Tuesday 31 October 2017

Bitcoin mining safe?

Hello, So, I heard from family that bitcoin mining is not a safe option in any way, but they do not have any proof or evidence supporting their rebuttal. Now, I want you guys to tell me, is this a viable way to make some money? Time Frame: 1-2 years, Miner: Antminer S9 , Power Cost: 0.178 W. Now, aside from pool costs, current calculations say 15 dollars a day (Oct 31, 2017) and 5,600 Dollars a year. Now, this is from 14 TH/s. The thing is, if prices and difficulty of mining bitcoin change to the point where it isnt profitable anymore, I could just resell the miner and get my money back if I decide I dont want to mine anymore. Now, I think that this is considered safe but no one thinks the same thing. What I want here is proof that this is a viable option and is safe. I want to prove my family wrong and that this is a viable option. It would be helpful is experienced people can give me their opinion on this. Thanks!

Submitted November 01, 2017 at 09:55AM by richardwei6 http://bit.ly/2gRcB7t

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