Tuesday 27 September 2016

7th Gemini Auction: 2117 BTC for 603.20 USD


{ "closed_until_ms":1475010000000, "last_auction_price":"603.20", "last_auction_quantity":"2117.71454735", "last_highest_bid_price":"606.73", "last_lowest_ask_price":"606.99", "next_auction_ms":1475092800000 } 
  • Day 7 (2016-09-27): 2,117 BTC @ $ 603.20
  • Day 6 (2016-09-26): 793 BTC @ $605.015
  • Day 5 (2016-09-25): 1,002 BTC @ $599.455
  • Day 4 (2016-09-24): 1,050 BTC @ $598.51
  • Day 3 (2016-09-23): 3,098 BTC @ $599.50
  • Day 2 (2016-09-22): 2,090 BTC @ $595.75
  • Day 1 (2016-09-21): 2,104 BTC @ $593.67

As far as I know there are some people which are interested into these price changes (including me), so please refrain from posting complaints and just ignore this posting if you dont feel ok with it - thanks.

Submitted September 28, 2016 at 04:13AM by Taenk http://bit.ly/2cAV4Rt

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