Hi Bitcoiners!I’m back with the third monthly Bitcoin news recap.For those unfamiliar, each day I pick out the most popular/relevant/interesting stories in r/bitcoin and save them. At the end of the month I release them in one batch, to give you a quick (but not necessarily the best) overview of what happened in bitcoin over the past month.Now archived on Bitcoinsnippets.comAs promised, I launched a website as an archive, where I post the version with links to the original posts and discussions so this post doesn't get auto-moderated. Special thanks goes out to /u/Bitttburger for thinking of the name Bitcoin Snippets.I went back in time and made an overview for December 2016 too. I’ll probably make recaps of 1-2 previous months for each month I progress, so that I eventually end up with everything in a few years.Starting from this month, I’m going to cut back on including memes, there’s too many and they overtake the interesting news.A recap of March 2017 in r/bitcoinVersion with links on Bitcoinsnippets.com01: Bitcoin reaches its all-time high on all exchanges & Jihan Wu, co-founder of Bitmain, considers Bitcoin Core to be the biggest threat of the long-term development of Bitcoin02: Digital gold is now worth more than the common measure of physical gold & SegWit has been thoroughly tested for a year on the Testnet & Bitcoin passes the all-time high that was once set on MtGox03: People realise the parity of Bitcoin and an ounce of gold doesn’t actually make them equal in value & A reminder of the Bitcoin Core scalability roadmap04: Gemini Exchange is SegWit ready as one of 53 businesses and another 55 on the way & A discussion started by Adam Back on the moderation in r/bitcoin05: XO.1 announces a stresstest on the Bitcoin network for their voting application & The Central Bank of Nigeria states they can’t stop Bitcoin06: A thank you from the community to the Winklevoss Twins & Antpool mines a BU block07: The CIA has backdoors in every Windows PC in “a world shocking revelation”08: Bitcoin Core 0.14.0 released & The state of New Hampshire is about to completely deregulate Bitcoin09: BitPay’s point of view on the blocksize debate & Charlie Lee, inventor of Litecoin and head of engineering at Coinbase, on BU10: Bitcoin ETF disapproved again and crashes to below $1000 & Bitcoin goes from $1200 to $1320 to $1080 to $1250 in 15 minutes11: The bitcoin price rose back to pre-ETF after crashing, which leaves a lot of people impressed12: Breeze Wallet will implement TumbleBit, which enhances privacy in Bitcoin13: AntPool will switch their entire pool to Bitcoin Unlimited14: A Bitcoin Unlimited remote crash vulnerability is found after a year15: Many stories about the dishonesty around the Bitcoin Unlimited and Classic bugs, including an interview with the security researcher that found and reported the bugs & Bitcoin Core passes 10.000 pull requests16: The EU Parliament states they don’t want Virtual Currencies to be anonymous, while rain was wet this day17: 20 Bitcoin Exchanges announce their hard fork contingency plan18: A scale of the Bitcoin scalability debate (made by me)19: Bitmain wants to accelerate the plans for a hardfork & A BIP is made for a user-activated-softfork of SegWit20: Jihan Wu from BITMAIN talks about miner concerns with 2nd layer scaling & BTCC releases multicurrency Bitcoin wallet with Twitter payments, a debit card and 154 currency conversions21: Full translation of Chinese miners’ concerns with 2nd layer scaling & Christian Decker, a Lightning Developer, explains the benefits of Lightning for miners & Bitcoin Unlimited suffers from another exploit that causes their nodes to go offline22: People speak out against Bitcoin Unlimited after they go from open source to closed source software to fix a bug & Luke-jr proposes a BIP that would allow non-full nodes to identify false versions of the blockchain, instead of having to rely on full nodes23: Bitcoin Core Technology Roadmap: Schnorr signatures, which will allow native multi-signature transactions and save more blockspace & Large Bitcoin Collider has tried over 1000 trillion private keys24: Gavin Andresen, Peter Rizun and Jihan Wu are all in favour of attacking the minority chain after the BU hardfork, to force people onto the BU chain25: BIP148 is released, a proposal that allows nodes to activate soft forks such as SegWit & A German Bitcoin exchange asks its users whether they want BU or SegWit & Andreas Antonopoulos on BU: It doesn’t change the rules, but the rulers who set the rules26: Mining pool 1Hash with 3% hashpower speaks out against BU & SegWit support reaches a new ATH as ViaBTC and Antpool partially go offline27: Armory wallet’s developer disagrees with the BU approach on almost every point & Nick Szabo’s bit gold design featured off-chain scalability layers back in 1998 & F2Pool owner Wang Chun states Bitcoin can’t and won’t fork & Canadian bitcoin businesses reject Bitcoin Unlimited28: Core developer explanations on their visions on scalability & Hal Finney on layer 2 scalability in 2010 & Rootstock smart contracts to be launched in June 201729: BIP148’s for a user-activation of SegWit gets a startdate of August 1st & Adam Back gets told to read up on Proof-of-work in the Bitcoin whitepaper, which Satoshi cited him for 9 years ago30: How Japan prepares to recognize Bitcoin as a method of payment & Ledger (hardware wallet) raises $7M31: A reminder that Bitcoin core has no central planning & A simple walkthrough of the changes brought by BIP148Thanks to everyone who contributed to Bitcoin in a positive way this month! via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2nW1m2n
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