Monday 30 October 2017

R9 390 8GB vs. RX 580 4GB

Noob at mining here. Just started running NiceHash on my home gaming computer for the heck of it, and inquired to a more experienced friend how I can get into mining on a budget. He sent me a handful of parts to start a rig, which included using RX 580 4GB graphics card as a starter (just a single for now) which was on eBay for around $260. Somehow I ended up deciding that I was making a hell of a deal on an R9 390 8GB for $244 shipped from eBay and bought that. Very shortly afterwards he told me I was a dummy and that I should have stuck w/ the 580 because it was a better card for only a couple bucks more. I tried to cancel the 390 order, but as figured the eBay seller sent it this afternoon without a response to my cancellation inquiry. What's your advice on what i should do w/ the 390? I can possibly just re-list it on eBay and more or less get my cash back or maybe even a couple bucks more, or should I keep it and start mining? Perhaps I can dial back some settings to ease up the power consumption? Thanks a lot guys!

Submitted October 31, 2017 at 04:04AM by mikeisgod83

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