Sunday 30 June 2019

An Intro to Cryptocurrency Mining!

Cryptocurrency mining can be a point of confusion for many beginners. The blockchain is a new concept that can be difficult to grasp at first, not to mention all the intricacies of mining. But in order to have a complete understanding of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, one must understand why mining is important and what role it plays in the maintenance of the blockchain.

Mining, simply put, is the process of recording and storing transaction data on the blockchain. Those that decide to commit resources to the maintenance of a blockchain are incentivized by rewards, and these rewards are distributed randomly. Miners that contribute more computing power to the maintenance of the blockchain have a higher chance of receiving the randomly distributed rewards, and in the long-term, miners’ rewards average their input.

Although this may seem like a complicated subject, once some of the mystery is removed, the connection to cryptocurrencies becomes immediately evident. Anyone can technically get into mining, although specific equipment is needed in order to produce enough rewards to notice.

If you want to run a mining application from your personal computer, it will cost you nothing but what you use in electricity! Building a mining rig or purchasing an ASIC miner – especially purchasing an ASIC miner – will be quite expensive, however, and thorough research is required to come to the decision of what’s right for you. It’s best to test the process on your personal machine before investing large quantities of money into creating the next mining farm. For more information check out CryptoScores!

Submitted July 01, 2019 at 10:28AM by cryptonicred

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