Saturday 25 June 2016

Does anyone else think SWIFT will be hacked for an amount so great that it damages fiats and global markets?

This is gonna sound stupid (like most/all of my posts). But, I think about how governments will try to lie to all of us about where all the money really is...and how much of it is real. You know....when the actual collapse happens (those who feel there will never be a collapse...please disregard).If I were thinking of a way to explain to people how the money I hold for them is missing (via my Ponzi), I think that my first instinct would be to claim it was stolen. Then they will ask for proof...and I am gonna have to be clever.Our money is gone. Most of us here believe this (I think..cuz..otherwise, why are you here and why are you buying Internet money?).By gone, I mean that your bank has loaned out most of your money at 0.5% up to about 4% to businesses and people who will not pay it all back. Not like in the normal world of 6-8% loans (and no QE) where many would pay it back and the defaulters are covered by the rest.So, central banks coordinated to print money and give it away. Mostly rich people got this money and they invested it in stuff that the government has been artificially propping up. When this can no longer be supported then it will collapse and it will collapse quickly. The guys like me who borrowed the cheap/free money to bet against these policies with complex derivative products will bankrupt the system.So...right before that happens, maybe SWIFT will get hacked and some group stole $20 trillion...the global markets panic and the government comes in uses this as an excuse to try to reset everything...except the money was never was just used as an excuse for where all the money went.Super stupid? Have you been hearing about the SWIFT hacks lately? Maybe they are isolated and SWIFT is unhackable now... via /r/Bitcoin

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