Friday, 28 April 2017

If you defend AntBleed; You are an Enemy of Bitcoin

Disagreements within Bitcoin are normally healthy.

However there is a line that can be crossed where a disagreement over the direction of Bitcoin demonstrates that our community has been infiltrated with malicious actors.

Both ASICBOOST and AntBleed have demonstrated malicious intent by Bitmain. Bitmain has made it clear that the security and integrity of the network is not a priority for them. Maybe they are just in this for short term profits; maybe they are under direction of the Chinese government.

In any case Bitmain has made it clear that they are an enemy of Bitcoin's success. This should be obvious.

Now the best part of all this; is it allows us to identify individuals who do not have Bitcoin's best interest at heart; but who are merely playing games.

You can support Bitcoin Unlimited without supporting Bitmain's malicious/incompetent practices.

However those who support Bitmain are clearly shills. If they aren't shills; then they do not belong in Bitcoin. They clearly do not understand what Bitcoin is up against. They don't understand that every single form of stateless money has been attacked and destroyed by the State.

We must always assume the worst if we are to protect what we have built. When a backdoor is found; we must assume malice. That is the cost of participating in the Bitcoin network.

There are a whole group of people in /r/btc that think these security flaws are not a problem at all and simply made up drama. But the flaws are real; they are in the code; and had they been left undiscovered would have opened the door to catastrophic failures.

Submitted April 28, 2017 at 12:38AM by 45sbvad

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