Sunday 30 June 2019

Begging for 3.25 Bitcoin

I need you, your compassion, your good heart that is no secret.

You might have as well lost Crypto's due to Bad Trading’s, Scams & Hackers.

I have lost a lot and hopefully have learned my lessons and will try and not make the same mistakes again.

I am looking to raise back 3.25 Bitcoins to help me get back what I lost, and just a small donation from you can help me a lot.

My situation can only be blamed on me and if you can help, it will be Fantastic.

Thank you in advance for your contribution. You have no idea how much it means to me to have you supporting me.

You can help me now by making a donation:

My BTC Wallet: 1EAQ44a7dciYtrLihUXGWkxY4qTAHCLNJY

Thank you, you will receive blessings for free by helping.

Submitted June 30, 2019 at 06:04PM by Saintsch

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