Thursday, 1 September 2016

Wtf Snapcard? Really?

So I just had a few bucks worth of BTC sent to my snapcard wallet. I've been using it for a couple months now with no issues. Till tonight. Went to login to my account and was greeted with a screen saying I live in a state that does not allow the trading of online currency. Ok, that's fine. You don't wanna do business with people in my state. So how about they let me know that some other way. Send me an email, text message, phone call, certified letter, smoke signal.. SOMETHING, other than waiting for me to deposit money into my account, and login to try and get that money, then flashing up a screen telling me I'm locked out. I mean, is that really asking too much? To get a little warning? Had I known this, guess what, I wouldn't have had that money sent there. I'm furious about this. Unacceptable way to practice business. So anyone using may want to double check their legal section, make sure your state isn't banned. Thanks for letting me vent. via /r/Bitcoin

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