Monday 1 February 2016

Violent Techno-Libertarian Dystopia

The Twentieth Century was characterized politically by militant struggle between the authoritarian left and the authoritarian right.About a decade ago, I decided to myself that this Century would see a profound shift to a struggle between authority and liberty. Westerners are presently less concerned with what is politically ‘left’ or ‘right’ . . . they just want fewer laws and regulations.But they won't do more than whine. (Certainly won't bear economic dis-benefit on the basis of political principle.)So, democracy has failed. Bureaucracies and corporations are now firmly in control.However, we are now passing beyond this state. The naïve political left’s invitation to the world to migrate to Europe, the growing general consciousness of just how incompetent and corrupt governments and corporations actually are, of issues like peak soil, peak water, peak people/automation* -- all these are shunting us beyond the general political frameworks of the past.Historic waves of violent social dysfunction will sweep the world.The Net will be the battleground between cryptographically-competent libertarians and governments that will want to but won’t dare (actually couldn’t . . . ) shut down the Net.Cryptographic currencies will be integral.Conclusion: open-ended techno-libertarian dystopia.Dig it!*’Peak oil, peak soil, peak water, peak people; debt; militarism, debt, climate-change-whether-it’s-us-or-not, ‘social incoherence’ – and did I mention debt?’ via /r/CryptoCurrency

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