He is very wealthy, and doesn’t lose sleep at night due to the recent “crash”. It is a 10 year+ bet. He is relaxed and actually buying more now.Lesson: invest what you can afford to lose. Think long term.This might be seen as a shit post but it gets on my nerve seeing all the people panicking and complaining in this sub.BTC has the potential of becoming a competitor to gold, which has a 8T$ market cap. No, it’s not guaranteed - but it has a true chance. Guess what, the world is becoming more and more digital and BTC is until now apart of that revolution and obviously has the potential to continue doing so.Relax and think long term.In 2020 another halving is coming and all coins (21M) will be in circulation by 2140 approximately. Well all be dead by 2140.....Some important factors that theoretically could affect the space: - stock prices are at an ATH. Market is over bought and inflated. If the stock market crashes money surely will go in to crypto. Some people disagree on this, but only time can tell. - a lot of countries around the world are at political and economical unrest. - the US has 21T$ in debt, not sustainable. This will implode at some point. - China has recently started to purchase oil with Yuan instead of dollars. This will affect the dollar in the longer term as dollars will be removed from the market. - the EU is fucked, brexit - and most likely more countries will follow and exit during the next decade.In the past I’ve seen a lot of post about people saying that BTC is to expensive and that the whales are manipulating the market etc. Yes they are, as they do in all markets. As soon as BTC becomes more liquid it will be way less volatile. But we won’t see that before 1-2T$+Mining expenses are going one way, up - they have grown exponentially since the very beginning. If someone reinvents the wheel, yes, they might make a huge mining profit short term. But after some months other companies will be creating similar chips and hash rate will sky-rocket: hence, mining profits go down and miners won’t sell before break even or threat of bankruptcy.After the next halving in 2020 a total of 328125BTC will be added to the market per year, that’s a total of approx 27K per month.In 2024 a total of 164 062BTC will be added to the market, a total of 13.6K per month.2028 a total of 6.8K per month.2032 a total of 3.4K per month.Do the math, use your logic.And on my last note, Switzerland is the crypto place to be. The whole government is supportive of bitcoin and Blockchain. Their national bank had a profit of 55$B in 2017. Don’t think their buying BTC behind the scenes? Think again! Would they be stupid enough to announce it, of course not.Hold and relax, wether it’s real estate, BTC, valuable art, your wife, pension fund. Aim for a good life now and aim for a comfortable life when you get older, be smart!All the best! via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/2GYQx7n
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