bitcoin if you are going to advertise that you do :) Thanks!TL;DR - I was excited about getting to use bitcoin, but couldn't because restaurant's tablet wasn't charged. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1iF1gGb
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