Monday 26 February 2018

Getting some new HP 1200W server Power Supplies today - noob here

So I'm upgrading to my first HP 1200W power supply. Long story short, I bought 4 as a package deal [all the platinum rated versions too!] and only really need 1, so I'll prb sell the other 3 on ebay or whatever] I know the rules of: 1. CPU power supply cannot be crossed with external power supply on a single card [i.e. each single card AND riser need to be plugged into the same power source] 2. Turn the external power supply on before the CPU power supply.

BUT - since I will not be linking them [at least for now] and be power cycling them manually, is their a set time limit you have to turn one on before the other? Or can you theoretically turn on your external power, wait 4 minutes, then power on your main CPU power supply?

And if anyone is interested in the other ones I have, I also have breakout boards and cables for them, can sell as a package deal. Just message me.

Submitted February 27, 2018 at 02:38AM by WoW_Fishmonger

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